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Interesting Climbing Gear


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My Best so far:

Marmot Pass, Olympics:A family complete with horses had hiked up to the pristine alpine meadow, and as i was hiking down I noticed the dad was riding rodeo style, complete with lasoo around the meadow, chasing a marmot.

He got the rope around the marmot's neck and to my amazement, he then gave the rope to his kids and let them go to town on the poor thing. I felt like I was in La Pine.

South Spur, Adams:enough said. but i've seen multiple dudes straight outta southern king county wearing blue jeans, hush puppies, and cool silky shirts standing on pikers peak looking for the cyrstal meth they dropped somewhere.

Middle of the wilderness in Yosemite:I was doing a thru hike and was easily 20 miles from any trailhead when I encountered a young gent with dreads who smelt like kind muir hut walking along in birks, and only had a gallon jug of water around his neck. he must have been searching for the truth or something, but he sure was magical.

and jon and i spotted jesus in the north cascades once. it was pretty amazing.

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When I was young and scary I lived in the valley now and then. One fine morning someone slipped something in my coffee and I was seeing all kinds of changes. Luckily I was already way up in Little Yosemite valley before I was unable to travel safely. I had wandered off the trail for quite a ways and parked behind a log or something big and darkish. After sitting there for a while a person suddenly appeared in front of me. I greated him as best I could and he turned and looked at me for a minute then said "Man I'm sorry. I can't talk right now. I'm too high." And left. grin.gif" border="0

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