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Self Matters July 22


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The education elite have thrown 'reason' out to be replaced with 'feeling'. Now kids are taught to process things on how it makes them 'feel' instead of applying reason and logic to solve problems. What a load of shit. No wonder you get so many college graduates who can't decide shit. More and more I meet employers who would give their right arm for a few good employees who were willing to stand up, make a decision (any decision), and stick by it.

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Greg_W said:

More and more I meet employers who would give their right arm for a few good employees who were willing to stand up, make a decision (any decision), and stick by it.


But many companies I've worked with have built a culture on building consensus and complain about the lack of stuff getting done. We used to call that "problem" syndication of risk, because if they all just talked about the need to make a decision for a few months then finally did it, no one could even remember who started the discussion... Corporate America sucks.

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