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Posts posted by Clavote

  1. kevvie and seecocks arguing reminds me of peruvian cockfights. violent+useless


    ps i think it was an accident.!


    Semen should join us in another room. It could be fun. Especially since Molly is not back.


    Am I wrong people?

  2. i'm speaking ultimately, you pay. oj will pay , i will pay, w will pay


    we need human justice in the mean time of course.


    like you. i dont think abortion should be a legal matter,


    It is legal. People can do as they wish. I wish to not have an 18 year payment plan. The whole morality thing is out of whack with reality. People have and do get pregnant when they merely intend to have sex. They can make a choice as to what they want to do with their (her) fetus. Personally, I don't care what people do about this except the last thing I want is the government telling us/her/me what to do about it based on someone else's morality.


    The gene does not care what we think morally one way or another. The goal is to get those little genes to the next generation. For what? I have no I idea what for, but we reproduce none the less and populate the planet. Maybe we will figure out the whole meaning of life thing. But if we don't I'll still enjoy being here for a little while.

  3. Studies show that in North America, the more religious a community is, the more likely its teenagers are to not take precautions when they have intercourse, and the more likely is teen pregnancy as a result.


    Ahhhh..the gene works in mysterious ways.



  4. "You have a lot of info that no one remembers."


    thanks to "the internets"


    "To divide us into colored states is an artifice to manipulate us."


    no doubt. Divide and conquer. The conflict is not the false one of liberal/conservative manufactured by the wealthy elite's propaganda. It's class warfare, the rich and the poor. It's being waged by the rich, it just takes a while before the sheeple wake up.


    "I hope the CIA does not cut my rope!"


    the internets are huge, you're lost in the noise. the only people who get hit are at the top audience wise. Less audience than Colbert or Olbermann your safe.



    I agree it is class warfare (on the sly). It seems to me that the people who can least afford to loose in this are the folks who describe themselves as "RED State" people. They seem to be fooled by this propaganda and culture war stuff. And it's always some poor guy with a rusted buick on the front lawn voting for these guys. I wonder if they realize that their vote really benefits someone much richer than they.


    I also think "blue state" people also get manipulated by the same elite in "blue garb".

  5. Does that qualify me as serious hiker





    This site is call "cascadeCLIMBERS.com, not cascadeHIKERS.com.


    Get out and stay out.





    Kevbone, why don't you go check your own dam site buddy if you know so much??? There spot dedicated to this specificaly, STFU idiot.



    hey seahawk, what's the hardest hiking move that you have ever pulled off.


    I know the answer......is it walking backwards......!



    He's gonna need some pro

  6. Have to side with Virendra on this one.


    Since the advent of the atom bomb war is just a racket (well even before). The recent wars in the middle east have been fought for oil.


    Saddam is a warmonger, just like bush cheney rummy et al. But he did hold warring factions together by force in relative peace. Before the Iraq Iran war Iraq was the most progressive of the Arab states with the best education, the highest standard of living and the least economic disparity. Their reading level rivaled that of the US.


    Saddam was installed by the CIA to control an oil rich region. The CIA is just the police arm of the wealthy elites. Saddam strayed from the reservation when he wouldn't cooperate with the wealthy elites (oil companies). (Oil companies are the richest on the planet.) Saddam's first time was his war with Kuwait. He was manipulating the oil market so bush 1 decided to reign him in by tricking him into attacking Kuwait. The Iraq atrocities incubator babies was a PR fabrication created by Hillton/Knowles a huge US PR firm to get the US behind the war. The PR cost's were paid by Kuwait and the bushies. The "nurse" who gave testimony before congress was the daughter of the Kuwati ambassador. This all was later admitted on TV by James Baker.


    Saddam's second infraction was in 1999 when he converted all his oil dollars to Euros. The dollar dominates the world monetary market so if the Saudis had followed this would be a huge blow. (And BTW Cheney's Halliburton was selling to Saddam during the 90's embargo and has also dealt with Iran during their embargo.) What's the first thing that happened after "shock and awe"? Well besides securing the oil field's, Iraq's oil Euros were quietly converted back to dollars. So the second gulf war is for control of the world money exchange, control of the second largest oil reserves, and unfettered military spending. WMD's and fighting "terror" is just the propaganda reason.


