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Everything posted by medicsandy

  1. medicsandy

    Mt Adams

    some of us that get pms love donuts with our beer!!
  2. medicsandy

    Mt Adams

    and don't go through Portland without hitting Voodoo Donuts!!
  3. Interesting stuff. Thanks for the answers. Haven't been on here for a while....i've been out hiking my ass off in prep for my first Rainier climb. I remember hearing about a rescue up around Muir where a guy fell through the snow into freezing water and had to be rescued. Would this have been around the rocks?? I guess what I'm really wondering is....if i sneak off to take a pee....should i avoid getting too close to the rocks?? Lord knows I don't want to get hauled out with my pants around my ankles and my charmin in hand!
  4. Ok, so screw the first climb and just go to Adams. You'll have a blast there. People are friendly and the views are awesome! Climbing up Adams will be a great way to gage what kind of shape you're in. It taught me that I needed to train a lot more for Rainier. Don't under estimate Adams either. When we were out there last September, a father/son summited and the father fell to his death on the way down in some bad weather.
  5. Ok, was reading about the skier that is missing on Crystal. Used to ski there a lot when I was in high school. Anyway....they talked about him probably falling through a tree well. I'd never heard of them before. So.....here's my question: if these dangerous wells form around trees, are there dangerous areas like that around rocks up on the mountains?? We tend to stop to rest and re-fuel on a rock. Anything we should be aware of around them?? Found it interesting.
  6. Thanks for the info. Going to check out Red River Gorge in KY and get over to PA, as soon as our monsoon stops back here! Le Piston....sent you 2 pm's with additional questions.
  7. I'll have some of whatever 111 is having.
  8. Where are you Mr. Mountain Dew??? Hey Water....am waiting to hear you respond to my latest topic on hiking advise back here. Figured you'd throw something good my way!
  9. Are you serious about the duct tape?? My husband will love it!
  10. Thanks for the great ideas! Actually, it was just what I was looking for and needed to hear. Have been out walking for miles on the trails here with my pack on and had gotten it into my head that if I wasn't walking up huge elevation, I'd never make it on Rainier. Will head south on my days off and keep hitting the tread mill. Maine-iac....I'm a Lieutenant (Paramedic) for a large department just north of Columbus. Am a 49 y.o. female with just 2 years of climbing...so the Rainier summit attempt is starting to loom larger in my mind and the mental part is just starting in on me. Just worried about training enough, since I don't really know what "enough" is. Thanks guys!
  11. how sad. so sorry to hear it. thoughts and prayers to his family, friends, and climbing brothers.
  12. Ok, so I've noticed that several climbers on here originated from back this way. I'm in Columbus, OH and training for a July Rainier climb. I've pretty much exhausted all the small hills around here for training and feel I need more. Anyone have any ideas on some challenging hills within 4-5 hours of here? W.Virginia, Pennsylvania, Mich??? Thanks!!
  13. Lately I've noticed that several people on here originated from the mid-atlantic, east coast area. I'm stuck in Ohio and training for a Rainier climb in July. I've pretty much exhausted the small hills around here for training and thought some of you out there might be able to send some ideas my way on decent training hills back this way. I'm in Columbus. Looking for anything within a 4-5 hour drive. Thanks! (Will also post this in the newbie section)
  14. Thanks so much for the advise. See you on the mountain!
  15. We did Adams the second week in July. The access road to the trail head had just opened a week before. Thats where you would probably have trouble earlier...access roads not open. Google climbing Mt. Adams, WA. You'll find phone numbers and info you need for permits, road access, etc. If not, pm me and I'll send it your way. Happy Climbing!
  16. medicsandy

    Mt Adams

    I VOTE FOR ADAMS!!! It is beautiful! Spend the night and bring your camera. Relax and enjoy! For me, Adams was the first thing I climbed with the exception of climbing out of bed. Living at a whopping 800' elevation, Adams was a hard climb for me. But it taught me so much. I came back home knowing what I needed to do to train to climb higher. July 11th will be my first attempt of Rainier. "I'm new here and expected to be treated as such." You're new here and should expect to be treated kindly and with respect. That's what this site is suppose to be about. Water - thank you. you are always a true gentlman on here and have answered more "newbie" questions of mine then should be required! But....on that note (wink) I do have a question for you. Where did you get the neat grey chart showing the conditions on Rainier??
  17. Ha.....to know you is to love you Sobo!!!
  18. ok....thanks for the replies! Would love to climb without one period....but need some support due to the fact that I bought a really nice set a few years ago (for some reason I thought Sabo might want to know that)! Went out hiking this past weekend and tried the cami option. Think that's the way to go. Love the french silk stuff....but it always just ends up on the bedroom floor! Happy Climbing and why isn't there a "ladies room" over on this side of the mountain??
  19. medicsandy

    Mt Adams

    Adams was my first mountain. We went 2nd week in July and the road to the trail head had just opened a few days earlier. We used crampons and ice axe. Was a great place to practice basic skills. It was also the BEST glissading ever! Remember: don't ever wear crampons when glissading!! Have fun!
  20. Water has just said it all!! right on!
  21. bizzare thread....yep! Was in Auburn last year for the first time in several years....yea...it's turned into a real pit. I can assure you that Ohio does really suck. Much worse then anywhere else I've ever lived. Sobo...like an idiot, I followed my heart here (puke). I now live in the same city as my ex-husband!! So much for doing that one!
  22. Ok, now that I probably have every guy on here reading this one....it really is a question for most women and maybe a few guys. I'm having trouble finding a good climbing bra. Have been using the Patagonia sports bras for training, but not sold on them. They're comfortable, but here's the concern. When alpine climbing, they whick the sweat really good. Am concerned that when I stop for breaks, I'll get too chilled having something damp that close around my body. Just wondering what everyone else does. Thanks!
  23. I was born and raised in Minnesota until age 15, then moved to WA and graduated from Auburn. Family still in Gig Harbor. I still can't believe I ended up in arm pit Ohio.....ugggggg! Sure wish I was still in WA!
  24. Hey Water, Where was that awesome picture taken? Hood River?? Thanks for sharing.
  25. where in Ohio are you and where do you train?? I'm in Columbus and climbing Rainier in July.
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