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Posts posted by pc313

  1. I like kids as long as there not mine and don't live with me,I'm pro-sex,but not-pro life. 1.2 million peoples kids are in prison in the U.S. seems some poeple sould have used a little more thought be for having them!

  2. jeebus, was muffy reincarnated as pc313?



    Don't know about the reincarnation thing,or Muffy? but i do miss spell a few things! I do very little writing,and have no spell checker on this computer,that and the fact my eyes have gone bad and i cant type wroth a fuck!! English class was not my thing!!

    Art,Math,History,Science,and Photography! Had to do all my English credits in my Senior year,and World History,U.S.History it sucked!

    But i'm shure if i hang out on cc.com long enough you bastards with your condecending aditudes,and your urber language will learn me with your sprayon!! I'm in for a storm and wearing Gortex,gotta love it!! Oh who the fuck is Muffy??

  3. Don't give a fuck! Man don't get Pregnant!!! Let the women vote on it,i get so sick of hearing men bring this up!You should rent the movie "A BOY AND HIS DOG" the best line in the movie is at the end when Don Johnson(who was gay back then)looks at the dog and said "Well at least were not hungry"!!

  4. My hs buddies and I did a freeze frame movie of us sitting on our buts and driving around the inside of the school like we were in race cars. It turned out pretty cool.

    We did an extremely similar thing wherein we played Batman and Robin. The "car" chase scenes we did out on real streets were a h00t!


    In my senior year we took a mass media class for a english credit,3 of us who had been together since the 1st grade decided to make a super 8mm film, it starts out with the 3 of us walking of the school doors and getting in a 56 ford 2 door and leaving 200ft. posi burn out in front of the office, a few close ups in the car with intense looks,we had a dummy that looked just like me with a long blonde wig for my hair was half way down my back so i could shot the ford race by me on the back roads at 120mph.,then skiding to a stop and turning on to a dirt road by the river,next we built a big camp fire and pased around a big joint EZ Wide Rolling papers,more intense red eyed close ups,then out comes a fifth of Wild Turkey Whiskey and more close ups of us chuging it down untel it gets to me and i finsh it off with a big shit eating grin,then close ups their mad looks, bring in the stunt dummy in a run away stance,with 5 glass bottles of ketchup in it, out comes two shot guns and then they unload on it,i film 25ft back as the head on the dummy explodes in a red cloud, real sick shit,they high five get back in the ford and drive away on the dirt road,next i film them turning back on to the main road, more intense close ups, then big posi burn out.THE END We called it "Cass of 76"

    When we played it in class with the song "Born To Be Wild" there was some up set girls in the class!! We got a "b-" Fucking Cridics (We left the dummy at the river)The only prop was the dummy!


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