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Everything posted by Adam13
Shit am i that transparent, apparently I have become sloppy.
I'm replying to a post that asked me a question but Im sorry for gettin off topic ROAD KING SUCKS that better
Yeah I agree thats why they draft 18 year olds cuz they are all indestructable. And the white out turn around holds a bit of a wierd place for me cuz my only real climbing partner who is in the navy going through buds(therefore we dont get much of a chance to climb together) tried a winter ascent of rainer a few years back and they both almost died when his friend fell off a 50 foot cliff into the abyss. He anchored their rope and hoped for the best he end up feeling a tug a few hours later and his friend made it back up ok but they almost died from the storm and had to break into the muir shelter to use the emergency radio.
97 now thats being pretty hopeful.Im not sayin a mtn is worth dying for im just saying that if it happens when im out in the mountains I would not regret my decision to start climbing at all. and im 78 lying in a hospital bed at home cuz i smoked my whole life and i wish i would have climbed instead of the path i took. Seriously though im 23 and i have been an athlete my whole life and i know at my age i may have a jaded outlook on the world and death specifically, but if what i posted came off as im some suicidal punk who wants to die while climbing because i think its a sex way to go thats just not true. I have turned around on Rainier twice this year because of a white outs and high winds. But i see where you're comin from.
I love climbing and Im fully aware of the risks and how to minimize them but dont you think that someone has to be a little messed up to want to spend all their free times in the mtns risking our lives. Now dont think im knocking climbers cuz what the hell is normal these days, going to school for 15 years working for 40 and then dying a slow painful death from eating fatty foods and never exercising. Personally if thats how im supposed to go ill take falling of a mountain over whats thought of as "normal"
Not that this is the real issue here or that it really matters but what well balanced person who doesn't judge others and hate for no reason judge a whole damn site on two people. Has he not noticed how many people go after KASKA for some of his posts, but i guess all of us who are caucasian should hate ourselves cuz hitler was white.
Yeah he sent me another one too calling me a poser, too bad you never learn to tie a nuse from climbing. Guess its off to find something under the kitchen sink to end my life with if he is so interest in climbing why does he care so much to send me pm after pm maybe he is the wanker with no life
He said he wished he was me so he could be on here all the time stead of climbing, maybe if he was just looking for partners like he said he should have stuck to the partners forum and not cried about what happend everywhere else. It's the f-ing internet some people are always gonna talk shit. Im still kinda new to this forum but i cant remember reading anyone getting flamed in the partners forum.
Wow I was wrong I just got PMed by him, Now THAT is truly being butthurt, but a creative way of keeping his oath to never post here again.
He did do a good job of defining what being butthurt really is though didnt he?
Do not speak ill of walmart, walmart sees and hears all!!!! skull
I wasnt really condeming you as anything but you were the only person who had bothered to reply studclimbers post about iceclimbing, after it was posted that he was the lowlife who had posted under different names trying to screw people, I didnt say you were him I was asking the other members if they knew anything cuz it seemed weird to me and im trying to protect myself same as everybody else is.
I agree with you there at a certain point it stops being a pure climb and becomes purely stupid. I do wonder how the hell those two are planning to climb Jannu alpine style considering the russians had to aid climb most of the all to get up it, how the hell can two guys carry enough gear to climb a 3000m wall that overhangs at some points. And i dont think the act of pulling large amounts of supplies up the ropes they will have to fix to stick to the wall constitutes alpine style anyway.
I understand what you're saying and I think i did go off a bit more than i should have considering im at best 1/10th the climber those russians are. But in reply to that there are routes alpine style doesnt work for we will see because the Wall of Shadows is a harder climb than the west face and it is being attempted alpine style, although one of the guys trying it basically carried a climber on his back from high camp on everest this year so i guess just cuz he can do it doesnt really mean a mere mortal can.
Is that dude that replied to him just another of his Logins cuz he made a pretty weird post replying to my sportvtrad thread and only has like 12 posts.
I dont need to "wake up" im fully aware of the reality of things but that doesnt mean its right. People are murdered every day that doesn't make it any more ok to walk up to someone and shoot them.
I think he should be the focus of the next "pink point", no one is above the wonders of spray.
There wont be a race, not for the remainder of this term anyway the guy got appointed by the Governor. Although im not arguing the fact he would lose when it goes to the polls at the end of this term.
It was an amazing ascent I'm not taking anything away from them for what it took to get up that wall, but they left a hell of alot of gear on Jannu and thats just not clean climbing accomplishing a first ascent does not give one the right to trash the route. Hopefully they learned from their mistakes and climbed cleaner but that won't be known for awhile. -but for the record im not exactly getting on the next plane to Pak to try and climb the bastion either, great job but considering the work it takes to put the route in, cleaning it off on the way down, atleast to an extent is nothing compared to it.
With this climb, Everest's North Face, and the wall of shadows climb the Russian's have done a great job of proving that if you throw enough climbers and gear at a mountain sooner or later you'll climb it. Now its time for them to stop trampling over the last great alpine climbs and start climbing alpine style like everyone else who wants to be taken seriously these days.
I agree alpine is in a class by itself. I cant remember who said it but i agree, "there are no significant expeditionary climbs left" a first ascent is still a great accomplishment but the first person who does it alpine is still better in my opinion.
They are friggin amazing. Sergey Kofanov and Valery Babanov are gonna try to open a new route on the "wall of shadows" on jannu's north face this fall in full alpine style. The same wall some of the guys on the west face team won the Piolet d'Or for a few years back.
They are friggin amazing. Sergey Kofanov and Valery Babanov are gonna try to open a new route on the "wall of shadows" on jannu's north face this fall in full alpine style. The same wall some of the guys on the west face team won the Piolet d'Or for a few years back.
He's done they already have the bastard's replacement selected Idaho Lt. Gov Jim Risch.
I agree, picking a date was more hypothtical, almost hoping I guess.