    One other thing, during the first gulf war bush 1 installed US military bases near the holy lands in Saudi. This was Bin Ladens number one gripe. Get you soldiers off our holy lands. What was the first thing that happened AFTER gulf war 2 started? Bush jr. removed those bases from Saudi holy lands. Giving Osama exactly what he wanted. (in exchange for playing a good patsy?) This was right after they "failed" to catch Osama when they had him surrounded at Tora Bora.


    Just think about it. Cheney has control of our military actions IE no bid contracts and also is connected to a company that gets those contracts. The defense industry gets paid to blow everything up and then Halliburton gets paid to rebuild (which never really happens). Then the oil companies cash in because they are getting un-metered oil from Iraq and also are controlling supply. Why do you think the barrel price has skyrocketed? And the bush/cheney/rummy warmongers are connected to ALL these companies.


    By sheer numbers the bush cabal makes Saddam look like a piker. Saddam killed about 30,000 Iraqis over a span of 20 years. By some estimates bushies war has already killed 650,000 Iraqis in just 3 years. And the CIA has killed an estimated 7 million since it's inception, mostly overthrowing democracies and installing dictators. Wealthy elite companies can't make as much profit with a democracy.


    Saddam's trial was a total sham. And not positive but think it was against the Geneva conventions which say no trials in a war zone. Of course the Geneva conventions were put in place to counteract Nazi atrocities, why do you think the bush cabal disregards them? And bushie's grandfather Prescott ran the biggest US bank that bankrolled Hitler up until one year after we declared war. But the trial had to be that way because if Saddam had been tried at the Haige he would have implicated the bush cabal big time because they've been connected for so long. A big time warmonger/killer executing a smalltime warmonger/killer. When we attacked Iraq the second time his army was ranked 40th in the world with a 1.2Bil defense budget compared to the US 450Bil. Whoo hoo, some victory bushie boy. Like Mike Tyson against a blind quadriplegic aids victim. Of course the guerrilla has bit them in the butt, but the military industrial complex wanted it that way, a low level war not fought to win (ie nukes), just like Vietnam, means more long term profit.


    And the timing of the hanging, just to foment the ongoing profit center war. Just like Abu Graibe. How do you think they allowed photos and vids to be taken in a secure area and then those photos all released to the mainstream media? Unless it was intentional? If you look closely the Iraqis were not fighting before this, it took this event to set them off.


    And the mainstream media, what a joke, the propaganda arm of the wealthy elites. All you sheeple bow down to the TV. 90 percent of Americans get their "news" from the TV. In the last 20 years the ownership of 90 percent of the mainstream corporate media has gone from 50 companies to only 5. Consolidation means easier control. Now Cheney only has to know 5 people to control everything that the sheeple "know" about "whuts up."


    You could look at the Israeli connection also with all the dual citizen"crazies" at the defense department, wolfy, et al and the PNAC. Their plan was for an expanded Israel power through US wars helped on by the Israeli lobby. I think rummy the neo-nazi corporate neo-fascist has buggered that for them on the sly. Because now Iraq is sliding into the Iran muslim theocratic state.


    America the killers. The genocide of the Native Americans was one of the most successful in the planets history. Before WW2 Hitler sent emissaries over here to study how we did it. And Prescott went to Oklahoma and dug up Geronimo's-skull and had it on display in the Skull-and-Bones crypt. It's the hypocrisy, the killers killing Saddam because he's a killer, LOL.


    There is only one bright side to all the death. In my senior year in HS in the 70's I studied environmental science. Even back then it was a given that the earth can't support the current population boom of man. It's an artificially contrived number allowed by petroleum farming and the environment can't sustain it for a number of reasons. In that class we studied animal populations that overgrew their environment. The graph always leads to a crash in numbers. Aids and these wars are just a sign of a curtailment of man's numbers. While it may be a dark bright side it is also a necessary one for the planet's survival. I give about 10 percent of my net earnings to environmental causes. Man doesn't need any help directly but the earth does to ensure man's continued existence.



    Well done.


    You know,in the US, we always forget what we did 5, 10, 20 or more years ago. "The masses are asses". You have a lot of info that no one remembers. I guess we're too happy sucking down lattes and krispy cremes and buying chinese made DVD players to care.


    We are manipulapulated in a cocoon of consumerist cush. We act as if there is no war going on. We go shopping and spending like there is no need for sacrifice. And we get divided into RED and BLUE states. Who the hell came up with that?. I don't want to be a RED or BLUE American, I want to be an American and have a spectrum of views and still want to help my fellow human instead of being at odds with one another. To divide us into colored states is an artifice to manipulate us.


