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Everything posted by sheaf_stout

  1. Hello left wing nut jobs. Here is more food for you. The "collateral damage" is completely unacceptable. Democrats want gun control in the US but they don't want to control our borders. The systematic self implosion of our society will begin with this sort of politics. The time for political correctness is over and I believe we should secure our citizens from unnecessary crimes which are the side effect of immigration policies and the total lack of border control. This is literally leaving the guard duty post unmanned. http://www.usborderpatrol.com/Border_Patrol901_5.htm http://www.onenewsnow.com/2007/02/more_americans_killed_by_illeg.php
  2. Such a peaceful group. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article1414137.ece Female Pakistani minister shot dead for 'breaking Islamic dress code' (Rahat Dar/EPA) Zilla Huma Usman was an ally of General Musharraf and promoted rights for women in Pakistan Devika Bhat, and Zahid Hussain in Islamabad A Pakistani minister and woman’s activist has been shot dead by an Islamic extremist for refusing to wear the veil. Zilla Huma Usman, the minister for social welfare in Punjab province and an ally of President Pervez Musharraf, was killed as she was about to deliver a speech to dozens of party activists, by a “fanatic”, who believed that she was dressed inappropriately and that women should not be involved in politics, officials said. Mrs Usman, 35, was wearing the shalwar kameez worn by many professional women in Pakistan, but did not cover her head. The attack happened in Gujranwala, 120 miles southeast of Islamabad, where the minister’s office is based. As Ms Usman, 35, stepped out of her car – where she was greeted by her co-workers throwing rose petals - the attacker pulled out a pistol and fired a single shot at close range, hitting her in the head. She was airlifted to hospital in the provincial capital Lahore, but died soon afterwards. The gunman, Mohammad Sarwar, was overpowered by the minister’s driver and arrested by police. A stone mason in his mid 40s, he is not thought to belong to any radical group but is known for his fanaticism. He was previously held in 2002 in connection with the killing and mutilation of four prostitutes, but was never convicted due to lack of evidence. Mr Sarwar appeared relaxed and calm when he told a television channel that he had carried out God’s order to kill women who sinned. “I have no regrets. I just obeyed Allah’s commandment,” he said, adding that Islam did not allow women to hold positions of leadership. “I will kill all those women who do not follow the right path, if I am freed again,” he said. “He is basically a fanatic,” Raja Basharat, the Punjab Law Minister, said. “He is against the involvement of women in politics and government affairs.” A police statement added: “He considers it contrary to the teachings of Allah for a woman to become a minister or a ruler. That’s why he committed this action.” “He killed her because she was not observing the Islamic code of dress. She was also campaigning for emancipation of women,” said Nazir Ahmad, a local officer. Ms Usman, a married mother of two sons, joined the pro-Musharraf Pakistan Muslim League after being elected in 2002. A strong supporter of the President’s policy of “enlightened moderation” - designed to tackle extremism - she was appointed to her current post in December last year according to her government biography. In April 2005, she encouraged the holding of a mini-marathon involving female competitors in Gujranwala – an event which led to riots after police intervened to stop armed Islamic activists from disrupting the race. She also ran a small fashion business from her base in the town. Shaukat Aziz, the Prime Minister, paid tribute to the minister, describing her as a “committed and dedicated politician”. “During her short span as minister, she took several steps for the welfare of the people of Punjab,” he said. Zobaida Jalal, the federal Minister for Social Welfare, added that Ms Usman’s death was an “unbearable loss to the cause of women rights and their empowerment”. General Musharraf, whose support for the US-led war on terror has caused consternation among Pakistan's hardline elements, has promised to address women’s rights as part of his more moderate agenda. But analysts said that the murder of the female minister highlighted the failure of his government in curbing Islamic extremism. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan in a recent report said that violence against women had increased alarmingly, with some of the incidents incited by Mullahs opposed to women’s emancipation. Islamists also campaigned against the Women Protection Bill which was recently passed by parliament, which seeks to provide protection to women who have suffered discrimination under Islamic Sharia laws. Women make up just over 20 per cent of the lower house of parliament, according to the country’s main human rights group, and there are three women ministers in the cabinet of the federal government. But widespread discrimination against females continues to be a problem in what remains a male-dominated society, particularly in the countryside, where most Pakistanis live.
  3. 5WLqIlt39ws
  4. On the contrary. I think I have contributed a couple of examples where I escape your typical stereotypes and offered polarizing alterntatives to your far out views here. Do you want to talk about all those racist comments and illegal immigration next? Maybe I will revisit it if I get bored. I've actually shed some light to my background and life where people like you hide the behind your internet anonymity and cry out against everything I stand for in complete comfort because you fear and or shame being exposed or labeled for what you truly are.
  5. A few more things.. Clinton was a pile of shit. Many of my fellow soldiers perished in the dirty streets of the Mog because of him. The burning towers in New York in 2001 should be attibuted to his presidency as well...
  6. You're extremely delusional pal. I never said that you had to validate your opinion of the war by service. I am arguing about the suggestion to ME that I don't know anything about the spilling of blood by our troops and relating it to family members. I offer my service and experience here on that subject to some internet combatant. Those are facts far beyond your angry emotions or their spineless debate. Whether or not you are pissed about the Commander in Chief is your problem and doesn't relate to me. The numbers are compelling. If you don't like them then maybe you can also lodge complaints to the journalists which are utilizing them day in and day out as well. Your words are strong but they're not really on target. I don't care what training you ever did. It does not necessarily prepare you for what really happens out there. You people are silly. I have yet to curse any of you, call you a racist pig, yet many of you continue your barrages with disrepectful and personal wording along these lines. I'd say that some of you have very serious and unhealthy anger management issues to deal with.
