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PDX Room for Rent


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Kristin and I have a room for rent in Southeast Portland. SE 26th and Clinton-ish. We live in a 4 bedroom house and are renting out one of the other three. We've got 2 cats and don't want any more beasts in the house. We'll be gone next summer for three months (woohoo!!) and will probably try to rent out at least two other rooms on a short-term basis during that time. We're looking for someone that can make an 8-12 month commitment.


$400/month + utilities


All the porn addicts, militia members, prostitutes and axe murderers I lived with in the backwoods of Michigan need not apply (you know who you are). Someone who climbs would be a bonus. PM me for more info.


- Chris



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All the porn addicts, militia members, prostitutes and axe murderers I lived with in the backwoods of Michigan need not apply (you know who you are). Someone who climbs would be a bonus. PM me for more info.


- Chris



now that's interesting....that eliminates all the gun taunting, jizz gurgling porno surfing hookers, that's like the majority of women in the PNW.

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Hey you jackasses aren't helping my new marketing campaign at all. the_finger.gif


No one is biting because we all know what a slob you are and that you are simply looking for someone to clean up the mess you leave around the house. wave.gif Hey, the SB hangout was fun.

Edited by MtnHigh
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