Trip: Joes Valley and Little Cottonwood Canyon, Utah -
Date: 12/2/2009
Trip Report:
We started our trip out at Mary's lake outside of Orangville Utah. The only route that we tried there was Dirty Blond WI4 in what we thought were thin conditions, the bottom was brittle and the top was soaking with plastic in the middle.
We then went to Slide Lake and climbed the northern light a 1200 foot WI2
Then we put up a couple of routes that are possible firsts they were both in avalanch gullys that had very little snow in them, we climbed one at 1400 feet of WI2 and a lot of snow slogging and post holling. I wouldn't do that one again with a WI3 pitch as the "crux" then we summited out on the "hill" and traversed to the gully the other climb was in and rapped in pulled the ropes and put up another WI3 pitch 60M. We named the first High hopes and the second Far from plastic due to the 0 degree weather and shitty ice conditions.
Thos were pics of High hopes these are of far from plastic
Then we approached Deadbolt a 3000 foot WI5 and got turned around on the crux pitch or the beginning really.
Then we approached Deadbolt a 3000 foot WI5 and got turned around on the crux pitch or the beginning really.
then we got on the grest white icicle 650 feet of WI 3 this was the 5th time that i've climbed it and it was way fat mostly ice and less snow slog then the other times
Approach Notes:
Love bushwhacking like a redneck hunting grouse, in slide lake anyways