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Everything posted by n9643750

  1. Hello, I'm interested in your tent
  2. weird.... still looks good on the computer and messed up on my phone. Thanks for the feedback!
  3. Thanks for the link Tom, That was an interesting read. We spotted some of the old rails and cables and possibly the rock-covered entrance to the old mine in the middle of the basin. The equipment in the photo above appeared to be just a gear cache of sorts, tucked into an alcove at the end of the rock rib coming off of Sahale.
  4. can anyone tell me why the photos in this TR appear rotated when viewed on my phone? It seems like I can format them to be oriented properly to be viewed on the phone or the computer, but not both.
  5. Trip: Mount Buckner - SW Slope Date: 7/16/2016 Trip Report: Tobias and I climbed MT Buckner over three days from Sahale arm We hiked up to the Sahale glacier on Wednesday and set up camp in the late afternoon. The weather was great and we found the snow to be pretty soft when we arrived at Sahale glacier camp. We spent the remainder of the day lounging, drinking whiskey and playing name that peak The next morning we started off towards horseshoe basin around 5:45 AM. The snow had firmed up completely and we were able to move fairly quickly down moderately steep snow to around 7200 ft where we gained a rock rib coming off of Sahale peak. The rib was easy to descend and we followed it down to 6600 or so where we located a steep snow finger dropping into horseshoe basin. The snow was still quite firm and we backed down 50 feet or so before traversing into the basin. We were then able to follow snow all the way around horseshoe basin to the base of Buckner, traversing around 6600 ft. (the snow finger is at the lower left end of the ridge coming off of Sahale) When we arrived at the base of Buckner, we found the snow on the SW slope was still firm, and we were able to climb nearly 1000 ft on front points with two axes. It was quite secure and really fun, but my legs were blasted afterwards! We arrived on the summit around 12:30. It was a beautiful sunny day, but clouds were building in the west, and we felt that we should abandon our original plan to summit horseshoe peak as well and just head back to camp. Goode, Storm King, Black peak summit shot! Eldorado, Forbidden, Boston Glacier Boston, Sahale, Horseshoe A party coming up the North Face On the way back we found the snow still a bit firm for good plunge stepping. We were able to descend a rock rib skiers left of the snow field and with a short bit of traversing and down climbing snow to the right, we gained another one that eventually deposited us on snow a few hundred feet above the base of the mountain. By then the snow had softened and the slope eased enough to make plunge stepping very comfortable. We descended into the traverse and headed back across horseshoe basin. Back at the snow finger, we thought we'd take a look around the base of the rock rib, as we had heard there was a ledge route that might go. We easily located a diagonal ledgey ramp and started up. Upon reaching an alcove full of old mining equipment we broke out the rope for the first time that day to get past one very exposed fourth class move on mossy rocks with deadly exposure. This got us to a notch in the ridge from where I could see our route from earlier in the day. Getting to it required climbing up grassy and heathery benches, but nothing too bad and eventually we were scrambling rock again. The snow field at 7200 was very soft when we got there and we were able to kick big bucket steps in it. We got back to camp around 7:45 just as a cold cloud enveloped the area and reduced visibility to nothing. No speed records, but a great day in the mountains. The next day we headed down Sahale arm and out to get burgers in marblemount. Gear Notes: Brought an axe and tool apiece, and a rope and pickets for running belays. We also had three pieces of rock pro for horseshoe. Could have gone without the rope, and never got the pickets out, but we were happy to have the second tool, as it made climbing the steep hard snow more fun. Approach Notes: Snow free to Sahale Glacier camp.
  6. Great report, thanks for all the info! We climbed Sherpas west ridge on Saturday and didn't see a soul all day. It had been weeks since another party had signed the register. We must have barely missed eachother! We headed down the south side from the w ridge notch around 2:30.
  7. Wow! This was an excellent report. Very enjoyable to read. Thanks
  8. No prob. Yes I thought that pitch was very memorable. I wished it was longer!
  9. Hey Kurt, nice meeting you too. It was fun having you top out on the w ridge of eldorado as we were descending the e. Strange to have two climbers materialize out of nothing behind us and follow us down! I've actually followed your posts on here for some time. Good to put a face with the name.