    I think the public woke up too late to this Iraq quagmire so we will be paying the bill to the tune of $8 BILLION per MONTH.


    What that money could do to alleviate problems in our own country or even the world, if we so wished.


    Looks like Iraq got fucked and our service people got fucked too. I was in the service, but I would not encourage anyone to join today. You're only defending corporations, not your friends and family anymore. And what the hell happened to Osama?


    By the way, do you think the bush admin is watching this site for politically disgusted climbers? I hope the CIA does not cut my rope!



  7. Just wanted to throw two cents on this one and since the other threads on it are locked, looks like it's going to have to be in spray. Should wait until the SAR report, but want to go into more detail anyway.


    Accidents are usually a result of a combination of factors. This one looked to be weather, physical condition of climber/climbers (age?) and lack of (for whatever reason) adequate gear/supplies. Also some possible complacency or underestimating Hood in winter.


    They sort of took their time on the approach which may have pushed them to the point where there was no time margin with the incoming weather. Maybe because of Kelly's age. It seems like he was overextended after the summit. He may have also been affected by altitude. This happens sometimes with people who climb in somewhere like Colorado. They are used to going to 14K' from a 7K' valley, which is only a 7K' gain. Whereas with Hood you are starting from near sea level and going to 11K'. It's not the peak altitude gained but the difference from base to summit. Not enough acclimatization. And altitude affects you at random, sometimes it will hit you and sometimes it won't, so you may have gotten away with it before but not this time. Add winter on top of that, colder takes more energy and makes it harder to breathe.


    Why did they not have adequate gear? No matter how fast they were they should have had minimum, at least one stove, one bivy sack and one pad between the 3 of them, and one insulated jacket per climber. If they didn't start out with this that was inadequate planning. Maybe they had this stuff and it got lost or dropped in the storm or from cognitive loss due to altitude or hypothermia. But this is questionable since two of them were still on their feet and tried to descend, you think they would have held onto a stove if they had one and just stayed in a snowcave and waited it out. Kelly was found without an insulating jacket. Again if one wasn't taken it's an oversight, most likely he had one and it was lost due to altitude sickness or hypothermia.


    Kelly made it up but was too tired or incapacitated to climb back down the hard way. They didn't have enough info to find the easy descent, either compass bearings or GPS waypoints and the weather made it even harder, due to low visibility. If they had had a stove they should have just waited out the storm. Instead the two who were mobile decided to go for help to save their buddy, knowing he was on the edge without water. The weather was too bad for a descent back down the hard way but they tried anyway. A pair of ice tools aren't "left behind", the two climbers most likely fell.


    The age difference and subsequent physical condition can sometimes be a problem. The older person not wanting to hold the group back goes past his comfort zone. The cell phone is an issue too although it probably wouldn't have helped in this case.. Digital is ok but analog capable is mandatory because of wider coverage, and a ziplock freezer bag to keep it dry. I can see going solo without a phone but with 3 people it's mandatory. And even solo it's nice to be able to call just to say your hunkered in a snow cave and going past your return time. On most of the volcanoes though they only work up high due to coverage. If you don't take it for yourself take it for those who care about you or who may have to rescue you. Even the best climbers can have an accident.


    Snowcave technique is important also. The huge opening in "Freedom of the Hills" is wrong, too much heat escapes. A survival cave has two small holes per person, especially if there's no sleeping bag. This is tricky with blowing snow, someone has to stay awake to make sure the vents stay clear.


    Complacency. Even the best climbers can drop their guard at times. Look at John Middendorf when he got stuck on Half Dome. Assuming because you made it ok so many times before you'll be ok with less this one time.


    The volcanoes in winter. Yes you've been on Denali but Hood in winter has very high snow rates and the wind combined with temps are enough to force you to dig in just the same. If you're not prepared to sit it out you're in trouble. It's like ducks in a row or links in a chain, know the easy descent for certain, carry the minimum gear and don't lose it, important in summer but multiplied in winter.


    Climbing is a game to hone the knife edge of the gene pool, you play to do just that. The stakes have to be high or it doesn't work. But there's no reason you can't stack the deck in your favor by learning from other's experiences.


    Good hypothesis. I agree with a lot of it. I especially agree with the gene pool culling in some cases. It just happens sometimes to the best of us.



