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Everything posted by grandpa

  1. grandpa

    Thanks, all

    You bet. I had one and my son had one. This return in the fog bit is one of the first items I considered when making the initial plans. Also, I went up the eveningt before just high enough to get out of the clouds (was VERY foggy at Paradise) to see what it looked like going up and back down in the fog. Got a good perspective that way. Truly, I can hardly wait to do it again, and again.... Dave
  2. grandpa

    Thanks, all

    Thank you for the hint. I suspect that there are many places that I don't know that I don't know about.... too many trails, too few days.... Dave
  3. grandpa

    Thanks, all

    It is, and I REALLY need to retire so I can spend more time out there doing just this. I find myself now planning on another short trip this fall if I can find a block of good weather that coincides with time I can get away... It's addictive! Dave
  4. grandpa

    Thanks, all

    I want to thank all who participate here, and from whom I've learned (and bought from) enough to attempt the Camp Muir hike. I took my son and two of his cousins up a couple of weeks back, and none of us had ever been "in the mountains" to this degree. I used to hike with dad in the Cascades of Oregon when I was about 15, but the kids I was hiking with had never been in the mountains. It was a superb day, and we had an excellent time. We did not make it to the camp, I turned us around at around 8900' because clouds had been filling the valley for a couple of hours, and now were rising swiftly over the Nisqually just to our west, and we were not prepared to spend the night. I think that had I not been reading the various posts on these forums, I would thought nothing of it and would have proceeded on. As it turned out, the clouds amounted to nothing, but I've seen (and read here) it turn out differently. Next summer I'll do it again, and I can hardly wait. Two (at least) things I'll do differently: start out around 6:30 instead of 9:30, and not let the kids talk me into a large breakfast in the lodge.... three things, I'll also go with the expectation of overnighting up there. Again, thanks all. Grandpa Dave
  5. My son and his buddy came up with a good (last minute) idea: "let's go camping tomorrow". So now, it's my job to figure out the "where" part. Where might you suggest within a couple hours of Olympia? They seem to prefer west rather than Mt Rainier (we're going up there next week). Tent and short hike seems to be the idea. Thanks for whatever ideas you care to share... Good Old Dad
  6. Yes, that's the place. Found 'em, thank you.
  7. Hello all. I'm in Olympia for a couple weeks or so, and was just visiting the new Cabellas store. They don't (yet) have topo maps, but one guy directed me to a store in downtown Olympia that has a good map selection, but I can't find the name of it to call to see what their hours of operation are. Anyone here know what this store name is? Dave
  8. Whiteout navigation. Good plan. I do that here every winter, but then I'm on a road also. It'll be quite different on foot, with no "path". I have the maps, compass, and a GPS or two, although I'm trying to get my son to not rely on "hi-tech" only. I'm aware of some of the hazards, don't want to become intimately aware of any. I appreciate the link to the story on KING-5, I sent it to the three kids, want to make an impression, to prepare mentally as well as physically/hardware-wise. Fun! Yes, that's the second goal. First is to get back to the car, and I've explained this to the guys. I can hardly wait! Thanks for all the advice. Grandpa
  9. Thanks to both of you. We're planning on a daytrip, preparing for overnight if all else fails. If WX goes bad, down we go. Yes, plenty of water and sunscreen is in the plan. Dave
  10. Hello, I'm hiking up to Camp Muir early July, taking my son and two nephews (the guys in their 30's, me a bit over that). None of us have been there before, so I'm asking what is a realistic guestimate of the time to go up and get back down. Need to start early, camp over night nearby, what do you say? thanks, grandpa
  11. grandpa

    Muir Snowfield

    I've seen this, and expect it. I grew up out there, but haven't lived there for nearly 40 years. Yeah, I learned to navigate this way when following dad out deer/elk hunting in the Oregon cascades. The compass is my friend, have a GPS for fun and backup though. Ok, good answer, it's one thing I've been wondering about. And the trudge sounds like a good reason to stop and look around...often. That's what I'm up there for. And LOTS of pictures. Yeah, I figure on the hydration, and so far (knock on wood)10K hasn't been a problem, although I've only sepnt a couple of hours at that elevation a few times. Thanks all for all the advice/ideas, I can hardly wait! Grandpa.
  12. grandpa

    Muir Snowfield

    Having never been up this trail, and planning on it sometime this summer (late June, perhaps), what is the recommended hiking hardware? Good boots ok, or should I/we carry crampons also? How about hiking poles? What else? Only planning on a day trip, have no intention of overnighting. If WX turns bad, back down we go, pronto.
  13. Thank you, I wasn't aware of this model, and it looks like what I want, no extras, just navigation. Grandpa Dave
  14. Thank you for the replies, and advice. This is about what I was hoping, and would expect. The weather is my first concern, next is navigation, then watching where we're going. We're accustomed to cold weather, but don't relish getting stuck out in it anymore than anyone else. Streams running under the snow are found here as well (but are usually easily spotted as being at the bottom of a valley), and I expect to recognize the signs well before stepping into one. Thank you all, Grandpa Dave
  15. I'm going to hike up the Muir snowfield sometime this summer, not sure when. Just getting "up there" isn't my only goal, along the way I want to look around and explore, take pictures, etc as well. Being mindful of various hazards I've read of, are there any restrictions to to just "wandering about" once one is onto the snow? Is the path the only, or preferred way for someone who isn't trying to make the camp early for a following day's summit attempt? Thanks for any and all replies.
  16. Ok, check e-mail again. thanks, grandpa
  17. PM your way
  18. Is there a better bootlace knot (other than the one that I've been tying for the past 50 years) that doesn't loosen up? thanks,
  19. Ok, I sent you a couple of notes. Dave
  20. Andrew, is the solio still available? Dave (happy with the jacket)
  21. PM to ya....
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