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I can't believe he was one of the FBI's top domestic targets. I wonder what his link to Bin Laden is. His beard was suspiciously large at one point.


It was hilarious when he was camping out on the balcony downtown and all those secretaries got grossed out by his presence.

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He burned some dump trucks in Portland, some logging trucks in Estacada and I believe he was implicated in the SUV fires at a dealership in Eugene. He was affiliated with the Cascadia Forest Alliance which quickly disavowed any backing or endoresment of these actions.


Hey Chris--did you check out that spot Tres hung out on? It was a lot wider than 9" Its a pretty big ledge actually. The really funny part was the fact that he had a 5-gallon bucket he used as a toilet. Lots of privacy there.

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Supposedly he was involved with setting fire to some logging equipment in Oregon. I guess his supposed connections to the ELF in general, who the FBI considers THE primary target in domestic terrorism, are what got him on that list.

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That is ridiculous! ELF hasn't even killed anyone! There are plenty of groups in the U.S. that have done much more than that! I would not call what they did terrorism. Arson yes, but terrorism? Wouldn' that have to include some terror? I guess to some, if your new yellow H2 got spray painted, it would instill terror, but c'mon! Terror? How about you go after mafia for terror? They are actually killing people. #1 terrorist and he didn't hurt or kill anyone. rolleyes.gif

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I don't agree with the label of terrorist as applied to Tres or the ELF. However, one of the representatives of the logging company was quoted in the paper as saying that his employees had been scheduled to be in those same logging trucks two hours after the firebombs went off. Its unclear whether the firebombs were timed devices or what. Isn't this kind of fear, in and of itself, a goal of terrorism?


Scott, I find myself hypnotized by your avatar image way more than I ever was by Lummox. Good work, bro.

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While the ELF's actions could be considered wreckless by many, I agree with Scott that there must be more relevant targets for the FBI's counterterrorism dept. While never say never with the ELF, I'm sure they do not intend to kill anybody. If someone died from one of their stunts, the loss of unspoken support would be considerable, not to mention the tragic death of an innocent worker (most likely).


Even though many have condemned the actions of the ELF, quietly in the back room I'd wager they are glad to see it happen.

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Never really checked him out on the ledge, but a shitter on the balcony of the FS building does sound attractive.


The terrorism label is complete bullshit. Judge Redden handled the trial of one of the kids that got accused of the Eagle Creek burns (I think). Anyway, DOJ tried to call them terrorists, and Redden, a Reagan appointee, told them never to use that term again during that trial. Sweet.


How much damage has been done to property in the last 10 years? Millions. How many people have been physically hurt? None (that I know of). I'm not advocating for the use of violence, because its often not the best tactic to secure your larger political goals, but it ain't "terrorism."

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Tres is a fucking dolt. He does the vertical camping bit, gets alot of press for his cause and then gets arrested for shoplifting a few months later(this was a couple of years ago in Oregon). Way to lend credibility to the cause captain.


Now the tard gets arrested again for shoplifting. HELLO?! McFly?! If you are a fugitive, shoplifting isn't too bright.

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The REAL funny thing was he was trying to lift a set of bolt cutters from a canuck hardwear store. The security guard saw him trying to stuff them in his pants and when they wouldnt fit he just walked out with them. He's not terribly bright thats for sure.


His excapade on the fed building did have some positive impact on the Eagle Creek timber sale.

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From the PDX Mercury, March 2001:


Tre Arrow, Portland's notorious "freelance" activist, was arrested again last week. This time, he wasn't sitting on a ledge protesting timber cuts or wrapping his body with cellophane in objection to genetically modified foods. On March 13, Arrow was arrested for shoplifting.


According to the police report, Arrow "claimed to be at Nature's to pick up donations (unsellable foods)." The report states that Arrow walked out of the store without paying for several items. At the time, Arrow explained that he was going outside to get his money. But when he was apprehended, security found $359 in cash in his backpack.


Arrow told the Mercury a much different story. After first denying that he was arrested, Arrow finally admitted he was caught stealing, blaming the security for mistaking his "donation" pick-up for shoplifting. Though Nature's declined to comment, Arrow claims Nature's is "working something out," and he won't be punished. According to police record, however, Arrow has a court date April 5th at 9 am at SE Community Court. KATIA DUNN

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