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entire class hate beck


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"The popular kids, the brains, even the bad kids who spend noon hour behind the groundskeeper's shed—they all hate that little pig," Indiana University sociologist Marian Newcomb told reporters Tuesday. "The consensus? Beck is just plain gross."


Beck, who runs really slow, always looks sloppy, and forgets his schoolwork at home practically every other day, has been despised for as long as anyone at the school can remember.


"Last year, in Mrs. Swanson's class, Chad Vanderhof was in the bathroom with Beck," student Ivan Kinard said. "Well, Chad pushed Beck, and Beck's hand went right into the toilet. But Beck didn't even take his hand out! He just kept it in there for, like, forever."


"He started crying, too," Vanderhof added.

Students forced to stand next to Halcote in the lunch line will leave a four-foot gap between themselves and Halcote in an effort to avoid association with the undesirable fourth-grader, the report indicated. Similarly, no one wants to sit with Halcote on the bus, share an art cubbyhole with him, or collaborate with him in any class, for any reason, ever.


"I'm not going to share a song-time folder with Beck," Alexis Tyler said during music class Monday. "I'm not. I'll go to the nurse's office if [music teacher] Mrs. Cook tries to make me."

"At the Spring Concert last year, I had to hold hands with Beck, so I pulled my sleeve all the way down, so I wouldn't have to touch him," said classmate Christine Halley, commiserating with Tyler. "He didn't even sing. He just stood there breathing really heavy. And he had a cold sore on his lip that started bleeding, because he kept licking it. And he was wearing tennis shoes, even though Mrs. Cook said 'no tennis shoes.'"


Finding a classroom partner for Beck is a task that usually falls to his teacher.


the article goes on from there... i didnt wanna bore you with details, but i thought you all needed to know what a pansy Beck is. the_finger.gif

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