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From the New York Times..


New Federal Fees for Using the Environment


WASHINGTON, DC - Faced with increasing budget shortfalls due to the war in Iraq, Michigan representative John McHanes ® has proposed a new bill that would institute a $15 fee for using the environment. "The American people have long enjoyed free use of the environment" McHanes said this morning during a capital steps news conference. "It is with great reluctance that this bill is put forth, but the benefits of this legislation will far outweigh the costs."


McHanes proposed bill would institute a $15 fee each time a person uses the environment. The fee would be collected at curbside boxes and neighborhood booths. Collected fees would then be put into a general fund. Eighty five percent of the fund would go towards environmental upkeep at the federal level, while the remainder would be distributed to local communities.


Opponents of the bill suggest that any federally mandated fees need to be carefully considered. "We can't just charge a person $15 every time they use the environment without a clear explanation of how the funds will be distributed and spent" says Virginian Democratic representative Gary Wanesforth. "This new fee system will provide a lot of capital resources to federal and local agenices, but the bill, in its current form, lacks a clear picture of how these news monies will be utilized."

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