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Everything posted by NickM

  1. Got these as a gift and don't need. Brand new, would just like to pass them on. $30 shipped? Offers welcome.
  2. Prices include shipping from Idaho. OBO. Thanks for looking 1. Brand new in-box Tecnica ski touring boots. Never used...don't fit quite right. Seem awesome otherwise. $475 3. Brand new in-packaging BD Arc gloves, L. Just too big for me. $40
  3. Emailed ya on the pack.
  4. Just sold pack, sorry. Posts updated
  5. Please see the mountain project listing for more details. Thanks! Pack, crampons, poles sold. All else remaining https://www.mountainproject.com/forum/topic/113682907/fs-jackets-50l-pack-ice-gear-cam-mitts-boots-more
  6. PM sent. Would like some photos of the MH 50L pack @ nickmestre22@gmail.com
  7. NickM

    Double ropes

    PM'd as well, 2nd in line.
  8. Prices Lowered
  9. New with tags Osprey Variant 37 pack. Size M. Black. $110 shipped. Patagonia synthetic puffy/parka. Size L. $100 shipped. Not sure of model name. Much warmer than a micropuff, but less than the DAS parka. In great condition with no stains or rips, and not much sign of wear at all. Looks great. Quite light and could definitely be a technical piece, or to wear around town. Grivel G12 crampons. Used for a couple seasons of skiing but these things last forever. Automatic boot attachment. $85 shipped Photos: http://www.mountainproject.com/v/fs-nice-patagonia-synth-parka-osprey-variant-37-and-kamber-32-grivel-g12/112265908#a_112334490
  10. Brand new Osprey Variant 37. Size M. Black. $125 shipped. http://www.ospreypacks.com/us/en/product/variant-37-VARIANT37.html Grivel G12 crampons. Auto. Used a couple seasons of skiing. $90. Nearly new mens softshell pants. Size medium (31x31 ish). Near new condition, medium thickness. MEC (Canada's REI). $60. https://www.mec.ca/en/product/5029-941/Ferrata-Pants
  11. Check out MP for some gear that got me all over the place in the Cascades: http://www.mountainproject.com/v/fs-grivel-g12-k2-skis-and-more/112174670 Grivel G12 auto crampons K2 Annex 98 - 178 skis Instep crampons Headphones +20 Synthetic sleeping bag
  12. See this link for more details: http://www.mountainproject.com/v/fs-speed-22-instep-crampons-pas-sleeping-bag-sat-phone-rain-jacket/112174670 OBO. Will update as stuff sells. Ships from Bend, OR. Will split shipping with you. Thanks! Camp Instep Crampons: $25 Bluetooth headphones: $25 MH rain jacket: $40 Cheap -20 sleeping bag: $55 Iridium satellite phone: $400
  13. No set schedule, as I'm doing the seasonal camper van thing, but I plan to head Bugaboo way around June 20th. The season is sounding on at this point up there. Just a 1-way offer; thought I'd post this to see if anyone was interested. A little gas help would be appreciated. Happy summer! PM if interested.
  14. Trip: Misc. from the Enchantments / Stuart - Date: 5/3/2016 Trip Report: Just started a spring of unemployment and mountains, and had quite a little 4-day trip in the Enchantments. I went around a bit with the skis and sharp things, had some fun, got some beat-down, did some things right, did some things wrong, and generally got the know the place. A cool place! And now I'm tired. Here's a random smattering of info: - Road: closed but dry. FS trucks doing work on it when I left Tuesday morning, so it may open soon? - Travel to Colchuck lake: Booted from the car. Mostly snow after the trailhead, but big dirt stretches and crap to skin. - Lake: crossable last week, seemed too melted around the edges to be reliable by Monday. Went into a knee trying though... - Colchuck NBC/west face: would have be a good ski if the two aspects weren't opposite...some corn, some hard hard - Triple Couloirs, Dragontail: Good climbing hard snow in 1st couloir, crap for skiing. Not much of an ice climber yet, so went up the first ice step for a bit until I was done and went down. Seemed like nice ice for how warm it's been; enough for a deep v-thread at one point at least. A party did it the next morning and moved through the whole route at a nice pace. - Colchuck glacier and Asgard skied super duper nice with the sun. Pre-dinner corn o'clock on Asgard at 7pm was pretty cool. - Snowline on south aspect down towards Ingalls is getting high. Weak sauce. Went up Asgard and down the back, down and west, and back up over the Argonaut - Sherpa col. Turned into a dirt-boulder-manzanita expedition with a heavy pack that took 5x longer than planned. - General better snow cover over by Stuart - Ice Cliff glacier looked...I don't know what to compare it too. Getting up the initial ice looked good, but the unknowns regarding the glacier, shrund, and cornice way up there kept me from doing it alone. Downclimbing the bottom of TC was fun and what not, but I wasn't in the mood to bail again. - Sherpa is a sick ski. Nice and filled in with smooth snow aside from various debris. I really liked how the sun hits different parts of it at different times, so as long as you time off the summit and the upper Sherpa chute well, you've got good snow somewhere on the lower part. Hopefully the photos help more than words. Happy May! Stuart ICG TC Top of Dragontail looking west
  15. Trip: 4/18 Sandy Conditions - Hood - Sandy Date: 4/18/2016 Trip Report: The Sandy was nice to climb and ski on Monday. More writeup here: http://www.turns-all-year.com/skiing_snowboarding/trip_reports/index.php?topic=36334.new#new
  16. Yeehaw. Was looking down the North side that day - the weather was so great. Was really wondering if anyone was gonna give it.
  17. Scarpa Freedom SL, 25.5/26. Awesome AT boots, just a bit too small for me. They tour well and are solid and stiff on the down. Yes, they got scuffed up a bit by our last 2 low-snow years, but function perfect. Dynafit/'tech' binding only (unless buying replacement removable soles). Intuition liners are in good shape. Asking $175 Grivel crampon parts. Make offers: - Complete heel assembly, brand new. G10,12,14, etc. $30 or something? - bars, brand new Palau closed-cell foam ski boot liners. 27. Good condition. Low/medium heft; thicker than Dynafit race liners, thinner than standard intuitions (size 27 TLT5's fit me too loose with these, are perfect with intuitions.
  18. Cool! Always thought that face does not get enough love. Great to see what conditions look like, thanks. The line you roughly took is an incredibly good ski route later in the year, too.
  19. SOLD
  20. Bump. Make an offer. Need this gone.
  21. Would like screws. PM sent
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