  7. Actually, the only military people that ever impress me, or any other people in positions of power or authority or wealth or simply any kind of accomplishment, are those that never ever feel the need to brag or proclaim their deeds or accomplishments. You, sir, strike me as someone in serious need of constant validation. As is often said 'money talks, but wealth whispers'. Seems to me serving your country is the supreme selfless act and not one you get to trot out whenever you disagree with someone's protests about your country's actions. Or did you only join the military so you could blow shit up? Met plenty of those, unfortunately. You people are soliciting this sort of response. Now when you get the answer you don't like you try to shoot someone's personal credibility apart. I did not serve in Iraq. But I did serve in the Mog and the blood started spilling before we even left the USA. I called in the first medevac as we unceremoniously concluded some tirehouse training and watched PV2 XXX take his last breath waiting for the blackhawk. There were several other members in my platoon which made larger sacrifices than boneheads on the internet trying to play out the acts war from their keyboards thousands of miles away. Validation is key when you want to talk about any subject and claim some sort of understanding about the matter at hand. The pathetic example here was trying to suggest that I might have a problem explaining reasoning for death to family members at home. Let me tell you that I have done this. I looked the widow in the eye and could only offer a few humble words to her and the less than one year old infant son he left behind. Two days before I was busy cleaning his blood from the eyelets of my boots and recalled the entire incident over and over again. Within a few weeks we were seeing firefights and skirmishes on a daily basis. There were plenty of people that never came home from that trashpile too. I would say that it more than qualifies me to respond and tell him what a jackass he really is. So get off your trip about explaining death. The only trashpile I see is the pile of idiots here that think they know about spilling blood and the families which have to deal with it. My first hand service alone; side by side as a comrade puts me far above bottom feeders which come in here and think they can politicize me into a corner about this thing.
  8. I'm interested in what capacity you have served and where. Did you want to share with us? Or can we just assume that you are the outspoken type of coward that is too much of a pansy to actually serve? Please go ahead and cite all of my frequent bragging outbursts one by one. You've come onto these threads and made several accusations of racism and now you want to target my credibility when it comes to matters of discussion war and death. Have you ever had you BDUs spattered with blood from your fellow squad members? Have you ever had to call in a medevac and watch your battle buddy take his last breath before medical help arrived? I didn't think so.
  9. You guys still can't swallow the facts eh? Keep those minds spinning until you can find some useless explanation why gun control doesn't work. Haha.
  10. I have indeed served as a squad leader during a 21 gun salute. I've sat in a bunker and seen people get shot in my platoon. What have you ever done for your country? Protest the war and incite criticism or oppose it in such a way to undermine soldiers? I won't bother responding to the other ludicrous assinine assumptions which you have made. You can try to pick apart the article and numbers to favor your argument all you want. Interesting facts nonetheless.. Don't be upset because I send them your way for consumption.
  11. Right after seeing this thread I found this interesting article about Walter Reed. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/02/17/AR2007021701172.html Read on..
  12. If you think healthcare is bad - wait until your Congress really gets their fingers in the mess. From the people who screwed up Social Security they want to now sell you health care for everybody!
  13. While the liberal media bears down on the war in Iraq with flamboyant reporting and numbers they fail to bring into light numbers from the previous administration. http://www.nysun.com/article/48926
  14. Your morning reality report quoted from the peaceful book. http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/quran/009.qmt.html#009.029
  15. I didn't expect a laborious debate.... The article is proof that gun control is a placebo.
  16. Such a simple solution that doesn't work. As you can see then only the criminals have guns.
  17. Striking resemblence to you I must note.
  18. Here we see the amazing dexterity of Sheaf Stout's logic. Two quotes, minutes apart; the first, comingling drug offenses with a mass murderer, the next, a furtive plea to CC's liberal sophists to keep gun control and drugs separate. Given the revolutionary statistics he's graced our cadre of liberal ignorami with recently regarding the tsunami of homocidal illegal aliens currently invading our nation right under our noses, this latest sunburst of light upon the dark shadows of latte sucking groupthink should come as no surprise. The milspeak "no excuses" only adds to the planetary weight of his argument. You love me. Only media reports and studies made by your fine democracy. Glad to know that I have disrupted the normal complacency here. I really get a kick out of all the racist remarks. I'm not white.
  19. Yes only a few weirdos. It must be a conspiracy theory. http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,,2013336,00.html
  20. Large urban sprawl with high crime rate. I'd say it is a good example considering nowhere else in the US has made such a horrendous mistake yet.
  21. Do you wear a toupe yet?
  22. I prefer to keep the gun control and drugs as separate issues when appropriate. Fine example here because you muddy the waters from the subject which is many honest citizens have guns and should continue to possess this right to defend themselves. The whole wack job method of just outlawing them doesn't work. BTW never did say hang drug dealers. Your pathetic conclusions\delusions about building more prisons are not even on par with the topic. Maybe you should start your own since you want to talk about them. Looking at your post you have made some cheap shots which are all off topic and tried to finger me into saying things which I did not. You'll have to do better than that.
  23. If the story makes you feel like the person who posted it is a racist that is your problem.
  24. Drug pedalers should be dealt with a lot more harshly than what goes on today. It's really an off subject remark you have but this state is pretty pathetic when it comes to penalizing the perpetrators. Example when they let people like Gary Ridgeway get off without the death penalty. No excuses.
  25. Yeah the liberal media at it's finest hour. You know the next thing they will report on this is how the perpetrators are now really the victims of poverty, and a horrible childhood where they were abused or something really ludicrous along those lines. If you ask me this should be headline news instead of bald Britney. Of course the media doesn't want to air too disturbing news for ya. It might ruin their cause of promoting diversity and multiculturalism.
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