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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Another good summary. Is it Christmas today? Blaming Obama for what the teabaggerz are doing locally is bullshit, of course, but the problem is very real, particularly in red states. Given the Feds inability to find its own balls (thanks, in large part, to the teabaggerz), its all about the states, now. Much of the meaningful reform is happening there (DOMA/gays in military/women in combat accepted). Conversely, much of the damage is happening there (voter suppression), too. Thank Dog I live in WA. About 10 years ago, the ACLU recognized that states like Mississippi could slide further into social justice shitholedom, so it restructured its funding distributions such that 'donor' states like WA now subsidize states with weak chapters like Mississippi. This structure has worked very well in helping to prevent more state by state utopia vs shithole stratification. While WA now has the luxury to take on the death penalty, states like Mississippi battle still battle far more potentially damaging idiocy like personhood at conception constitutional amendments.
  2. Whew. Finally somebody shows up to this party with some tequila poppers. You just saved me 10 years and the effort of learning how to read. Takk
  3. I was elevated from Retard Bully to Gay Top Party Operative today, so there's that. You should have just given us that summary, Prole, like Pink should have just defined 'special rights'. Both were honest, relatively non-combative, reasonable requests, no? Now look at the mess you've made. Mr. Paul! Paging Mr. Paul!
  4. Yes, populations are split between Conservative Brain and Librul Brain. That may be news to the replicants, who don't do Science, and Ultra Progressives, who don't either, but that is apparently the way of the Hairless Monkey, like it or not. Societies probably need both to keep going. I would say we've had a bit too much of conservative brain in the past decade or more - given the string of avoidable disasters of late, but then, is abject stupidity and unbridled avarice really avoidable?
  5. Regarding Ivan, I've seen him in action. He's a good teacher - but I say that mostly because he invites me to speak to his classes. That's not Ego talking. It's Talent.
  6. I'm more familiar with his wife, Samantha. I'll read the piece - it may take a year, or 10, I may need a defibrillation, but, as Dog is my Witness, I shall wade forth. After that, I'll be staring down a fresh copy of Syntactic Structures. Hard cover.
  7. You may discuss poo, your Mom, or ballz. Pick one.
  8. That's OK. I got the second part - actually, the first and second go together - and that's all that matters.
  9. This has what to do with this discussion, exactly? Actually, I'm no longer sure what this discussion is about. It was never summarized for me. I shouldn't even be here. I'm admittedly not familiar with the author's work, in the same way I'm not familiar with James Joyzzzzzzzz.
  10. My posting about Republicans supporting gay marriage was way, way more surprising and interesting. Yours was more for people who wish to discover that second, translucent set of eyelids, like the kind birds have.
  11. This is, indeed, a slow news day.
  12. I guess my take away from all this is: the GOP's mouth is filled with corporate cock - this is news? Oh, and I never got to the Obama part, on account athefact I don't read so good, but now that you've told me...I AM SO OUTRAGED. My question is: what's the proposed change or action being recommended? Summarized, of course.
  13. Hell, I'll get Bone a job, too. They can finally work side by side to clean this mess up.
  14. Being a Top Party Operative, I can get Mr. Paul a job, but it won't be for thinking. The current janitorial service at Party Headquarters sucks.
  15. So, let me get this straight. Lawmakers employ lobbyists and think tanks to help them write legislation and provide them with talking points and position papers????!!!!!!! I think the author may be attempting to transform a Poli Sci 101 text into an Tom Clancy flick.
  16. One of those two brothers spends more time out in the sun than the other.
  17. Tents seem to blow away during the climb more often than they shred. Guy it down with the upper attachment points using deadmanned snow filled stuff sacks and you should be OK. Otherwise, your stuff might wind (get it?) up in the wrong hands:
  18. It's called poor writing skills, actually. It has nothing do to with ADHD culture or lack of depth of the audience. The best writers can communicate complex ideas succinctly to an audience that isn't necessarily 'on the inside'. This author seems incapable of pulling that off. No abstract. The piece just rambles on and on and on. All the genius in the world is useless if you can't communicate your ideas effectively. Anyhoo, no summary from you, I'm not going to wade through the author's masturbatory piece, so that's all I've got. Resume the insults as you see fit. Also boring. Bye.
  19. This is a knee jerk reaction to an emerging technology. I'm surprised at the Bonian language from the bill's author, who otherwise seems to be have been a respected legislator with decent credentials. Emergency? That's baby talk. The trend is that anyone will be able to afford a video (or weapons) capable drone the size of a fly in the very near future. This is a clumsy attempt to bolster the social contract with legal sanctions in such a world. A better approach would be to examine privacy laws in general to ensure that they are robust enough to cover any technology that may arise. The law says nothing about piloted aerial surveillance, for example. What's the expectation of privacy in a given situation? What is the 'victims' responsibility in safeguarding their own privacy (showering with the curtain open, Facebook settings, etc). At what point does unauthorized use of pics, voice and video become a crime? What about misuse of sexting? Finally, our drone strike history is what has kicked off this craze. We need to more closely examine the human rights/legal implications of summary execution by drone, but that is a different issue, at a different level of government, than RC choppers. Oregon and other states would do well to look at their privacy protections rather than focus specifically on toy helicopters. That's a lot harder to do than licensing (what a waste of govt resources) toys, and legislators are as shy of hard stuff as anyone else.
  20. Asking for crib notes is the opposite of dismissal - its asking for more information in the form of a summary (I have to explain this to an attorney?) The piece reads like Noam Chomsky on meth in the throes of a stream of consciousness, name dropping conspiracy rant. Just wondering what new ideas were being presented. GOP splintered. Check. Demographics aligned against them. Check. GOP soul searching. Check. My eyes glazed over at that point, I think. Brevity is the soul of wit and all that. The author might do well to schedule a coffee date with his editor once in a while. No abstract, no nutgraph. He just commences flushing. You could build a pyramid with those weighty, blocky paragraphs. I have to wonder if the author laments the death of the scroll. Ugh. Oh, and Prole, I think the phenomenon is called friendship. Not that I have time for it, or the article, what, between bullying retards and stalking 20 somethings.
  21. 75 prominent republicans sign an amicus brief in support of gay marriage Once every 100,000 years or so... FOX has yet to mention it.
  22. The law, as written, includes felonies for certain types of drone use, and explicitly outlines the 20 year/375K maximum penalties for them.
  23. Crib notes, please.
  24. tvashtarkatena


    Always a charmer.
  25. True dat. Unless your lucky enough to see a really big one come off Foraker.
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