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Brian A

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Everything posted by Brian A

  1. price lowered to $409 including shipping to lower 48.
  2. I wound up with two pairs of these, and I don't need one of them. Imported from the UK. I had these listed a month ago, but the sale fell through. This pair has never been outside. $450 plus actual shipping. Pay via Paypal. Please be sure of your size. These fit basically like the Phantom Guide.
  3. http://bubibottle.com/ Bubi bottle is silicone and can be rolled up. Not sure how long it will hold in heat, but silicone pot holders exist for a reason. Campmor and Amazon sell em
  4. Brian A


    bump for prices and new items
  5. Brian A


    bump again for a few lowered prices
  6. Brian A


    bump for new items and lower prices
  7. Brian A


  8. bump for weights listed on the salopettes. Someone wants these.
  9. Westcomb Vapor Pants Men's Medium. eVent. $159 I lost 10 pounds and these are a bit loose on me now. I found one small 0.5 inch ski edge cut on the Achilles area of one of the cuffs. Other than that, they are great. I have these listed on Geartrade, so feel free to buy them there, but if you send me an email, I'll sell them to you directly with free shipping: Westcomb Vapor Pant NW Alpine Salopettes, 2 pairs: Medium and X-Small. $169 ea. shipped or both shipped for $320 These are both brand new. The tags are still on the X-Smalls, and neither has been worn other than just trying them on. Here is what they look like: NW Alpine Salopette I've had a few requests for weights of these Salopettes. The Medium weighs 20 ounces on my kitchen scale. The X-Small weighs just under 17 ounces. Email me at brianaabram at gmail if you want anything
  10. Brian A


  11. http://esciencecommons.blogspot.com/2011/06/dawn-of-agriculture-took-toll-on-health.html
  12. Could anyone tell me what conditions are typically like at Rearguard Meadow (on the flanks of Robson) in early to mid-August? Is there running water normally accessible? What kind of nighttime temps might I see up there? (I think it's about the same elevation as Extinguisher Tower) Thanks for any info, Brian
  13. My partner and I are planning to attempt Robson's North Face this August. If it's not in condition, we'd attempt the Kain Face. We're considering using Robson Helimagic to fly into Berg Lake or more likely Rearguard Meadows (between Rearguard and Waffl, kind of near the Extinguisher Tower). I called April 11 and was told that for up to 3 people, it's $314 per person to fly into the lake and $439 per person to fly into Rearguard Meadows. ($514 for the Dome, but we're not doing that). The price is significantly less per person with a party of 4 ($100-200 less pp, depending on the destination). Flying into the top of the Dog Buttress costs the same as Rearguard Meadows, but I had to draw the line on cheating somewhere. Rearguard Meadows (and the lake, of course) can provide access to either the Emperor/North Face and Kain Face. I was told that the helicopter picks you up at a car parking pulloff about a kilometer from the trailhead. Alternately, it might be possible to arrange a shuttle. We fly into Calgary on August 5. We would try to fly into Robson as soon as possible after that. If the second week of August works for your schedule, we're keen on sharing the cost of a flight. They make an allowance for about 260 pounds per passenger, body and gear inclusive. If this interests you or anyone else reading this, let me know. brianaabram at gmail dot com
  14. Brian A


  15. Brian A


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