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The Pope's Message to the World


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War is immoral? No shit. But, so is allowing pedophile priests to butt fuck little boys and destroy their lives. Did the Pope and his merry band of Cardinals say that was immoral and condemn the sick fucking pervert priests who committed these "sins" (also known as felonies in all 50 states)? Hell no! They lied, they denied, they hired lawyers to intimidate or pay off the families who complained. These 2-faced hypocritical "Men of God" are self-serving pompous child molesters who abused thousands of children and then worried more about the "bad pr" affecting collections than they did about victims whose lives they ruined.


fuck the pope!

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Necronomicon said:

"hmm nmhm hnmmnmh hhmnm hnmhmmn mnmhm hmnmhm nhmnmnh hhhmnmnh hmmnn mnhnm mh mnmmh hhmnmnnh hhmmn mhmnh hhmn nnmh nhnmnm."


What he actually said was:

"He (God), while knowing my human fragility, encourages me to respond with faith ... and he invites me to assume the responsibilities that he himself has entrusted to me"


Funny, I had a hard time getting all that from what I heard on the radio. The suggestion was also made that he should probably start pinning a diaper to his chest.

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