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Posts posted by Clavote

  1. My company is also looking for someone to film me while I masterbate.


    Lemme know if you are interested and we'll talk.


    PM sent.



    Fuck kevin. You can't even spell masturbate :fahq:


    you are such a tool


    You don't need to spell it right, you just have to be good at it.


    Are you trying to say that shows the conservatives in a good light? :rolleyes: This isn't about free speech like Faux would like you to believe, it is about their desire to spew any kind of hate and anger through the airwaves. Anyway, Bill Maher is a dickhead too.


    Bill Maher is a dickhead, and I disagree with a lot of what he says. But he had a right to be provocative, and I don't want to live in a country where the thought-police go around and slam their jack-boots on the throats of the politically incorrect.


    The speech you use may some day be deemed "inappropriate" and you might not like the consequences in that type of society.


    True, it's better to trash him here and withold our dollars from his sponsors.



  3. While running in my hampster wheel at the gym this morning, I was watching any multitude of tv's on display and had to LAUGH at the Fox news program wringing their hands over the loss of their buddy Anus, whoops, I mean Inus..


    Conservatives also defended Bill Maher when he was fired for his comments about the American military being "cowardly" in comparison to the 9/11 hijackers - and he's no friend of conservatism.



    Maher is a progressive liberal ass wipe.


    I'm not foaming mouth conservative, but I am a former Marine and I found his comments offensive to me and others in the service.


    he is the kind of liberal you find in Berkeley, CA. And believe me most of those fucks pay lip service to telerance and diversity, but would never want a non-white to marry their daughter.


    Oh My!



  4. I just submitted my DNA to National Geographic's Genographic Project, which is tracking human migration out of Africa through maternal and paternal genetic markers.


    So all of you non-R1b haplogroup mothafuckahs can kiss my formerly-Cro-Magnon-after-hangin-around-in-central-Asia-for-a-while-to-chase-game-white-indo-european ass.


    I kiss my wife's half Mayan, half Irish ass as often as possible.


  5. Finally some spine...


    "There has been much discussion of the effect language like this has on our young people, particularly young women of color trying to make their way in this society,"


    It's an accurate, appropriate statement as applies to Imus.


    But the real "spine" is going to come when black leaders stand up and say the same thing to those in the black community who continue to produce and glorify vulgar, mysogynist, prison culture as the most visible representation of black American life, one that is often the sole contact and exposure rural whites get to blacks. And, as pointed out above, when whites in positions of influence refuse to continue packaging and marketing this garbage as the same sole exposure for other whites to emulate and further their ignorance.



    I agree with you and until there is no money in being a "poverty pimp" from white guilt government officials, this will not stop.


    It can be stopped if people chose to.

  6. Look at the family of Jeb Bush..mixed with Mexicans. Do you think that family will ever be racist. Those Bush kids are not passing for white. They got it. One more family eliminating racism.



    How does being Mexican 'eliminate racism'? Racism as far as I'm concerned doesn't care who is being discriminated against by whom, and it isn't endemic to whites. Some people will disagree on the basis of racism being connected to "institutional power". Supposing that is true, then, let's imagine that 200 years from now that institutional power in the US is controlled by those of hispanic descent (not a far fetched possibility, really). Is this a guarantee of racial harmony and equality?


    Don't fixate on Mexicans...you can add any race in there. The point is that when people mix, there will be less of this crap going on. For those that want to retain racial purity, they will probably be discriminated against. It's not a panacea by any means, but I do think it will change things and diminish racism.


    The point is that mixed people will be in power and not any homogenous group such as "whites" or "mexicans".


    In my own family's personal experience, we have become much more tolerant of others when they became family. We were not overt racists to begin with, but we opened our minds further to others when we would not have otherwise before having a mixed family.


    Years ago, I was havign dinner at Spago in LA when Steven Segal came in with his wife and sat at the table next to us. We reisted bothering him and his wife to say hello even though they were just a few feet away. Other people came up to him and he was jst so graceful and kind. Just an interesting aside.


