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Posts posted by Clavote

  1. Hell yeah!


    I'll help you perpetrate some crime. I'll bring along my gun, climbing dogs and some illegal aliens in case we want to build something or need to do actual work to commit these crimes.

  2. I was in Alaska snowshoeing a few weeks ago and there was a sign on the traihead that said;


    Found: 9mm handgun on trail. Call to have it returned.


    People in Alaska know the value of a good 9mm in the wilderness.


    In winter, you're going to shoot a irritated moose (kinda hard to put down with a 9mm but you could if you empty the clip) or a hungry pack of woves or a HUMAN.


    Either way, you better have good gun control so your aim is true.



  3. Drug pedalers should be dealt with a lot more harshly than what goes on today. It's really an off subject remark you have but this state is pretty pathetic when it comes to penalizing the perpetrators. Example when they let people like Gary Ridgeway get off without the death penalty. No excuses.


    I prefer to keep the gun control and drugs as separate issues when appropriate


    Here we see the amazing dexterity of Sheaf Stout's logic. Two quotes, minutes apart; the first, comingling drug offenses with a mass murderer, the next, a furtive plea to CC's liberal sophists to keep gun control and drugs separate. Given the revolutionary statistics he's graced our cadre of liberal ignorami with recently regarding the tsunami of homocidal illegal aliens currently invading our nation right under our noses, this latest sunburst of light upon the dark shadows of latte sucking groupthink should come as no surprise. The milspeak "no excuses" only adds to the planetary weight of his argument.



    You love me. Only media reports and studies made by your fine democracy. Glad to know that I have disrupted the normal complacency here.


    I really get a kick out of all the racist remarks. I'm not white.


    You just want to be white. We know.

    You're Michael Jackson!


    Look, there is nothing wrong with being white, black, or any other shade. I like variety. Most people do.

    So what shade of self hating non-white are you?


    However, being stupid should be a crime. You should have said you were not stupid. I would have bought that.


  4. I'n nodding off over here, non white boy.


    I didn't expect a laborious debate.... The article is proof that gun control is a placebo.



    One article is proof?


    You are stupid. I was right about you. Did you buy that one book your proffered as proof about crime? Did you even read it? How can you offer an item of proof when you did not buy it or read it?


    How old are you? You are either to young to use your own brain or too old to know your brain was never in use.


    I like gun control you fucking commie. I hold it with two hands and practice breathing control. I can pick your ass off at 700yds with a 7.62 NATO ball round. I have a fucking rifle expert medal to prove it too.


    I just don't irresponsinble, bad stat quoting, commie assholes like you having guns.


    Gun control...who cares....the right to shoot stupid people..well that would make gun control relevant.


    You're still boring. You throw your old, questionable web sites and psuedo-evidence and run like a coward. Be a man or woman or whatever you are and stick around for the heat.


    God damn, I wish we had some of the other ankle biters around. They were entertaining.

  5. H&R Block is not good.

    Like the other poster daid, you pay for them to type what you tell them. It's stupid money down the drain.


    Get a real accountant or CPA. If you get one of those and they are what is called and "enrolled agent" they were IRS agents before and they know their shit pretty well.



  6. Total non-story. Might be noteworthy if he'd been raped up the ass with an AXE handle then shot FOUR times, or if she'd been burned with KEROSENE and not gasoline. I mean come on! Broom handle ass rape murder immolation three day rape-o'-thon bleach bath murder dismemberment trashcan disposal crimes happen all the time!



    Welllll...that would be a story if the axe handle was black and the anus white...


    Wait, this could cause a lot of people to go black axe and never come back.


    I am sure that there are plenty of white axes violating black anuses and the libreal media (I exclude FOX NEWS from this group)

    will not report this. Where are these stories!?!

  7. Yeah the liberal media at it's finest hour. You know the next thing they will report on this is how the perpetrators are now really the victims of poverty, and a horrible childhood where they were abused or something really ludicrous along those lines.


    If you ask me this should be headline news instead of bald Britney. Of course the media doesn't want to air too disturbing news for ya. It might ruin their cause of promoting diversity and multiculturalism.


    Are you calling FOX NEWS liberal, you fucking NEOCON?


    In any case, if you get raped by a gang of blacks. I'll be OK not hearing about it on FOX NEWS. The most powerful news source on the planet, you fucking COMMUNIST NEOCON.


