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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. bullshit. the offense revealed has nothing to do with "frailty", but the fact that the image was, well, offensive, and disgustingly so. About the equivalent of painting black face to mock African Americans. Nauh, dis funny. Heuh we gots dis av'tah witta nicknamuh KKK defeninna blaick folks. He also wahnnin' n cryin' bout OH-fensive pichas wit Chrise gittin down wichis boyz, when Ah seemta RE-call soitun pichas a deaid bahdeys n buine chillin n sheeit, real offens'v imges ebby sing-el wuhn, he been postin' recenly. Ah guess white folk lahk our KKK feel dey kin play bah diff'n rules dein da resuv us, thas awll.
  2. The shitbag's address is 5112 Leary Way NW. Big rotten blue craftsman, 2 story, with lots of junk in the yard. Do with this information what you will.
  3. Don't know if this is the right forum but it's important for all climbers who have had (like me) or might have their gear stolen. I stopped by a yard sale today to look at a gas BBQ and noticed that they were also selling a duffel full of climbing gear, including new ice screws, rock shoes, a water filter, etc etc, all for $10. WTF? Then I noticed it had a luggage tag on it. I bought it and called 911. The cops took a report. I then googled the original owner, called him, and got him his gear back. Turns out that his house had been broken into a month ago and he'd lost many thousands of dollars worth of stuff. He was so shaken and pissed off from the experience that he was strongly considering moving. Fortunately, he'd also filed a police report. The cops called back and said they questioned the seller, who claimed that his mother had died and he was just selling off her (climbing?) stuff. Riiiiiight. It also turns out that he has a rap sheet a mile long. Lesson for victims: File that police report! Also, mark those duffel bags or include ID inside the duffel bag so you can be contacted. Even just your name and a city or email is usually enough nowadays. Lesson for shitbags: Remove the name tags, you dumbshit methhead.
  4. I think you missed the context, I was making a funny and telling the zealots to lay off. Anyway, I'd love some uber hip coffee shop, as long as it had good coffee and was open past 10!!! The rest of your urban vices will quickly wither in the light of the REPUBLICAN PARTY!!! I totally got it, my man. Just thought I'd paint an uber ridiculo landscape to keep the love going...
  5. That part of the lesson has been indelibly burned into every strand of my DNA from now on. I had actually moved to one side because I felt a bit nervous about my belay position. The ice hit a few inches from where I'd been standing. For a millisecond I wondered which thing I should dodge more; the big red thing with all the spikes sticking out of it or the big white thing with all the sharp edges. Another cheap lesson from today: We were using an pre-existing old sling as a directional (only a mild swing would have resulted had it failed). It held through 6 laps, including a bit of hangdogging. Nothing about it looked good for a rap, so I took it off and inspected it, only to find that it had been chewed completely through (on the opposite, nonvisible side of the tree it was girth hitched to). Basically, the directional we had been using all morning held because it was frozen to some tree bark. BTW, the aforementioned pitches (all on the same falls) were in excellent condition and really fun.
  6. The Bible is very clear on this. Jesus referred to Peter as his rock. Rocks do not fart. Unless they are molten, but that's not what Jesus meant because you don't build your church on molten rock, unless you want it's history to be short and dramatic. Now, churches that have been built on rocks have been destroyed by molten rock, but that's not at issue here. Furthermore, archeological evidence reveals that Jesus lived in a time and place where hummous was common, and that shit makes you fart like a Lawnboy. We also know that from scripture, or somewhere equally reliable, that the Pope shits in the woods. Therefore, it stands to reason that if a world leader like the Pope has been known to lay a steaming coil trailside, then a world savoir certainly would have been willing to relieve a little internal discomfort after wolfing a Philistinian gyro special and a couple of PBRs. Finally, Mary Magdeline wrote in her gospel that she found Jesus' farts hilarious. This passage has been deleted by some Christian sects, but, nonetheless, Biblical scholars the world have repeatedly backed up it's existence.
  7. I've been thinking about my Last Supper depiction and I've decided an apology is in order to those it offended. The Mickey's bottles were bullshit. I should not have photoshopped them into such a beautiful painting of such a sacred subject. Whether you're the Son of God, just a man, or both, Mickey's sucks. Jesus, being a frugal man of the people, would probably have been a PBR man. After all, he was not immune to being a little bit of a hipster, given that he hung around with kick ass babes like Mary Magdelan and what were basically 1st century beatniks. No way he would have touched a Corona, the party beer of choice for Pharisees. Microbrews? Uh, no. No one in their right mind would preach all day in the Middle Eastern heat with a raging IPA hangover. Harp? Nyet. Why compete with the celt's main head diety? Budweiser? Forget it. These aren't a bunch of centurions we're talking about here. So, while I don't have time to photoshop in a case of PBRs, I hope those of you who were offended will accept this apology in the spirit it was intended.
  8. When we're fuckers, we're fuckers. When we're not fuckers, we're useless. I'm glad I'm a man. I could never make it as a women with this fucked up personality.
  9. The Toe was huge when I was in high school. I'm not sure if certain girls were wearing appliances or not, but you could have run helicopter tours through some of them.
  10. "If there is someone you'd like to know, then show 'em The Toe!"
  11. Nah. We keep the pitbull chained to a cement filled tire out back. French Brittany. Nice dog, except he's always trying to figure out how our technology works, and he always gets it only half right. His singing voice sucks, too.
  12. OK. Do you have a coyote or other predatory animal I could borrow for a while?
  13. I'm damn lucky it was natural gas instead of propane. That shit's REALLY bad news.
  14. "Office of Special Plans". Ya gotta love the NewSpeak. What they were doing with this office (shooting unvetted intelligence straight to the top) is called 'stovepiping' in government circles. Homey.
  15. I used to work in Everett. I really miss it. The Buzz Inn. Fishbowls. Turner's.
  16. Purt damn near. Except that it doesn't have a "Richarde's".
  17. Ballard? Oh, Puleeeaze. "The Ridge", my good man.
  18. Wow TTK!! That tops this story on the "fuct factor". I like the fact that I know how to kill a man with my hands for reasons such as this. Yeah, what sucks is that the wimmins now want to be escorted home from our neighborhood pub. The single guys are all over that shit.
  19. He doesn't need to; he can lick his own balls, but he usually waits until we have dinnerguests over.
  20. My wife was attacked by a homeless psychotic. He slammed her onto the pavement, she fought, and escaped. He killed another woman later that day by doing the very same thing. A friend in our own neighborhood was slammed into the sidewalk so hard that her face looks like Dick Cheney missed another shot. Again, by a homeless psychotic. Policies that set these people adrift are neither good for them nor good for the rest of us.
  21. I can say with absolute certainty that that is extremely unlikely. Unlikeliness presupposes a certain amount of likeliness, regardless of how small, suggesting that absolute certaintly very likely does not apply. Uh, I hate to say this but...that was the joke. Well, part of it anyway. I was also referring to the absolute beliefs under discussion. Lame, I know.
  22. Yer a perv, Dwayner. Now there's a daiper destined for Ebay. OMG I can predict the future! That must mean I'm God! I'm not ready for this!
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