  7. not all black people are from Africa


    yeah some are from Japan and Greenland :rolleyes:

    If you want to go far enough back then you have to say that we are all of African heritage, no? I am not an expert about this--frankly it never really interested me much. But am I totally off the mark here?



    That is absolutely true and the proof is being added to every day with genetics testing.


    In a few more dozen generations, this discussion will not matter anyway. Your daughters and sons will mix with others and that pace will accelelrate in short order. Look at how many times the census has had to scratch their heads about categorizing mixed race people.


    But most importantly, the racist will die and the ones that remain will become an ever smaller minority in America.


    Look at the family of Jeb Bush..mixed with Mexicans. Do you think that family will ever be racist. Those Bush kids are not passing for white. They got it. One more family eliminating racism.



  8. And for those of you who can't recognize behavior deserving of outrage when it comes along, I'd say adjust your sensitivity dial. He maybe the bigot-of-the-week and you've just been too media saturated to care, but if you don't find his comments completely unwarranted and beyond patently offensive then you are not only as ignorant than him, you aren't even capable of processing it anymore - hard to tell which is a sadder condition.


    His comments towards this team of young women who have worked their guts out to get where they are would be just another racist pejorative I'd expect from at least four of you if you ever spoke honestly rather from your usual couched bullshit. Coming from someone in his position it is no longer a simple matter of personal responsibility and freedom of speech - as an ex-journalist (and Father of a teenage girl) I have no problem saying it borders on criminal on his part as unacceptable hate speech. That the Chairman of GE, NBC, and Bill Gates haven't called for or ordered his immediate firing is about the only part of this incident that is more embarassing than Imus himself.



    I have to agree with you. Imus is an asshole and has always appealed to assholes.


    That some of you have never heard of this anus before this is heartening.


    Imus fuxked with the wrong bunch of college kids. I hope he gets his balls handed to him on a pink slip.


    I have more respect for AMEX, TD Ameritrade and all the other sponsors for withdrawing their ad dollars than for the dickheads that think being politically incorrect is no big deal on an issue that perpetuates racism.



  9. This is great news!


    Congratulations and appreciation go to all the SAR groups who were unified in their defeat of this knee jerk legislation by people who do not climb. BRAVO!!!


    PLB use should be voluntary as it is now. Its a personal choice to choose to take a PLB or not.


    Mountaineering is a self sufficient sport and a game of choices.

    The exhilliration one gets from climbing sucessfully and coming back with some nice pictures should not be diluted with the false security of a PLB or legislation to "protect us from ourselves".


    Let's keep this sport real with all it's attendant risks so that real decisions are made in the moment and not by someone at a desk in Salem or any other state capital.


    I'm off to play natural selection with myself as soon as possible.





  10. Get yerself one of those new Olympus Stylus 770SW cameras.


    Great fun point and shoot camera and it is fully sealed. You can take it 33 feet underwater and it can be dropped onto granite from five feet.


    I also like that it has an altimeter and barometer.


    Kinda cool and it's small. The batteries are real small too.

  11. I would be interested in the snow cat.


    I would love to split the cost. I'm tired of walking from the parking lot. I've tried the cahir lift, but they want you to take it late in the afternoon so you have to do a sleepover instead of a quick one day trip.


    The snow cat means I can be back at the car for an early dinner at Timberline.

  12. What is your preference and why?



    Sabertooth...lots of little sharp points. I have the step-in type because my boots have welts front and back. My wife has the front strap type because her boots only have rear welts.


    Very easy to walk in and they really bite. Very versatile. I have used her crampons when I accidentally took thyem thinking they were mine and they were just as good as the step-in type.



  13. trashterkatenana, that was you? My bad! Are you sure you weren't high? Maybe I misunderstood.


    "Trash someohow managed to arrest me and survive unhurt aided by a tangle that jammed in the belay device" "We were using an pre-existing old sling as a directional (only a mild swing would have resulted had it failed). It held through 6 laps, including a bit of hangdogging."


    I do not ice climb and wouldn't pretend to understand. I only came across the story after Jens came around to "self-promote" himself in another forum.


    Hey, I understand using an old sling, sometimes it just gets too heavy and tedious to carry and use your own.