    Diversity and Multiculturalism are the invention of wealthy progressive liberals. They suck just like you, but from the other side. And they have more money and no old cars on the front lawn, but otherwise they are like you. Oh, and they have better homes and better cars too. What do you drive? A sheep?


    Personally, I do not want to share your culture (it's Un-American) nor do I want your genes in my diverse gene pool.


    But, you will die eventually of natural causes and you will be gone and the world will continue to change and no one will care or remember you. Poof! Gone with your narrow mind and bad stat quotes.


    This is still about some Illegal Alien sleeping with your old lady 'init? I'm not calling you a racist, hell I'm probably more racist that you. But you are stupid. Yup, I'm calling you stupid.

    But only because it makes me feel better about myself.


    Are you one dimensional with this shit?

  8. 1114IMchart.jpg



    Thanks very much for this. Now that I know what it all means I can interpret the spyware log I loaded on my kids computer


    Sonmeone is gonna get a serious beating after school. Fucking kids.


    Thanks again for keeping parents informed.


  9. someone educate me please, why won't these video clips play for me? Am I missing something? Help?


    Update to latest version of Mozilla


    I'm using the latest version of mozilla firefox and it does not work for me either. Even with pop-ups allowed.


    Back to Internet Explorer.

  10. I just want to say that people who don't use their blinkers are not the problem.

    It's the fuckers who speed up whenever I turn my goddam blinker on.


    And that relates to the topic how? Coming from a Canadian lout who has never seen anything real in the world besides some drainage you hiked up or some glacier you crossed I can't really consider your policital opinions as well regarded.

    Yeah, but I'm an ILLEGAL Canadian!!!


    Ha, I knew it. I could tell from the accent on your posts.

    And you could also tell I'm a "he".

    I love your perception.


    Gender is hard to tell with that huge maple leaf in front.


    Goddammit! Our Northern Border is not secure!

    Good thing the Minute Men are on the job!


    Minute Men....I bet the women snicker when they hear this.

    I guess that's why you need a good excuse not to be home when the wife is feeling "frisky".


    A terrorist will slip through claiming to only want to visit Seattle and the farmer's market only to drive down to LA and terraform it with a nucK-U-Lear bomb.


    I know this is off topic...but what is the difference between Canada and Yogurt?


    Oh Canada!

  12. Some people mentioned Superfeet. They are a good improvement from the stock insoles.


    I purchased a pair of SOLE insoles. They are heat moldable and I prefer them over the superfeet because of this.


    They are $40 or about the same as superfeet so they are not cheap, but they do have a 90 day warranty. If they don't feel good send them back for a refund.


    I like the cushyness of the insoles after a long day.

    Makes a difference.

  13. Oregon lawmakers push bill requiring mountain climbers to climb with dogs on Mount Hood


    SALEM, Oregon: There is danger aplenty on Oregon's tallest peak — including avalanches and crevasses. Some say a large dogs can improve the odds of survival.


    Several Oregon lawmakers want to require dogs with all climbers above 10,000 feet (3,048 meters) on Mount Hood — an idea mountaineers resist.


    Rep. Jim Lame, chief sponsor, contends that three climbers who died in December might be alive had they had the required dog.




    Dogs can also be butchered in extreme cases to prevent humans from starving. Warmth and food. I hope the bill passes so I can throw a smaller breed into the backpack and go.


    Even in an avalanche the dog has benefits as it can dig upwards and free itself. Then using it's sensitive nose it can find you and dig you out. If you are chilled after being under the snow the dog can snuggle with you until you are warm. Then if you are hungry, you can eat the dog and survive.


    Dogs, trully man's best friend. I would climb with my dog, but he is too fast!



  14. Your morning reality report quoted from the peaceful book.




    YUSUFALI: Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.




    PICKTHAL: Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, and forbid not that which Allah hath forbidden by His messenger, and follow not the Religion of Truth, until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low.

    SHAKIR: Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Messenger have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.



    You quoted from a college bulletin board?




    Don't you have better sources for your fear incitement.


    These are just two college age dumbasses talking. You fear them?

    Boy, you are one scared and trembling guy. Those two could just as well be Cristians talking. Would you be afraid of them too?


    If you went to college, you would know that people just talk shit and sooner or later they just get with the materialistic program and enjoy the cushy ride on our capitalist system.


