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Anyone have a scan of the Lillooet map to send?


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Alex - 2 problems with your request:


a) Lyle has put a lot of work into the map which he is eventually intending to produce for profit. I asked him for a copy a while ago and he asked me for $15 - which I was happy to pay. I wouldn't have a problem copying a page or 2 out of a guidebook, but what you are essentially asking for is a copy of the ENTIRE guidebook. I think we should make every effort to support other climbers who are writing books, especially when he's gone to the effort to explore an innovative format. (Its not like he's going to get rich off the think in any case). He would probably be willing to sell you a copy, too, and leave it for you up in Lillooet somewhere if you want it for this weekend. Send me a PM if you want his email address.


b) also, the map is 24" x 36", not many people have access to scanners that big.


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OK, I understand. I didnt have any idea that the map was so big, I though it was just an overview map like 8 1/2 by 11 or something produced specifically for the ice festival.


If its somethine Lyle is selling, thats a different story, I will just go off the info on bivouac etc. until I can get around to paying the man his due.




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Dru, this is the first that I've heard of draft Lillooet maps being distributed at the icefest (Bernard e-mailed me to see if he could get a copy, I posted one to him with the caveat that it only be displayed and not reproduced), so I called Bernard tonight to get clarification. He stated they're doing up a 8 to 10 page booklet "to direct climbers to the routes only," which is contrary to his posting (re: beta it will contain):


"You've asked for a guide to local climbs - we're making it! And as a participant in the IceFest, you'll get a free copy, listing the whereabouts of each climb, its difficulty, the consistency of formation, avalanche risk and other details where available. You'll want to bring this back with you on each climbing trip."


It sounds v. familiar to my draft maps, and much of the info he has promised is beta I've gleaned and researched (lit. and field), and is available on the draft Lillooet Ice Climbing maps only. And while it can be argued that some of this beta is available through guidebooks, CAJ's, and websites and is public knowledge, in my opinion it would be next to impossible for a non-climber to place most of the climbs on a map, let alone come up with the details. I've politely asked Bernard to respect the work I've done and the good faith in which I provided him with a map, and that he not blow the marketability of my project by essentially reproducing my efforts and calling it his own, under the auspice of promoting local tourism.


Forrest and Fern, thanks for passing along my request to protect intellectual property, much appreciated. As Fern said, I don't mind if people with drafts are making photocopies for friends, I just don't want my work poached, mass-produced, and/ or marketed (ie. using it as a draw for a $60 event, and calling it "free").

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What we are doing for the IceFest is a small bound booklet that will guide people to where the climbs are. I think it will be about 8-10 pages on 8.5 x 11 printed off of my laser printer - expect some basic black and white pics from this winter.


It will have some hand drawn maps in it so that people can get some idea of where they are. Something with a few more details of than what is in West Coast Ice, but nothing on the scale of what Lyle has done (which needs to be published).





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