  10. Trip: Eldorado and Dorado Needle - E. ridge and SW buttress Date: 7/2/2014 Trip Report: Alright, I am a long time lurker around here but this is my first trip report. I've gotten tons of beta from this site and feel like I should pay it forward a bit. Go easy on me please. Headed up to the Eldorado area over four days around the fourth of July. From a camp at the E. ridge we climbed Eldorado and the SW Buttress of Dorado needle. This was my first trip up the climber's trail that leads to Eldorado and based on reports that I have read over the years I was prepared for misery. As is often the case, it was mostly easier than advertised. We found the log crossing without incident and proceeded up the hill. It was definitely steep and more than once I wondered if I could have brought less rock gear. Other than a few blowdowns though, the trail was pretty straight forward. The boulder fields went quickly as well. The snow had all melted and we were able to locate a nice path to climber's right of the rocks. The part of the approach that most lived up to it's reputation was getting around the waterfalls. We encountered the first snow here in the form of thin looking snow bridges over water and boulders. it was late in the day and we opted for a more direct route up through the trees. This is not recommended unless you like brush bashing and shenanigans, but it goes (the trail goes climber's right and avoids the steepest part of the hill) and we popped out in the upper basin around sunset about four hours from the car. The next day we got moving around ten and popped over the ridge to Roush basin. There is still a fair amount of snow here but it's melting quickly and there are a number of opportunities to punch through. The well traveled descent gully is snow-free. The views of Johannesburg and its little friends got better with every step as we wandered on up the Eldorado glacier. Holy jeez what an awesome place to be! We roped up at the flat spot before dropping onto the inspiration glacier and Eldorado came out of a cloud just before we headed down. Everyone seemed impressed enough for my liking so I didn't say anything, but what a beautiful place. We made camp on the E. ridge one or two rock outcrops higher than the pooper. Said facilities are fully melted out and functional by the way. That afternoon we wandered up to the top of Eldorado. The trip was very straight forward, we roped up due to the soft snow and our ignorance as to whether or not we might fall into a crevasse here but soon we were stepping up the "knife edge ridge." In such soft snow conditions, the ridge was very secure. We snapped some photos of each other and Dorado's SW buttress and then cruised back to camp. dorado needle the sw buttress is just left of center Fully expecting to be tortured by evil snaffles all night, we were a bit surprised to have been left alone when the alarm went off at 4. I guess they were all off bothering someone else. We messed around getting ready for an hour and a half and got moving just after 5:30. Some climbers we had talked to the day before had done the SW buttress and put in a pretty good trail to the Mccalister glacier. We followed it without incident and watched a beautiful sunrise on a bluebird day. I was a little nervous about the route as we would be climbing as a team of three, but everyone was pretty psyched to go for it. That's what head lamps are for anyway right? We followed the tracks down the Mccalister and made a mental picture of the crevasses on the descent route. We arrived at the col that leads to the no-name glacier about an hour after leaving camp. There was a little bit of scree surfing down to the head of the next glacier, and it looked like it might take a few spicy moves to get up on it, but we found an easy snow ramp that brought us right up to the top. We quickly moved down and around the rock ridge, dropping around 800 ft. We lost a little time here as we tried to avoid going all the way to the bottom. Either way will go, but the upper path is melting and thin. Slowly stepping back up many of those feet of elevation that we had lost, the route came into view. We found an obvious path off of the snow and did one pitch of easy scrambling on rock and then another of part rock part snow. This brought us to the bottom of the left-leaning dihedral. I recognized the roofs on the pitch from a picture we had brought, but the snow had deposited us about 1/3rd of the way up. The sun hit me while I belayed Elliot up this pitch and for the first time I realized it was going to get hot. It was the damn 4th of July after all. Happy to be on route, We made pretty quick work of the next two pitches. The first up a left leaning ramp and onto the lower buttress crest and the second up some alternating slabby and blocky terrain to the amphitheater where the lower and upper buttress meet. Any time there was doubt, going a bit to the left yielded a faster way. There was a lingering snowfield in the amphitheater and I chose to go under it before heading up. After leading a full 60 Meters I was a bit confused as to why I was not on the crest of the upper buttress as the description said I would be. Shenanigans ensued and more time was wasted as we added an extra pitch traversing back over to the left. I had gone too far to the right. The