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yes so skuzzy and myself decided that on the heels of his 10 hr. work day, and my 2 hr. psudeo wrk/ hangout day we should run around town while everyones onthe roads trying to get home... a pit stop to retrive essential safty items, and we were out to index.


along the way we executed the elusive, yet suprisingly simple moving driver change. with seats fully reclined the passenger scoots all the way into the back more or less and the driver wiggles on over holding the wheel, left foot still in the vicinty of the pedals. then when the seat is clear the new driver slides down into position-viola hahaha.gif. aaannnyywayy we arrive at the lot with danimal to find a plethora of vehicles at 7:30 on thursday nite confused.gif thats cool, get yours!!!!


so after a quick strroll along the base of LT wall we saw lots of folks gettin theres on the classics... kept goin to where the wall brightens up and away from the scene and low and behold thin fingies is free...whatta pitch!!!! sooo clean soo steep, and plumb! thumbs_up.gif we partyed on the thing and seshed at the top... we haung for a little bit as it started getting dark.


as we were walking out in the blackness we stopped to discuss waht to climb next, danimal took off for home after a long day fighting to preserve some sweet land thumbs_up.gif we decided on breakfast of champs from the dirt would be a fun way to enjoy the superb index town wall nightlife ie: noone around, cool, and exposed. clibing at nite with headlamps is fuckin rad! its cool how the beam of light plays perfectly with the way focus is concentrated while sending... your world is the jams in front of you, your gear and those things below you become a feeling of security that requires no more scrutiny, and the void and exposure is now more an inner sensation than a visual stimulation. the light beaming down to place feet, when they're good a flash up the wall to see whats next then punchit up, flash down move feet, and up.... good stuff!!! that pitch is sweet, long and way steep fruit.gif then a perfect ledge to enjoy the evening ambience...then huge sesh hahaha.gifbigdrink.gif and off on one of the LTs best raps... cantfocus.gif

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