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Rock Mountain


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Cman and I skied Rock Mountain today.


Ok so like before I give my trip report I feel I need to define my terms since people (ahem mattp) got their panties all messed up over my last report on Cannon Mtn.


Snow depth/surface conditions.


1. No Snow...Why the fuck are you carying skies.


2. Shitty. subdivided into shitty-, shitty, shitty+. Either really bad crust conditions, or you have to spend most of your energy finding a route that avoids rocks, trees, and brush because there isn't much snow.


3. Fun. Like Shitty subdivided into Fun-, Fun, Fun+. There is enough snow you can ski without thinking too hard about hitting trees, rocks, or bushes. Also the snow conditions are such that you can link turns without too much jumping and or stopping.


4. Awsome. Big base, deep powder fruit.gif


Other terms


Sketchy. Your ass puckers cause your scared of avy conditions or going for a big ride off a cliff.


Interesting. You had to hike back up your ski run cause you got cliffed out.


I'm sure there are some more technical terms I use, but you will just have to figure them out for yourself. Please note if you wish to use this rating system you must be certified either by me or by someone I respect as a skier.




We headed on over Stevens Pass on Sunday AM and skied up the Rock Mtn. trail. The snow was pretty crusty for the first 1/3 to 1/2 of the hill. As we continued up we started to break trail, through about 6" of snow. We skied into a white out when we reached the lake and continued to the ridge crest above the lake. On reaching the ridge crest we decided to ski back down our ascent route and also not to summit since we were at the top of the ski run. The snow was Fun skiing down the mountain for about half way. After that the snow was Fun - for a ways and then shitty for the last 1/4th of the run.


Given the snow conditions this year I'm happy to have gotten out, but I can't recommend the ski right now.

Edited by AlpineK
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Cool that you got out and had fun! fruit.gif


One question; obviously fun+ is better than fun, but is shitty+ better or worse than shitty? yellaf.gifyelrotflmao.gif


I hope to see some Freshiez here tonight... Please? I would rate most snow here as shitty right now due to some major crust.

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It was all worth it for those sweet turns up at the top. grin.gif not really but it was fun to get out. another example of shitty, when the crusty snow breaks through unexpectedly and you fall into a bush and bruise your leg. If it had been a deep puncture that might have been shitty -.

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