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I was planning on taking some semi-climbing friends to Barney's Rubble and Bruce's Boulder this weekend, but it looks like the Mounties will be gapin up the scene. Any other suggestions for good TR routes for beginners? I was thinking about Domestic Dome. It has a few easier (or is it moderate?) 5.6 to 5.9 routes.


-spanks y'all.


BTW - if you are out there this weekend look for me. I'm the tall (6'3") gaper with a red beard and piercings. You can find me at the Eightmile campground. Just look for the Green Subaru Outback with an obnoxious amount of climbing stickers on it.

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Playground Point is great for beginners. Several routes in the 5'5 to 5.9 range and a reasonble approach. It is in the new guide. The traihead is just downstream from hammerhead rock/the hand area.


i'll second playground point area. everything from some easy 5.4 slab to a really fun 5.8+ Most of it is eas to TR. check the new guide. We had a great afternoon there a few weeks back.


If you go to domestic dome do the 5.6 BS for some scary (for the grade), sometimes sandy slab to a big ledge. Couple of options for a second pitch include a 5.4 route to an obvious tree, or Underachiever a nice 5.8 with fun stem moves between a couple of flakes and a bolted slab finish. There is also a wide crack up there at something like 5.8, I think it's called snag crack(?) - didn't do that one.


short, quick & easy TR's:

x-y cracks across from 8-mile campground

stone's throw just down the road

right side of roto-rooter wall

hammerhead rock and clamshell

another vote for mad meadows

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