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hey, who all has been up above kennedy hot springs lately? Scotty, I know you have. WHat is the running water situation. I asume glacier basin has flows in it. What about along the kennedy ridge trail. Lots of running water?

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I was up there last year during the first weekend of June, and there was quite a bit of open, running water in the stream next to the hot springs. The springs themselves looked like a thousand Jerry Garcia's had been using it for a bathing trough all winter, but if you are hard up for a soak I suppose they'd do.


There was no running water on the ridge itself, but we could hear running water in the gully to our left at the very top of the ridge near the campsites (just below the Kennedy Glacier), but it was still way under the snow at the time. We also got hit with a good foot of snow while we were there last year, which pretty much put the almighty Kibosh on our climb. Have fun/post a TR of the conditions when you get back.

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Yeah, I hear ya about the springs...pretty sick. They've been this sick brownish color every time I've been there. I'd have to get my ass seriously kicked on a climb before I'd consider soaking in that thing. We'll be taking a little canister stove to melt a bit of water on the ridge, but hopefully something will be open. It's so warm that I wouldn't be surprised if we could get access to something. I'll let ya know what the conditions are like. bigdrink.gif

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There was lots of mud above the Hot springs if you want to filter that shit cantfocus.gif


There were a few streams that we crossed on the PCT before heading up to whatever that was, Fire Pass?


Boulder Basin is still all snow with some streams running here and there in the drainage basins, but you won't be near Boulder Basin right?

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Going down through boulder basin, but I think the approach guys up kennedy ridge. Obviously ridges don't lend themselves to melt streams as nicely as basins do. Oh well, I think we pretty much resigned ourselves to carrying a minimalist pot+stove anyway, so now I at least get to have a warm breakfast. bigdrink.gifcheeburga_ron.gif

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I soaked in the springs for about half an hour after climbing Glacier. I was tired enough not to care about the muddy color. Unfortunately it's not quite hot enough to relax your sore muscles. After 5 minutes or so it no longer felt even warm. When I got out, every muscle in my body seized up instantly. Where this hot spring is concerned, the idea is better than the reality.

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FWIW, I'll answer my own beta question. climbed frostbite ridge today. hit snow at around 4500, and switched to skins at the top of kennedy ridge. was able to skin to about 8900 feet, where it got a bit to steep and went back to walking. very soft snow, but not horrible post-holing. super easy conditions, didn't use crampons or ice axe once. ski down sitkum kicked ass. rockband.gif

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Hey there Andy, were you the other guys that camped near us at the base of the sitkum? We were the ones that bivied next to the rocks


Yeah, that was us, the three guys in the orange and grey tent. Thanks for letting us share the flat space - and for the wands you guys placed the next morning. bigdrink.gif

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Huh..maybe Glacier ridge. I thought the trail goes up something called kennedy ridge, then crossed right below the kennedy glacier to get to the ridge leading up to kenney peak (jeezus...what a shitty chosspile that thing is) and the slope up to the rabbit ears??


Anyway, skikilo, no problem for the steps. Did you guys ski down the frostbite side or the sitkum side? The frostbite side looked like a really great ski but we were tired from the hot long day and didn't want to walk across and up that stupid crater again.

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