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Boulder Beta- Eugene, OR


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Shapp, sorry if I came across a little strong. Just that there is no way to open the area just to climbers. He is placing a conservation easement over the property, but public access will only be during the conservancy's tours of the property. So, climbing will still be allowed. There is no ban on climbing during raptor nesting, just an understood one. And yes, the Fender's blue is on top of mount baldy up high like I posted in my original message.

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BTH Megaman, dude have you never looked up at baldy and seen he crags down low? How long have you lived in the area? To a climber, these cliffs are obvious from all over Springfield.


I did notice, but I never thought they'd be called "caves." they look more like an outcropping to me. Also, I used to run to the top of Baldy when I was in High School Cross-Country. It's a great hike, the last 1/4mi is at about 70 degrees. However, I got caught by Jaqua, the owner, once and he wasn't to pleased with me being up there. I don't think I'll be going back on his property any time soon. It's too bad though because he owns most of those hills north of McKenzie View Drive.

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