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I am disappointed in Catbird, Joshk, scrambler, and any others of you who choose to conveniently believe that dioxins are a product of burning man-made materials.


The quote I put up regarding forest fires being one of the major sources of dioxins came from the EPA. Dioxins are usually caused by poor or incomplete combustion of just about any materials, regardless of whther they are manmade or not.


This just confirms my belief that at the heart of many radical greenies is a subconscious belief that man is inherently bad, therefore we must restrain his activities as much as possible. That's a different line of thinking from the rest of us, who want to forge a reasonable balance between making life better and preserving the natural world.

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I never said that dioxins did not come from natural sources. I am sure they do, but I still maintain that the primary source is from human sources. Wood burning is the third-largest source in the US. The other issue is that there is not one dioxin, but many. Some are more toxic than others. The most widely studied and most toxic one is 2,3,7,8-TCDD. This particular one is the one found in Agent Orange. It is a byproduct of the synthesis of 2,4,5 T.

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I would like nothing more than to see the same people who bitch about and exploit us have a major chunk of their income taken out and eventually have to pay us. Then again by that time where will their money come from? The middle east literally is the worst place that I have ever been to. The people there are interested in nothing but money and doing as little as possible for it. That's right they're into free stuff like bums and have never heard of doing something good for someone else free of charge.


Well they're also pretty interested in molesting little boys.


Not true for all arabs, but there is an alarming amount of lechery and money grubbing going on in this so called holy land.

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