    Your last line is hilarious. Can I use that in my 4th grade classroom? They'll love it without the "shit" part, maybe I'll just use "do-do" or "#2".


    trashterkatenana, maybe you can help me out with something. The kids in my classroom always say, "Can't wait till 4:20!" What does this mean? I know it has something to do with marijuana, but I am unsure.


    trashterkatenana, please be gentle, I realize this is in the "Spray" forum.


    I am a "good guy", just don't understand how to spray. You guys sound really hard-core, I'm sure I could learn alot from you.





    ...Like checking your sources?


    There has to be more to learn. 4:20 maybe the kids are just bored and want to get out of your class?

  14. Stump shaft...you post and you say nothing. How boring.


    No brains to actually come up with something on your own. You simply copy and paste smarter people's propaganda.


    You really are a pathetic thing.


    How is the Post Traumatic theraphy going?

  15. I think a volcano vaporizer with a large bag would replicate this real world situation and provide a normalized dose in a reliably repeatable fashion.


    Jesus, man, do we think alike sometimes. I was going to suggest the very same technology, and I happen to know someone who has one. Papa's got a brand new smokeless bag, you might say.


    They rent the volcano at the BC party shop in Vancouver.

    Man, does that thing work!


    I would definitely drop someone while using the volcano. Repeatedly.

  16. Just a note - drunk and stoned are not remotely similar, performance on alcohol is a well-documented curve where it is often enhanced up in that 1.5oz range and then deteriorates fast and furious at 2oz and beyond. No such standard performance curve or chart of direct physical/mental manifestations exists for THC on anything remotely like a 1:1 relationship with alcohol. Stoned is one thing, drunk or imbibing to excess and getting near a rope I have a serious problems with.



    So do we launch a scientific test?


    Maybe we could do a reaction test. We belay someone drunk or stoned and see how long it takes them to hit the ground.


    The we check for damage.


    Seriously, you can do a test by having someone belay and stop the same fall. Then you check how far your leader dropped to measure the reaction time (in feet of rope). The THC can be stadardized by using the same weed and administering the same dose maybe in a vaporizer to manage the dose somewhat consistently.


    Such a test would require an enormous amount of repetition to ensure repeatability of results. In other words, Papa's gonna hafta get a bran' new bag.


    Absolutely, good science requires that we get repeatable results so we would have to perform this test under rigorous conditions that would similate the real world. Over and over again. Or at least until someone remembers to write the data down.


    I think a volcano vaporizer with a large bag would replicate this real world situation and provide a normalized dose in a reliably repeatable fashion.


  17. Just a note - drunk and stoned are not remotely similar, performance on alcohol is a well-documented curve where it is often enhanced up in that 1.5oz range and then deteriorates fast and furious at 2oz and beyond. No such standard performance curve or chart of direct physical/mental manifestations exists for THC on anything remotely like a 1:1 relationship with alcohol. Stoned is one thing, drunk or imbibing to excess and getting near a rope I have a serious problems with.



    So do we launch a scientific test?


    Maybe we could do a reaction test. We belay someone drunk or stoned and see how long it takes them to hit the ground.


    The we check for damage.


    Seriously, you can do a test by having someone belay and stop the same fall. Then you check how far your leader dropped to measure the reaction time (in feet of rope). The THC can be stadardized by using the same weed and administering the same dose maybe in a vaporizer to manage the dose somewhat consistently.


    I don't know about alcohol, but I had a chat with my cousin who is a 767 captain for a large airline and his company's attitude is that no pilot flies with alcohol in their system. It seems to be pretty ingrained in the professional airline pilot culture at his company that alcohol is not a good thing to be on anytime you are at your place of work. The FAA also regulates the consumption of alcohol prior to flying.


    My job requires I fly once or twice a week. I have been in several emergency landings and now that I think back on it, I sure hope all those pilots were sober. 1.5oz or not. I would feel better if the pilot flying the tube I am in has zero alcohol in his system.


    I do trust people on weed more than people on alcohol. I have yet to meet my first "Ugly stoned" person.

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