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Cytomax v. gatorade

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Fence, we got the point (way, WAY too many times): you suggest pickle juice. This whole thread deteriorated rapidly until Carolyn offered the following:


Lets see if I can get this all straight....


My understanding is that maltodextrin (a complex carbohydrate) empties much more easily from the stomach than plain glucose and provides a more even release of energy. I believe this is an ingredient in cytomax. Im pretty sure gatorade does not have this ingredient. Powerade does...except the first ingredient is fructose syrup.


According to a friend of mine who has done a great deal of research on this stuff, most people lose salt and potassium at about the same rate, so you should aim to get a drink with somewhat equal amounts of each. Gatorade has somewhat of a big difference between the two. I believe cytomax is fairly equal. Powerade is a bit more equal than gatorade.


Ive been drinking watered down powerade. I have noticed it sits in my system easier than gatorade...as long as I go for the lighter flavors (lemonlime, artic blast, etc). Plus, I like to believe that it really does have 'vitamins' in it (b6 and b12).


I dont know why I bother tho...cause no matter how much fluids I take in...Im still constantly dehydrated. Grrrrr!


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Well my VERY unscientific research tells me this: since I posted this question I have experimented with Cytomax, before during and after my workouts in an attempt to distinguish any difference in the way my body "feels"after an intense workout. My perceived "feeling" thumbs_up.gifis that I am able to sustain a higher intensity level during the training episode and my recovery times after seem shorter. I have also noticed a distinct drop in lingering lactic acid in my legs. So, placebo or not, Cytomax seems to work as advertised. (for me anyway) thumbs_up.gif

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sketchfest said:I have also noticed a distinct drop in lingering lactic acid in my legs. So, placebo or not, Cytomax seems to work as advertised. (for me anyway) thumbs_up.gif

I've had the same experience with Cytomax- indeed I now drink a Liter after most heavy exercise. (on a side note - I've noticed excessive alcohol dramatically increases the perceived soreness after exertion)

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Old_Man said:

From the Cytomax website http://www.cytosport.com/products/cytomax.html:


"Natural Herbal "Lift": (in Tangy Orange, Go Grape and Peachy Keen flavors only) reduces your perceived effort so you can push harder"


I've noted difficulty falling asleep if it's used as a recovery drink right before going to bed in the mountains. It's given me skipped heartbeats too, which are common with the weight reducing diet pills. Was thinking all my problems were a problem for me...or it was my imagination, but the issue went away when I used the flavors without the lift. Anyone know more about the herbal lift aspect, as it relates to multiday extended efforts--and if there's a detrimental effect?


I've laid off the herbal lift flavors for a few months...and have been lazy to get the straight scoop on the stuff. I thought the drinks worked well, but was intimidated by the issues they seemed to cause. More info/background on all this would be appreciated.

The reason it prevents sleep is that it contains monosodium glutamate. Glutamate gives some people what is commonly referred to as "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome". Glutamate is a neurotransmitter. Normally it doesn't cross the blood-brain barrier. However, in some individuals, under certain circumstances it does. Glutamate is highly toxic. I has been known to cause brain lesions in rats. There is an obesity model in rats which uses glutamate. This is why I refuse to consume cytomax.
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