    Take a lesson from Fox News, my favorite fair and balanced news source and the most powerful news source in the world, they know how to incite fear and loathing and get people to the polling places on election day. At least Fox makes shaky sources appear credible. You just leave yourself open to ridicule and you look like a rabid, spittle spewing, dumbass statistic wielding, NEOCON. Or just paranoid.


    Shit, man learn some better tactics to incite and I'll get all fired up about illegals and buy a gun and hang out at the Canadian border glassing for Canadians hiking over the border with 60 pounds of BC BUD. Mmmmm, BC BUD.


    And you come in here and drop some lame information, and dissapear, in the wrong fucking web site, I might add. You could be posting on KKK.com or aryannations.org or some such web site better suited for your purposes. Better, yet you could follow up your questionable statistics with some opinion and thereby show some critical thinking skills. If not, you're just another boring bomb thrower.


    I mean. No one here really gives a rats ass. Mostly they come here because of the climbing topic. I mean if people were ILLEGALLY CLIMBING or CLIMBING WHILE ILLEGAL, I could see the appropriateness of posting here. But very few, if any, illegal aliens post here. Most are just busy working for less than minimum wage, six maybe seven days a week. Besides climbing is expensive and every illegal needs to save up some cash so they can go line dancing with those big ass cowboy boots they just bought with the last paycheck. Hell, he might even get lucky and pick up your fat daughter at that honky tonk.


    Or....are you just afraid some illegal alien will sleep with your women....or maybe they already did and you're just pissssssed off! Is this what it all really about?


    How old are you?

  15. I just want to say that people who don't use their blinkers are not the problem.

    It's the fuckers who speed up whenever I turn my goddam blinker on.


    And that relates to the topic how? Coming from a Canadian lout who has never seen anything real in the world besides some drainage you hiked up or some glacier you crossed I can't really consider your policital opinions as well regarded.

    Yeah, but I'm an ILLEGAL Canadian!!!


    Ha, I knew it. I could tell from the accent on your posts.

  16. I just want to say that people who don't use their blinkers are not the problem.

    It's the fuckers who speed up whenever I turn my goddam blinker on.


    And that relates to the topic how? Coming from a Canadian lout who has never seen anything real in the world besides some drainage you hiked up or some glacier you crossed I can't really consider your policital opinions as well regarded.


    Are you stupid? He's ragging on Illegal drivers. You should be supporting his righteous outrage. It's tottaly on point.


    Whatever you read, just add "illegal" and let the outrage continue.

  17. Add your outrage. Screen anyone coming across the border for immigration. Build a wall and keep out the Mexican Troops which often aide drug smuggling cartels from Mexico and Afghanistan bringing in heroin and marijauna. You can cry racism all you want. This isn't racism. Get a grip on reality.




    there are approximately 240,000 illegal immigrant sex offenders in the United States.


    Trashman, tell these victims about your numbers game. I'm sure they really care.



    You get your stats from a book advertizement?

    Wow, you will believe anything. Did you buy the book?

  18. Heck yeah, it's free! Someone pays $500 intro to get the credit card under the name George Washington and gives his address at some house where there are 15 illegals staying in a 2 bedroom house. Then the card holder bolts after maxing out the card at say $2000, never to be heard from again. What is B of A going to do? Mark it on his credit report? Oh wait, B of A didn't have a ss# to access the individual's credit report, or a real name, or even a birth certificate. Good luck on getting their money back. I guess they will just have to pawn off their losses onto all of their other law-abiding patrons....... :rolleyes:


    Yes, this is exactly what they do with any other terms and conditions abiding BofA credit card holder. They spread the pain around if somoene defaults.


    A bank treating illegals just like legals for the purpose of making money. It's a security challenge. Next they will want a mortgage.


    BofA knows the odds are on their side. If the majority of illegals were going to skip out on their CC debts, BofA would not get into this market segment. So illegals are mostly law abiding, debt paying, help an old woman across the street, types. Who, are here illegally because of their corrupt goverment and social system...where they probably could not get a credit card, let alone a job or mortgage.


    I would not be surprised if this illegal credit card market segment paid more interest than the legal market segment and had a lower default rate. BofA has enough information on a customer base and market to reduce it's risk. I bet the same statistical tools they use to view a legal market apply to an illegal market.

    Hmmmmmm...it's a money making conspiracy!


