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Posts posted by hafilax

  1. There's no bibs because not many people buy them.


    I find them way too hot and fartbagish (although I'm a sweaty person). They're harder to layer with and to drop when the coffee hits the bowels. There's more material so they don't pack as small with little benefit from the extra fabric. They're snow specific so they're not as versatile in the shoulder seasons. There's lots of reasons not to like them although since the largest market is resort skiing I'd say that the driving factor is that they're just not fashionable right now


    I'm probably going to get MEC's Dogma pant this year. That or the Patagonia Alpine Guide. Whichever fits better.

  2. vases


    run them through the dishwasher and give them to your enemies (not that you have any ;) )

    Light them with LED's for ornaments

    paint storage

    Fill with sand and make a bola

    poop tube

    mooring floats

    displace water in the toilet tank to reduce Gallons/flush

    get some sodium and make primitive grenades

    pipe bombs for that matter

  3. I think Harper screwed up the campaign and that his only saving grace was the tanking of the US economy. The majority was his to be had. He seemed to downplay his conservativeness and I'm not sure that the people he was targeting bought it. We'll see if all of his left of right talk will see action.


    The Liberals really propped up the last government but I don't think that can be counted on this time. The Conservatives are really going to have to sweet talk the left to get anything done.


    I read the last minute statements of intent of the parties yesterday and there really isn't much separating them. They all want improved child care, they all want to help with industrial jobs, to balance the budget etc. There really seemed to be a consensus of the parties. The only Conservative lines that Harper is toeing is to not increase taxes and putting more people in jail (aside from blessing Canada in his speech).


    As for some specifics, I think that in order to make stiffer sentences he will have to increase funding to crime prevention as a concession. I think we'll see cap-and-trade (whatever that is) since they all mentioned it and improvements in childcare. Childcare investments free up more people to work which seems like a socialist means to a conservative goal. We will also see tax rebates for job creation. I think all of these things will be good moves.


    I found the political map of Canada fascinating. The city centres are on the left and rural to urban areas are on the right. My theory is that the rural areas don't reap the benefits of government programs since they don't have the same problems of urban poverty and crime and they also don't see the extreme wealth.


    I predict an election in 3 years with a new Liberal leader.

  4. :rolleyes:

    The vitamin D thing is because they only just realized how important it is and have even had to backpedal heavily on the 'hide from the sun it will give you cancer' thing.


    You scare the crap out of parents so they will only let their kids out if they're covered in sun screen and hats and whatnot and then blame kids these days for not going outside enough?


    The moment you say 'kids these days' it just means you're old and out of touch. In the grand scheme of things nothing has changed. Kids have the same number of problems as they've ever had the problems are just different. Deal with it.

  5. I'm pretty sure that the Great Roof is the crux and that there is little to no fixed gear based on the videos I watched of Tommy and Beth on it (seems to have been taken down). Lynn's description of a higher pitch involves fiddling in small stoppers.


    I think it would be a notable achievement on a historic route.

  6. Actually, I think I know more people with PhD's in physics who have gone into finances than have continued in physics.


    I'm willing to bet that the warnings about the black-box approach to finances were ignored.

  7. The black tricam is good for shallow placements and I've found some great spots for it that the blue TCU wouldn't fit. Deep placements make it too difficult to manipulate. The white is right out. Maybe for aid.

  8. I started with Camalots #.5->3. I then got TCUs #1->3. I wanted to double up on hand sizes so I got DMMs #2, 2.5 and 3. They span the .75 to 2 Camalot range. C4's hadn't come out yet and they were the lightest and cheapest flexible cam at the time. They're OK but I would prefer C4's.


    Tricams are good if the climb isn't sustained. You place them at the good rests and save the cams for plug and go situations. They are a good alpine rack piece IMO. There are definitely places in Squamish where tricams work better than anything else. The key to getting them out is to give them a twist.

  9. I've been thinking all along that the Republicans are throwing the election so that the Dems will have to deal with the current shit pile. That feeling keeps growing. Why waste good candidates on a hopeless election? Just wait 4 years for the Dems to do no better and then take it all.


    Hopefully Obama can pull it off.

  10. How about if they give just call them common law roommates? Really it shouldn't be an issue of marriage but of commitment to be together. How many sexless marriages are there out there? It's not a issue of sexual orientation but about legal rights given to people committed to spending their lives together.

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