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EternalBlue last won the day on May 21

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  1. Days since last BD recall: 0 Black Diamond just announced a voluntary recall on their 2024 Neve Strap crampons. Sauce: https://www.blackdiamondequipment.com/en_US/content/neve-strap-recall/ Still waiting for my deathbeacon refund. 😑
  2. @olyclimber yeah that L'Town cat and I go way back. He's living on my couch rent free, bums for food all the time, demands his shit get picked up every couple of days. He's an asshole but makes up for his sense of adventure and hard first feline ascents (FFAs). Pic related, here he is flashing some of the Forestland V0s: I'll have him size up the Ruffwear harness and will report back. If that doesn't work I'll rig something with tube webbing and some buckles salvaged from the Victoria's Secret leather lingerie I have lying around.
  3. Big car to car alpine missions I'll double-scoop tailwind powder into 2x500ml soft flasks of water and ziplock bag a bunch of extra. If the USFS ever stopped and frisked me down it'd look like I'm muling bricks of Colombian energy powder. Couple of handfuls of various energy gel shots, with a caffeinated one thrown in as well. Slices of leftover pizza; load up the toppings.
  4. Asking for a friend πŸ˜‰ Looking for anyone's experience with pet harnesses, especially strength rated ones for climbing. Ruffwear has their Doubleback harness that's rated to 8.9kN which seems like it would check a lot of boxes. Other thoughts were to get crafty with some Bluewater 1" tube webbing. I know a cat that's interested in sending some of the local classics. He's built like a stacked ferret, very long and medium girth so he usually fits a small dog harness. He's a shit belayer (no belay loop needed) but MAN can he run it out on some of the local slab boulder problems.
  5. Also interested in lending a hand where I can. Always happy to throw some pennies towards the @olyclimber coffee/beer fund. I'll nudge some of the LTown posters that I know to get back to work on trip reports here. Raising kids and being busy with life is temporary; shitposting on CC.com is forever.
  6. Local rumor I heard is the chapel thingy is the Johnson family prepper shelter. Not sure if it's actually a place of worship, haven't been up on Mtn Home Rd on a Sunday. It'd be awesome to hear more and get an official answer on it.
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