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Just when you thought things were getting better..


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So which part of this dismays you? Is it the idea of a band "hosting" a live suicide, or is it the court injunction infringing on their right to freedom of expression? Personally, I'm not impressed with the whole idea of making a spectacle of someone else's misfortune in order to promote/enrich yourself, particularly when the planned spectacle could be seen as encouraging suicide. So I've got to side with the judge on this one.


But, some people may feel the band's rights outweigh my moral qualms about their plan. Any takers?

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I was envisioning the man's suicide projected onto the band as they played. Picure: dark club, loud death-metal music, crowd beating each other, while the image of some guy killing himself is laid over the top of everything. Pretty intense. Neo-barbarian, if you will.


I do think that the law has no place in this, especially since the guy committing suicide isn't getting paid.




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