    Just came back to pay my tribute to a few good men, here, and, of course, to Sam Coleridge. Thanks for reminding me.



    But thou, my babe ! shalt wander like a breeze

    By lakes and sandy shores, beneath the crags


    Of ancient mountain, and beneath the clouds,

    Which image in their bulk both lakes and shores

    And mountain crags : so shalt thou see and hear



    The lovely shapes and sounds intelligible

    Of that eternal language, which thy God

    Utters, who from eternity doth teach

    Himself in all, and all things in himself.

    Great universal Teacher ! he shall mould

    Thy spirit, and by giving make it ask.


    Therefore all seasons shall be sweet to thee,


    Whether the summer clothe the general earth

    With greenness, or the redbreast sit and sing

    Betwixt the tufts of snow on the bare branch

    Of mossy apple-tree, while the nigh thatch

    Smokes in the sun-thaw ; whether the eave-drops fall

    Heard only in the trances of the blast,


    Or if the secret ministry of frost

    Shall hang them up in silent icicles,


    Quietly shining to the quiet Moon.





    you're back! Thank god because I am in a situation here that can use your horsey, sailing and armchair expertise.


    Here's my sitation:


    I'm high up on my couch, the remote batteries are running low and I may be stuck on fucks network all night. I'm on my last beer. The sun is dipping low in the horizon and the wind outside is whipping up.

    I can expect the temperature high on this couch to drop to uncomfortably low temps as soon as the sun drops below the horizon. I lost my insulation layers last night by the door where I dropped them. I am unable to reach the heater...I'm just lazy.

    As you can see, this situation is threatening to make my New Years evening slightly uncomfortable, if not sober.


    I do have a cell phone and the batteries are also running low.


    So here is my question. Should I use the cell phone now while I still have beer and the stores are still open to call my buddy and ask him to launch a SAR action to get me more beer OR should I just fire up the ganja becon device and wait for help (or daylight) and conserve my cell battery so I can call for a pizza when I get the munchies?


    Which do you think is the better life preservation strategy?


    Oh, and Molly, it still says you're a ghoul? Any luck getting the moderators to change that? And the poem is really sucks.



  9. I don't know.... is it really that bad of an idea to close the mountains down when the weather looks bad?



    Starting 1, January 2007 the rangers will be frisking all climers for firearms. There has been some "chatter" that climbers are more prone to suicide. In an effort to reduce deaths, the rangers will be frisking all climbers at mountain trailheads for firearms between the hours of 10:00AM to 2:00PM M-F. Please note that frisking will be on a co-ed basis. All weapons confiscated will not be returned and you will need to pay for this.


    Have a good day.



  10. Bill O'Reilly stated on his Fox show that he thinks climbers should be banned from climbing or going up on mountains when weather is or could be bad. WTF? He likened it when there are rip tides at the beach. Furthermore he recommended that signs be put up on roads or on the mountain prohibiting climbers from climbing when "bad condtions" exist.


    It's one thing to promote the slaughter in iraq but this is personal. O'Reilly should stick to being "fair and balanced" about politics and democrat bashing.


    O'rilley gets boring. Same spin over and over again. And who is the alien sitting next to him?


    Fox does have some good newstainment, but I generally get my news as raw as possible before the fucks network decides what is fair and processes it to a predetermined "balanced" state and feeds it to me like coke and doritos (not the baked kind) at the minimart of the local petrol dispensary. Chevron...yummmy.


    I guess the point is that they are pretty good at getting people to buy stuff while watching an editorial mudfight. Those advertisers are paying top dollar to fox for that.


    O'riley has no clue what bad weather is and he has never meddled in this sport, to anyone's knowledge. So he's only talking shit about something he does not know to even dumber, and fatter, people who know even less about climbing. Let's hope that we don't end up with a "tax" in the form of higer fee's, mandatory insurance, firstborn security deposit, etc... that only mountain users pay.

  11. I truely hope this room doesn't represent what the real climbers on here are like. I hope this is only the bottom dwellers. If not ban me.

    I'd be better off for it.


    What happened to Molly?


    Molly was interesting in a creepy way, but still, she was creative. She really gave you something to work with when she displayed her brilliantly flawed logic and insisted it was valid by blithely disregarding suggestions to the contrary.


    Smegmahawk, on the other hand, provides no actual entertainment value whatsoever. His words are the equivalent of a baked tostitos chip. Cardboardy and boring.


