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Posts posted by pc313

  1. Traumatic Brain Injury. In addition to direct head trauma, there is some evidence now that helmets actually create reverberating shock waves through the brain immediately following explosions, including firing artillery. The effects, apparently, are not good.




    Damm Tvash are you like the guy in GOOD WILL HUNTING ,shit what don't you know?

  2. I think Scott's job position in the past has generally been such that there is no "post" yet to the traumatic distress.



    To put it in perspective. The 1:3 ratio was devised by the same people who thought that those watching 9/11 on the tv in LA had PTSD. PTSD is real and TBI's are a very real cause. Over diagnosing will just lead to those suffering looking like malingerers.


    So what is the Ratio according to the V.A. ?????

  3. "I didn’t want to get into a Nancy Regan thing about doing any seances."


    Poor choice of words.


    Black man beats up old lady.


    He definately screwed the pooch on that one and should apologize profusely before he gets raked over the coals by her highness.




  4. There are diffront levels of P.T.S.D. from mild to totally disfunctional,the people who cleaned up after 911 and recoverd the remains showed high levels P.T.S.D.,BTW i got the 1 in 3 off Frontline on PBS,they said it could be as high as 1 in 3,and was not a priority at the V.A. or the Bush gang! And the fact that your cosidered weak if you speak up. SO you being in the know at the V.A. whats their number 1 in ???




    Hay Mike: can i use my bonus points to buy climbing gear,or are they like the crappy bonus points i get at AT@T?

  5. The new "Mindreader Five" will eliminate the need of keyboard and mouse,from your thoughts to post in nano seconds,and unlike the Mindreader Four there is no problems with lights turning off and on when you enter a room! PLEASE BECAREFUL WHAT YOU THINK! MADE IN THE U.S.A. BY THE SAME PEOPLE WHO DESIGNED THE PATRIOT MISSILE DEFENCE SYSTEM..



    There have been a few guys I would characterize as crackpots, but overall most of the people I have met, known, or worked for or with were good people. You could say the same about almost any work group you are around.




    PC313....WOW! 2/10 points.





    They say that 1 out of 3 who return home have P.T.S.D. and are not being treated do to a over load on V.A. System,lack of planning,lack of fundind,and the out and out denial from the asshats in charge... thats the facks jack!! If a cop is involved in a shooting he is put on paid leave and given counseling,it should be the same for VETs!! AS for my points,can i use them to buy climbing gear???? I am for the VETs 100%,but they should only be used as a last resort and not for profit!!!!!LETS GET THE 911 ASSHOLES AND STOP FUCKING AROUND....WTF!! I hope your getting Counseling,GOOD LUCK.


  7. Figured this would go 90 degrees sideways pretty quickly.


    I can see that the REALLY-REALLY smart people have slithered out of their holes. Hey pc313, that's a real super neato series of photos you've posted to your profile. GOOD WORK GUY!!! CC.com is a better place because of your good work.


    Please refer to my posting entitled "Hey Spray Forum" for further information on my views.


    Hay i seen that post,but hears a movie you should check out,you remind me of the kid who bites holes in beer cans (Bunnie),kinda a section 8! hope your dealing with your P.T.S.D.



  8. Damm i was kiding about the re-up bonus,what did i hit the nail on the head! It happen to guys i know,some thing about paper work fuck-ups,but you look so spun in your picture it had to be about the money! GOOD LUCK with your new boss!!

  9. In 2000 I was rearended by a State Farm insured kid 100+mph in a 35mph road,we stoped to turn left. The kid left 115ft of skid mark and totaled out the 68 Camaro i was in,sending us 150 ft. and turn around in some old peoples yard,no dout his fault,The next day i was watch T.V. News and the story was about State Farm and how they were being sued by the AG of all 50 State for not paying claims on people they insured. I had Farmers PIP,thank god and they payed $38,500 to cover my bills. State Farm setled out of court 4 years 3 mo. later!!! Some things haven't changed!!

  10. No worries, the GOP's sent the cavalry right on up to AK to round up the clothes.


    All is not lost for some foolish donors who unknowingly supported the Hillbilly Juggernaut.


    Ya when he got his mo. bill he shit himself and started make phone calls to the G.O.P.!

    And Sara Pailan released her med.records on 11-4-08 checked out O.K.

  11. In 1984 the movie UNDER FIRE was releast and coverd guns for hire and now its big money,in the near future it will be ROBOTS for hire and most of these bad ass blackwater dudes will be flipping burgers,or mall security cops at minimum wage!


  12. Barnie the attack Terrier who showed his dislike for liberal news reporters by bitting ones hand ripping his flesh to the bone

    will be pardoned by Bush in his final days in office! A Boy And His Dog!! (good name for a movie)Don Johnson.

  13. Thank God for good ole Anne!



    You've a stronger stomach than I, she makes me want to vomit.

    i dunno - a good strong s'n'm flick of her getting raped by a bull while simulatenoulsy masturbating to a jizz-soaked image of reagan in a clown-suit, surrounded by fat fucks in jesus-masks screaming "take every inch of it lord!" and "drill, baby, drill!" could be something other than nausea-inducing, no?


    palin can be thrown in as the dominatrix lord strap-on-fucking a midget, of course, to expand the appeal and marketability of the whole enterprise, yeah?


    Damm i'm going to have nightmares tonight,"that some sick shit" but badass!! A+

  14. I cant understand how anybody can sign away their rights to be free by joining the armed forces witch is a form of slavery! If you want to ware a uniform and carry a gun become cop,if your boss is a political assfuck and desides to order you on a suicide missions you can quit. And the pay is 5+ times more!


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