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Well Ronny tried...


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JoshK said: No matter how hard you work, where you end up in your life is 90% luck.


I guess your daddy is just 'lucky' that he can afford to take junior on a trip to New Zealand? hellno3d.gif


I support higher taxes to pay for those less fortunate among us right here on CC.com! This revenue would cover the cost of private spelling tutors and economics lessons for folks like.....JoshK and Dave Schuldt. Major social undertakings for sure.

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I've got no opinion on unions other than the UAW. And I'll keep that opinion to myself. I will say I'd prefer to buy American made, but 4 of my last 5 cars have been from the land of the rising sun.


Shit, I would consider buying an american car again if our car companies could just design one that didn't look like utter shit. American interiors are particularly bad.

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JoshK said: No matter how hard you work, where you end up in your life is 90% luck.


I guess your daddy is just 'lucky' that he can afford to take junior on a trip to New Zealand? hellno3d.gif


I support higher taxes to pay for those less fortunate among us right here on CC.com! This revenue would cover the cost of private spelling tutors and economics lessons for folks like.....JoshK and Dave Schuldt. Major social undertakings for sure.


He is *extremely* lucky and he'll be the first person to tell you that. He worked his way up from fairly little and through education and lots of hard work he has gained a lot in life. In fact, he is quite wealthy and would stand to benifit a lot from the jackass "screw the poor, help the rich" tax policies your boy BushCo works for. Despite this he is now dedicating a good portion of his money and life to try to remove the man from office next year.


How old are you, BTW? You seem like a bitter old man. Go out and get laid and feel better about yourself... hahaha.gif

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. . . where you end up in your life is 90% luck.

Any luck a person has in life is usually of their own making. The following are some quotes from people that are held in high esteem.


"I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it." - Thomas Jefferson


"People always call it luck when you've acted more sensibly than they have." - Anne Tyler


"We must believe in luck. For how else can we explain the success of those we don't like?" - Jean Cocteau


"Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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JoshK said


He worked his way up from fairly little and through education and lots of hard work he has gained a lot in life.


Looks like you just shot your '90% luck' argument to hell! Education and hard work are indeed what made your father wealthy, and hopefully happy too. Can you now address the original intent of your (assinine) 90% luck premise?

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JoshK said


He worked his way up from fairly little and through education and lots of hard work he has gained a lot in life.


Looks like you just shot your '90% luck' argument to hell! Education and hard work are indeed what made your father wealthy, and hopefully happy too. Can you now address the original intent of your (assinine) 90% luck premise?


As I said, he'll tell you the basis for his success comes a lot from what he was granted in Life. He was lucky enough to be born in the developed world. He was lucky to be born in America. He was lucky to be born to a decent family. Etc, etc...


Fairweather, the people you spit upon aren't always there because they just dont show the shining drive and initative that a great thinker like yourself does.

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Man, Sharma got SOOOOO lucky redpointing Realization after so many tries!


I got SOOOO lucky redpointing my proj's last year!



Dude what is luck? I personally think that this word could be entirely removed from our lexicon, and then we'd have one less thing that we can use as an excuse for our successes and failures!


Be open to change, keep your intelligence burning hot and your heart open, work hard and see what happens!

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By the way, my above sentiments do not discount the fact that many of us have had incredibly good fortune being born into the situations we have been born into. Most of us here have our health, decent basic living conditions, exposure to thought-modes that enable us to see the world and our lives as something worth living. Not everyone has been this....ummmm.....errrrrr.....well.....



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