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[TR] Mount Baker - Coleman Deming 01/12/2025

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Trip: Mount Baker - Coleman Deming

Trip Date: 01/12/2025

Trip Report:


@dberdinka and I have been skiing together a bit more than normal this season and a few weeks back I offhandedly mentioned that I would like to climb/ski Baker in the winter sometime. Turns out, Darin had been thwarted a couple of times prior and was still interested in making it happen.  It didn't take much convincing to hatch a plan during the first part of this long January drought.....and one Sunday morning we found ourselves driving unusually far up the Glacier Creek road (for midwinter), parking a little less than a half mile from the summer TH.  We opted to go up Grouse Creek, figuring that the avy swath would allow for skinning a bit lower than if we followed the summer trail.  Not sure if this was true, but it was what we did.










The higher we got, with windier it became, with worse snow.  But no matter, we weren't here for the skiing and we made good time to camp at 7k in a wind scoop on the glacier.  @dberdinka had brought his fancy 'mid and this proved perfect to hunkering down out of the wind while being able to melt snow in relative warmth.  Brandy and whiskey didn't hurt either.  Nor a lot of insulated clothing.  Did I mention the wind? Baker was being stripped of all loose snow right before our eyes and I was a bit apprehensive about our chances if the wind didn't calm down.


But in the 'mid, with a lot of food and spirits, the vibes were good- the wind was a problem for another day- and we had 16 hours to kill!  A nice sunset and full moon lent a nice touch to the evening.






The long night eventually ended, with both Darin and I catching a bit of sleep and staying pretty warm overall.  But it was time to poke upwards and into the wind and so we plodded slowly out of camp in the dark at about 0630.  As the day began to break a lenticular formed over the summit and then lowered almost to the col.  Uh oh, this wasn't in the forecast! The wind continued to howl and we dug a hole in the glacier to wait and discuss our options.  I was pretty sure I wanted nothing to do with climbing up into a lenticular (bad experience on Hood 25 years ago), but @dberdinka wisely pointed out that we may as well go until we couldn't safely, and the forecast was favorable.  Maybe it would evaporate?  We were getting cold after stopping for a long while and so we packed up.

And, much to my amazement.... as we stiffly began to plod upwards again, the lenticular vanished!


But it remained quite windy- maybe steady 30 with gusts to 45?  I was getting cold and scared but @dberdinka seemed to get more optimistic the more unruly it got with wind and spindrift.  He was in his element!  Sensing that I definitely was not in my element, Darin memorably asked me, "Well, what did you think it was going to be like climbing Baker in the winter?" Right.  Upwards we go! But not with skis.  We left them about 9800' at the top of the Pumice Ridge when it became obvious ski conditions were bad and not going to get any better. 


View into the maelstorm:



The spindrift got better as we got higher since all the loose snow was already gone, but the wind remained strong.  Still, @dberdinka was right, we were going to make it!  We just needed to suffer and not lose heart. 






But what a wild feeling it was being so high on Baker in the wind and cold!  It was just the two of us and I paused a few times on the summit plateau to take it all in, grateful that @dberdinka had pushed me to continue through my discomfort


We reached the summit a bit before noon, feeling like we were standing on the moon. A few quick photos and we began the plod back towards our skis and camp.








As expected, the skiing wasn't anything to rave about back to camp, but it wasn't horrible either.  Much to our surprise, 15 minutes after arriving back at camp, the summit was lost in another lenticular, showing just how narrow the windows of success can be in winter.....



Gear Notes:
Normal ski mountaineering kit plus much warm clothing! Brandy and whiskey were helpful as well.

Approach Notes:
Grouse creek. Could drive within half mile of TH, snow was thin down low but got rapidly better, higher. Mostly carried skis until the avy swath.

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