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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Give me a fucking break. Exactly how, in any real way, are Christians in this country 'being persecuted'? Are you being denied the right to marry? Forced to have children you don't want to bear? Being denied jobs? Housing? Loans? The ability to worship as freely as you wish? Or is reading criticism on a forum full of the non-religious you willingly and actively participate in your definition of 'persecution'? Some of us would simply call it that self flagellation, which, I realize, has some religious history in itself. We hear this A LOT from the evangelicals, how persecuted they are. In the very next sentence they claim, as you have just now, that Christians are the majority in this country. Um...pretty hard to persecute a majority, unless you're South Africa or something. This schtick is nothing more than an old and tired propoganda ploy to divide US from THEM in an effort to more efficiently fleece the flock and justify the persecution Christians actively seek against other groups, such as gays, whom they feel violate the beliefs of their cult.
  2. Scientific fundamentalist? That's a looooonnnnggg stretch. How about a simple respect for the rule of law and equality of all religions in this country? Your statement reveals a bit of a misunderstanding of 'democracy', which does not include embracing the tyranny of the majority, as you suggest it should. That's where the Constitution comes in, to protect a democracy from just that. The Constitution prohibits making any "law respecting an establishment of religion"...."or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". This could be executed in two ways: allowing all religious displays in government buildings such as the capitol, or allowing none at all. If the Church of Enumclaw were to have a display at the capitol, for example, there would be nothing the populace could legally do about it, 'democratically' or otherwise. Should the issue ever reach the Supreme Court, the ruling would likely be to disallow any religious displays in government buildings, given the ruling against displaying The Ten Commandments in a courthouse a couple of years or so ago. IMO, this is probably the best approach towards equally respecting all religions, regardless of how generally acceptable they may be to however large a slice of the population. The Constitution doesn't give one shit about how much or little of a majority of the U.S. population believes in any one creed. To state that such a statistic somehow lends some kind of legal legitimacy to one religious group over another reveals a basic misunderstanding not only of our laws, but also of one of our core American values.
  3. We came across the border today to see flags flying at half mast. I always think "Oh no" what that happens. I finally figured out why. It's no small miracle that two nations who fought each other so ferociously and who sprung from two such different histories could remain such fast friends for going on 63 years now. Campi to all our Japanese friends out there.
  4. so much for sustaining energy with wind power..... SHEEIT, I gotta get up in two hours for another purposeless day of climbing. Maybe I'll just throw myself off on lead because, you know, what's the point of it all, anyway. No encouragement, please. Nighty nighty righty tighties.
  5. Wanna purpose? Make one up. Hell, that's what the thumpers do.
  6. I subscribe to more of a Stephen Jay Gould perpspective: consciousness evolved because, well, it just did, and now we're stuck trying to figure out what to do with it. Not very sexy, I know, but easy to remember.
  7. Pink, pass the bong on over here.
  8. I do have a belief...that you're an idiot. But you're young enough to get a bye for a few years. Extreme results thereafter? I'm pushing 50 here...how about right fucking now?
  9. If you don't believe in atheism, then I guess that makes you an aatheist.
  10. Wait a minute, you actually QUOTED that? Sweet Jesus....
  11. OH, and the one who dished us the most shit was our ship captain's daughter. Just to ice the cake. A nastier little cunt I've never met. Since then, even the worst evenings have seemed like a blessing.
  12. Actually, now that I think about it, is there any other way to go to an Eddie Money concert? The trouble was, I couldn't seem to get drunk enough fast enough.
  13. I actually found myself at an Eddie Money concert once. In South Carolina. With two white trash skank southern chicks. Who hated our guts, but we bought the tickets. Cuz we hadn't had a date since slavery was abolished. And they say I don't believe in hell.
  14. I almost cracked a tooth with my mouse swinging it around like that.
  15. shaddup kid. yer a different generation and ya ain't gonna get it. Ya but all my CD's are from the 70's and 80's DOesn't matter. You didn't live during the wastrel generation. Yer never gonna get it, no matter how much you bug the shit outta yer parents to let you in on it.
  16. shaddup kid. yer a different generation and ya ain't gonna get it.
  17. The act of defecating in one's own mouth is more pleasant.
  18. I'm concerned with the African situation.
  19. Ya make millions. Get a dental plan, mfkr.
  20. I'd rather have a blowfish inflate in my ass.
  21. blows leprous pugs
  22. sucks choad
  23. Ever seen my photos? No confusion on this end.
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