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Bill Robbins passes away in climbing accident


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From the Frenchman's Coulee.org website:


Bill Robins died on Sunday, July 7th, 2002 in Bolivia on the Cerro Condoriri. The American Embassy in La Paz learned of Bill's death on July 9th through a phone call from their security patrol. The security patrol received a call on July 8th from the head of Adventure Company Climbing. She informed the Embassy that Bill and his climbing partner, Gabriel Llanos, were killed in a climbing accident on Sunday morning, July 7th. A rescue team recovered Bill and Gabriel and brought them both to La Paz. According to the forensic doctor at the Hospital del Torax in La Paz, the cause of death was trauma and hypothermia due to a 200 meter fall.


Bill was controversial colorful personality, and left his mark in Vantage. RIP

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This offers a little more information and someone did post this yesterday. Still bummer no way to look at it any different.


Maybe all you Osama Bill Robins people should take your comments back.


Hopefully friends and family are taking this ok.


[ 07-11-2002, 08:24 AM: Message edited by: Cpt.Caveman ]

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I ran in to Bill alot down at the coulee, and he was a nice guy but he could be a asshole, I am not going to start saying how he was my best friend now that he's gone. He was a climber and so am I, we shared the same passion for the sport, all climbers are brothers and sisters to me, and I know I will not agree with all of them on all Isuees. I will miss Bill, he was a big part of the coulee, weather I agreed with him or not, I would like to think he is in a good place, climbing that big crack in the sky.

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