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I need to get my bony ass out for a walk in the mountains. I'm gettin' cabin fever bad. I was thinking of Lake 22 or Pilchuck or something. Anyone know if they're all snowed in? Can I drive to the trailheads? Any info. appreciated, as well as another suggestion for a day hike.


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In regards to Pilchuck, there's no way that road could be snowed in. I drove a two wheel drive pick-up in during january when there was a lot more snow than we have now. The road should have melted since and the new snow hasn't accumulated that much, the avy danger could be minimal depeding on where you go on the mountain, if you're interested in the summit you shouldn't have problems, skiing the gullies or faces you might have avy trouble. If you've been there before you already know this.

[ 03-08-2002: Message edited by: Jarred Jackman ]

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I went up to Pilchuck a few weeks back (with kids, to go sledding) and there was a bit of a landslide a mile or so up the road. I wouldn't try it without four wheel drive. And, you might well have to walk the last half mile or so.

But it's a fun winter outing, and (probably) not very dangerous from an avalanche pov.

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