    Personally, I don't think this thread should close. Keep in mind that posting here probably keeps Smegmahawk busier than one single person posting here. I suggest everyone make a post and let him repsond. It really does not matter what you post since Smagmahawk will make the same reply...but he has to make multiple post where you just have to make one a day to keep him busy.


    And you get to practice spray with someone you don't care about.

    So, it becomes painless and boring.


    You guys didn't ban Molly did you?


    Arrogant Bastards!

  12. Montrail Recall notice relevant to the following post




    Montrail crampons have been recalled.


    I spoke to someone from Montrail and they said that the crampons were breaking and they were replacing them with other brands at their cost. Very nice policy. I got brand new BD sabertooths out of the deal. They work with any boot so it worked out a few weeks later when...


    The Montrail boots I had blew out their goretex bootie. I knew about this, as a customer complaint issue and still went with them, thinking it was an isolated event. It was not. Both boots blew out the goretex and I had to turn around with two flooded boots on Shasta.


    And I was also told that Columbia just bought Montrail.

  13. I have have a Highgear Axis.


    Good altimeter and good barameter. It does work just fine under all conditions that you are likely to encounter. It's cheap too. About $120 on sale.


    The temp is not accurate unless you take it off your wrist.


    The backlight is kinda dim and forget about reading it with polarized glasses. The alarm is weak. I mean weak! Better to stay awake all night and not miss your start or set your cell phone alarm.


    The backlight and alarm sound level are my only complaints. Otherwise, it does it's job and I will not replace it unless it fails or someone introduces a smaller watch with the same features.


    The Suuntos are reputed to be very good too.

  14. Please fuck yourself Molly.


    Little harsh arnt ya! How do we know you are not molly. Having a conversation with yourself. Hell, how do we know who any of us are?



    I know I'm not Molly, because I took my medication and the Molly voice went away. If it comes back and posts I'll know I have to increase the dose or just mix it in with some herbal medication.


    Was that harsh? I said please.


    Fucking yourself has been outlawed in CA. You're not in CA are you Molly? If so, please disregard my post and move to a state where it is still legal and fuck yourself there. Thanks!


    Hey Molly, I know you've been hanging around the city morgue at night. Ghoul.


  15. God has his way of bringing everyone to humility, eventually. So I've learned once again on this thread not to worry about the welfare of others, especially those who would just as soon spit at you as look at you. Therefore, keep on keeping on, let sin increase and let grace increase, because sooner or later, no matter how arrogant, you will meet the rock who breaks you. And, only then, can he start his work.
    God has his way of bringing everyone to humility, eventually. So I've learned once again on this thread not to worry about the welfare of others, especially those who would just as soon spit at you as look at you. Therefore, keep on keeping on, let sin increase and let grace increase, because sooner or later, no matter how arrogant, you will meet the rock who breaks you. And, only then, can he start his work.





    I was right about you. You are a creep. Please pray that god finds a religion board where you can post and people will not hate you for knowing more than god.


    Please fuck yourself Molly.

  16. Is anyone planning on going to Shasta this week?


    It looks like the weather may take a break for a few days to allow the snow to consolidate.


    The ridge routes are reported to be in good shape and it looks like the south ridges may be good later this week. I've done those and they are really pretty in winter.


    If anyone is going, I'd love to go along.




  17. Thanks for the suggestions. I'm going to put off getting a sack right now. Until I can find a place that carries what I want to get in and check out, I'll be using my flash magic. It has served me nicely over the years so I'm not in a rush.



  18. Not only am I arrogant, but I am also retarted, because I don't understand how calling any earlier would have helped the gentlemen on Hood since any potential rescuers could not have been able to get to the climbers until the storm stopped anyway. But what do I know, I don't even carry an IUD, or PLU or whatever.
    They left Friday morning for a day climb and no call came in until Sunday afternoon. They were not prepared or expecting to spend that much time up there. So why did the call come in so late?


    It's a question worth asking.



    Why did your parents make you?


    Were they drunk? did dad take too long to put the rubber on? Did mom pass out before she could make dad pull out?

    we may never know....


    BUT!....It's a question worth asking.

  19. Did something happen on Mt. Hood that required speculation? Did I miss something?


    No, nothing happend on Hood. But I did fall off a clysdale after getting some shit advice from Molly, who has never ridden a horse and only reads ghoulish riding accident reports.

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