    BofA is not a charity and they would not make a stupid busines decision. Fact is, they recognize the need and provide a product that meets the need and makes profit for it's shareholders.

    He he. Money.


    There is a market there. These people and their dollars are not going to dissapear overnight or any time soon.


    Get a piece of the action.


    Resistance if futile. Capitalism will rule the universe.


  19. Finding a good fitting boot can be a challenge so going to a shop that has knowledgeable staff and good selection is important.


    Get a good heel fit and enough room in the toe box to allow some movement of your toes with the type of socks you intend to use most.


    Having a good shoe shop is important because they can show you how to tie your laces to adjust the boot to your foot/sock combo.


    I had plastic double boots, but went with a leather/synthetic insulated boot. Lighter than plastic double boots and more nimble on the long approach, but not as warm at the colder temperatures.






  20. How does your MLU work when you're alone?


    I solo a lot and something like an MLU is dead weight for me.


    In trips to Alaska I take a PLU which is similar to a boat EPIRB. Uses the same satellite frequencies and contacts SAR via the same satellites. In Alaska this seems to work real well for people in the bush.


    MLUs are more like avalanche beacons. Nice if you have a bunch of other people around with probes and shovels.


    You are close to right on. ;) The MLU is a transmitter similar to an avy beacon. It is on a differant wavelength and power though. When activated it can be trianglated from a much greater distance. They only work on Mt Hood (the only place with the recievers) and they do not work like a beacon for one part of the party to find the others.


    What is nice is that if an outside source has a reciever on they will know that someone in trouble. However, they do not "call for help" like an PLB or EPIRB. Thus someone at home must monitor for your signal or be looking for it.


    Unless you are on Hood stay with your PLB and I would even use it on Hood as opposed to the MLU anyway.


    My thoughts exactly about using a PLB on Hood.


    Information would be transmitted such as location coordinates for SAR to find someone. They just would not know if it was a heart attack or twisted ankle. But they will come get you so you better have a pretty good reason to summon them.


    I would have to get myself seriously in to trouble to actually use it. I would rather avoid any problems wherever possible.

    Or use my Personal Computation Unit to make good decisions.


    I have been renting in Alaska, but I want to buy my own ACR PLB.


    PLB..other assorted life necessities..PLB...new tires....PLB....Food...PLB...large St. Bernard dog...PLB

  21. You know what's funny,


    Sheaf Stout was Derek Hersey's favourite beer

    Derek Hersey was an illegal immigrant - moved over from Britain to Colorado with no green card, lived in Boulder, worked, never got a US drivers license. Shocking innit?


    Hey, that guy didn't "look" like an illegal alien.


  22. I'm reminded of a three day trip I made out to Brewster, Washington, for some traffic free cycling.


    Brewster is a small ag town on the Columbia, so it's no surprise that most of the population is hispanic. The stereotypes are all there: the starch white shirts, perfectly white teeth, polished boots and belt buckles, crisp new Resistols, ready smiles. We cycled into town nervously, feeling at any moment that a gang of these overly polite threats to national security might screetch their F150 with the Virgin de Guadalupe sticker to a hault, drag us into their brightly painted, overcrowded house, and force feed us homemade tamales until we choked to death.


    What a frightening contrast to the minority white population, which consisted of gender questionable meth heads with more than a few ready "FUs" available for anyone who dared to glance at their drunk driver smashed picket fence dentition for longer than a psychzoids microsecond.


    Build the fence! Protect our white trash from the Invasion of the Mole Hordes!


    I'm getting a Bhrama Bull sticker on the door of my volvo.

    It will go good with my wranglers and big belt buckle.


    Yeah baby!

  23. Maybe the rest of these jokers and not just climbers should be required to wear them as well:


    Oregon SAR in 2005:


    activity % of missions


    1. motor vehicles 20.5 includes ATV's and snowmobiles

    2. hiking 13.8

    3. wandering 10.1 hiking w/o fixed destination

    4. hunting 9.4

    5. boating 6.4

    6. suicide 5.5

    7. swimming 4.2

    8. fixed-wing aircraft 3.7

    9. climbing 3.4

    10.mushroom picking 3.0


    :laf: Great list, Doug.


    BTW, does this:

    ...3. wandering 10.1 hiking w/o fixed destination...
    include the Alzheimer group?


    I hope this includes Zombies or a significant part of the climbing community would be excluded.

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