Hi guys and girls,
I'm looking for a partner(s) for the month of October to come climb with me. Places I'm looking to hit:
The Sierras for long ice couloirs
Joshua tree because I've never climbed there
Red Rocks for long, quality grade IVs and fun sport climbing
I have a vehicle, although I am open to many transportation methods (ride share, hitching, your vehicle, buses, etc.). I'm open to hitting other climbing areas as well, and essentially want a little taste of everything (alpine, sport, long trad).
So yeah, if you're feeling motivated and would like to join me for a month of climbing, shoot me a message. You're also welcome to join me for only part of the trip, or shoot me a message about anyone else looking for partners in that time frame.
You can be more or less skilled than me. I'm happy to learn and follow someone, or to lead the whole time.
I rock lead at 5.9 to 5.10- on gear, 5.11ish on sport, and am mostly comfortable on WI4 ice.
Hope to hear back from someone soon. Maybe we can climb in the Cascades and see if it will work out.