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I think this whole Schwarzenegger thing just highlights how much faith Americans have lost in elections and our government.


Many people are gonna vote for Ahnold because they think it's a funny joke. They are not worried about the consequences of voting in a guy with no political experience who will not give any hint to his position on specific issues. The reason they are choosing the "joke" vote is because "why not?" they have no say in how the country is run, might as well have fun.


I think the reasons people are showing complete disrespect for our democratic process are twofold. First, government seems basically ineffectual, so people think it doesn't really matter what figurehead is on top of the circus anyway. I, for example, wasn't really too concerned when Bush beat out Gore because I figured that it wouldn't really make much of a difference (but now I'm amazed at how wrong I was). It seemed to me like the president just presided over the big mess and did quick fix non-solutions that were motivated only in the interest of looking good in the next election.


Second, the ordinary person's role in government seems gone. I mean, it's already bad enough that you're just one vote out of thousands or millions, but when the whole election turns out to be a fiasco anyway (FLA, this CA recall) controlled by the powers that be instead of the people, what interest can you really generate for getting involved?


If the people in Iraq are allowed to watch this whole thing, I think they are either laughing (if they hate the "occupying" forces) or are really disheartened (if they were actually hoping that their "liberation" was really going to give them a wonderful government like America).


That's what I think.



Hell, I know I am laughing. I have been working in LA for a few months, and it has been a riot down there watching everyone cringe at the election drama. I am actually hoping Mary Carrey, or Gallagher, or Larry Flynt, or numerous others get a decent amount of votes. Ahhnold at least is a very smart guy. He may not be a politician, but he has a head on his shoulders. The total thing is a joke, but I am glad this is happening, to show that if the people want, recalls are possible. We will see how it ends up later today...

rr666 said:

The total thing is a joke, but I am glad this is happening, to show that if the people want, recalls are possible.


Right, recalls are possible if someone with a shitload of money bankrolls a signature drive. Fucking banana republic is what it is. El Jefe will get the job done.


I think it will be more cool if they are not able to close the Pandora's Box and they start getting recall elections every 8-12 months. There are a lot of democratic leaning movie stars with a lot of money too.

Al_Pine said:

Right, recalls are possible if someone with a shitload of money bankrolls a signature drive. Fucking banana republic is what it is. El Jefe will get the job done.


I think it will be more cool if they are not able to close the Pandora's Box and they start getting recall elections every 8-12 months. There are a lot of democratic leaning movie stars with a lot of money too.


California's where it will all go down fruit.gif

It will be amusing watching from the sidelines. But I do not think that this will open the Pandora's box. Davis got caught in a full economic downturn, and everyone is blaming him. I do agree that a bunch of his decisions kind of suck, especially stuff he has done recently. But once the economy is moving along again, no one will really care anymore, and there will be no one to blame for a 30 billion dollar state deficit because it won't be there. And it will be gone because of the economy, not because of the governor.

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