amphitheater is an obvious feature, when you get there, go as far left as you can go and follow that ridge. Once back on the ridge, we identified the "dirty slot" described in our route description but declined to climb it as there was a giant death block teetering on what was the most likely foot hold. Instead, we traversed farther left across the ridge and found easier climbing. From here we were back on route, but it was getting late. It was already 4:30 and we needed to climb 5-ish more pitches and get back on the snow before the sun went down. We decided it would likely still be faster to go up, as the rock had been kind of hard to protect, and getting rap anchors would be a PITA. Fortunately the hot sun was starting to be obscured by menacing looking clouds. The rain started around 6:30 just as we began the slabby headwall with handcrack pitch. Not enough to make the climbing unpleasant, but enough to make me wonder if that was what was coming. This pitch was a lot of fun. 5.6 or 7, but huge exposure. From there we continued along the ridge, and went up and over a big gendarme. I could then see a rap anchor on the NW ridge and we hurried up blocky ground to get there. This part was three pitches including the big slab pitch, but we made quick work of them. Being on route is very helpful to moving fast. As I started up the ridge, the rain intensified and some wind picked up. It was starting to get a bit cold, and it was now pretty late, but this bit of climbing was fun and varied, and I thought about that instead of what it would feel like to belay two people up to the exposed summit. I got there at 8:30 and brought Jason and Elliot in. Elliot touched the top and immediately turned around and started downleading the route. After changing back into boots and stowing gear I was the last one to make the one rope rap down to the snow (straight forward), reaching the end of the rope around 9:30. It was still light out. Pretty proud about that. The rain had been blowing in sideways from the SW, but we were now sheltered by Dorado Needle itself and had a pretty dry walk (in the dark) back down the Mccallister and up the other side and then back across the inspiration to camp. There were footsteps to follow the whole way, so we didn't need to do much navigating, but we did end up a little higher on the ridge then our camp and ended up having to descend a ways. We got there just after midnight, 19.5 hours camp to camp. We woke up late the next day and reveled in the joy of our speed record for awhile before deciding that none of us were feeling up to doing Klawatti as we had planned. Instead we packed up and headed down to the car. There was noticeably less snow around the waterfall section before the upper boulder field than there had been on the way in. Route finding was the crux of this route for us. We could have moved faster as two, but we lost a lot of time trying to match features up to our route description. Staying left is the key. Once you're on the ridge it's pretty tough to get lost. Gear Notes: single rack to #3 camalot with doubles in .5, .75, and 1, and a set of nuts. Could have done without the #3. Approach Notes: snow is melting quickly. This will surely make the glacier crossings and moats more involved.
  11. I'm interested, can you PM me with contact info?
  12. I'm interested. Can you PM me with contact info?
  13. I'm interested in your skiis. Where are you located?
  14. what size are your feet?
  15. still have the Mt. Hardwear Mitts?
  16. Nope, Pal... You could load up right before getting into it, on the glacier at the base of the gully. After that, no mas agua :-) Thanks for the info! We climbed the route yesterday and hiked out this morning. The snow had melted considerably in the time since your photos. We tanked up right before heading up to the ridge and were happy that we had. Cheers!
  17. sounds like a great trip! is there any water available on the ridge?
  18. bump Make an offer?
  19. Lightly used Pair of Garmont Endorphins, size 27.5. I've used these boots around ten times and have never gotten them to fit just right, I think they would be better for a foot narrower than mine. The liners have been cooked once and the price includes both pairs of tread plates. Asking $100
  20. if this falls through i am interested
  21. bump anyone been out there lately?
  22. interested in this tent. would you ship to seattle?
  23. Could also be potentially available for a climb during those dates. Went up to the carbon glacier last year only to awake to a swirling tempest on the ridge in the morning. Would also be interested in the N. ridge of baker or similar routes.
  24. I'm fairly new to ice climbing, never been on any waterfalls, but have followed 15 or so pitches of moderate alpine ice. My partners have all moved/ gotten married/ had children/ blah blah blah, you know. I've got all the gear and would love to get out on some moderates this winter (chair peak? lane peak? up for anything really). I climb multipitch trad and can belay/ follow anything you like. I'm interested in getting proficient at leading through ice sections on longer routes. My schedule is pretty flexible and I'm just as likely to be off on a weekday as weekend, so if you'd like to get out, let me know! Brandon
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