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Everything posted by bronyraur

  1. Right on. We were the ones yelling in the forest when you topped out. Climbed the East Buttress earlier in the day.
  2. In the market for a reliable solar charger for upcoming Alaska expedition. Anybody have experience with Goal0 solar chargers? Fairly new, but from what I've seen it looks promising. Killer video on the site but I'm looking for a solar charger to keep me going in Alaska's variable weather not the high Sierra sun that they show in their promo video. Anyhow, if you or someone you know has any feedback positive or negative I'm all ears. Thanks guys. Goal0 - Sherpa 50 Kit
  3. Buying a pizza in Talkeetna and wrapping slices in foil for the first few days of the trip will go a long way. Light enough to take up to 11 and good enough to provide an easier transition to weeks of freeze dried / trail mix.
  4. Hey does anybody have beta on what the N. Face of Chair Peak might be looking like this weekend? Thanks
  5. Thanks for the beta guys
  6. With such a light winter, does anybody know how the forest roads look up above priest? Usually it would be quite the slog on skis this time of year, but with El Nino can you make it up to the fire watch tower parking lot with 4 wheel drive? Thanks guys.
  7. I would be down for Liberty Ridge if you're still interested. Kautz is always fun as well. Shoot me an email and we can talk more. bronyraur340@yahoo.com Bryson Williams
  8. Pan Dome looks like it's in on Baker. I'm up in Bellingham shoot me an email if you're interested. bronyraur340@yahoo.com Bryson
  9. I've been up the Emmons twice and would hop on a chance to head back up in May. A good shake down for the summer. Like the others said, that is pending on access to the White River campground. Shoot me an email if you want to talk more seriously about it. bronyraur340@yahoo.com
  10. Hey IceFrog, I'm goin to school up in Bellingham and am also looking for an ice partner. If you're ever down to hit up Baker or Lillooet shoot me an email. bronyraur340@yahoo.com
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