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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Ineffective dweeb. Sadly...yup. I should know...I did all the same shit. Got tired of 'no results'...and the progressives who produce them.
  2. Well, gay marriage may not be big deal unless you're one of the 20-30 million Americans who can't get married to the person they want to. Similarly, marijuana policy reform is probably not a big deal if you're not one of the more than 800,000 Americans arrested for it every year, or you're not black, and so have a 3 to 1 bias working against you in the criminal justice system. No, not really big deals at all. As small as these issues, are, however, there are organizations out there who have nothing better to do than to pass a domestic partnership law in WA, overturn prop 8 in CA, reduce marijuana enforcement to the lowest priority in Seattle, and coordinate a legalization initiative in CA. And win 4 major SC victories against Gitmo and eventually get it shut down, win a major court case against illegal surveillance and harassment of peace protesters, be legal observers for the WTO and anti-Iraq protests.... Nope, nothing to see here.
  3. No. But the size of something else is obvious. Now don't even think about answering Rob's questions. No, you wouldn't ever want to do that.... OK, I'll do it for you guys... From it's website, FreePress.net seems to be an umbrella organization that primarily does public education and a letter writing email network. It's main campaigns are focused on Net Neutrality, supporting non-commercial public media, improving the quality of news by watchdogging FCC licensing requirements, and working against media consolidation. Big actions include a holding an activist's summit last year and filing a complaint with the FCC regarding highly editorialized news. It has an email based letter writing network, but no permanent lobbying capability to direct and focus those efforts. It does not seem to do any legal action. It's annual budget is just over 3 million.
  4. Actually, no. No one in the post asked for your extensive resume. You insinuated what others were doing needed your assessment of their effectiveness. Great - you're working for the ACLU, we're estatic for you. Wish others were doing the same. I don't feel the need to get into a "mine is bigger than yours discussion". But here. I found an extra chair for your ego. I asked for what you guys did...nothing. I asked for what your causes agenda was. Nothing. I asked about your pet organizations track record. Nothing. If you really think this is a comparison of dick size, you're dreaming. I'm just trying to figure out, with all your complaints, all your bluster, if there's anything real under there. So far, I got nothing. You had an opportunity to introduce your efforts and organizations to a broader audience here, but instead you choose to talk about 'puffing' and 'zero sum'. Shit, someone else asks the same thing, and you whining cuntz still can't come up with a single answer. Think you can't get donations via Spray? I've done it several times. But then, I use a slightly different approach. Is there any wonder why you and yours lose battle after battle? Cuz it's pretty clear to me.
  5. Yes, I'm at a loss to think of how the media will be reformed; self professed ignorance on the topic. For an effective advocate, that represents an opportunity. Apparently not for you guys, however. Is there any reason I should not write you guys off as a whining, ineffectual peanut gallery? So far, I've seen none here.
  6. I was asked for my personal contribution, I gave a measurable answer. So did Rob. If that's 'puffing'...it might be because you're weighing it against your non-answer to the same question. In fact, out of the three of you, none of you answered any of my legitimate questions. To the audience: We report, you decide.
  7. You've apparently misunderstood a genuine request for more information for something else. That has more to do with you and your issues than any organization you may or may not be associated with.
  8. A contribution to FreePress or OpenSecrets.org would likely be more appreciated and speak more directly issues likely to further the struggle for real progressive change. Look I can do it too! Except that there's no 'too' here. You're playing a different game...one that we don't play. We don't need to. Our track record speaks for itself.
  9. Effective Activism 101 multiple choice: When someone genuinely want's to learn more about your organization and asks clear, concise questions for which there are presumably clear, concise answers, you should: a) Give them the one minute elevator pitch explaining what the organization does, how it does it, and what its recent successes have been - something any serious activist should always have at the ready. b) Dodge the question c) Post the 'Knuckledragger Crossing' graphic d) Start a 'zero sum' discussion.
  10. Our state agenda currently focuses on drug policy reform (with a focus on marijuana), addressing to the school to prison pipeline, the surveillance society, to name a few highlights. This does not include a long docket of legal actions, many of which have immediate, national impact (Major Witt's case being one). We've had a very good year on both fronts.
  11. If you give to the ACLU of WA, half of your money is used in our efforts here in WA state, and half goes to the national office to be redistributed to the weaker state chapters like TX and MS. WA is a 'donor' state...unlike many other states, we have the fundraising capability to help shore up efforts in other states with weaker chapters. If you give to national, some of the money is used on national efforts, and the rest is redistributed to state chapters as needed.
  12. Can I blame you for fucking up Movie Maker?
  13. I have no idea what the fuck you're on about, here. I'm sure you'll tell us, though.
  14. Our donors are perfectly capable of choosing where to put their money on their own. We don't get involved that that decision. Our donation levels have not been correlated with the economy, BTW.
  15. Effective Activism 101 Lesson 1: Lobbyist: A person that a) helps write the policies and legislation you need to get your agenda enacted and b) has long term relationships with the people with the power to make those changes. Nope...you certainly wouldn't want one of those working for ya.
  16. Yup. No answer...again. Just more progressive 'I'm purer than thou' bullshit. Here's a classic opportunity to sell FreePress to a broader (OK, not that broad) audience and possibly recruit more people to your cherished cause. FAIL.
  17. Schoolin' your ass at the moment. Hardly. So far, not one of you fucks seems to have done anything that has actually made a difference anywhere for any of the causes you supposedly care about. That, or you're all just too cool to talk about it, but, somehow, I think it's probably more likely to be the former. It's hardly a secret why the progressive movement stands in a dark corner of the gymnasium, forever wondering why no one wants to dance.
  18. Like wise dude. I'm sure you've personally assisted in moving the Gibralter of democracy further to the left while deriding the efforts of us who manage to lobby and volunteer while holding down a job and family responsibilities. Do you want a step ladder to assist in the dismount off that horse? Back to work for me. But thanks. I feel inspired now that I know you're there working for us. Nope, I'm just a foot soldier for an organization that produces real, well documented, long term results...the Witt court victory being just one of many thousands. You asked about my personal contribution and you got an answer. Quid pro quo doesn't seem to be your strong suit, however. I'd love to learn more about your efforts, but the tooldom that is apparently required to be a member of the progressive movement seems to make that an impossibility. Well, I'll let you get back to 'talking about it'.
  19. Yup...did'nt expect a real answer to any of my questions. Donation amount = $0.
  20. Oh, and BTW, I've personally raise over $60,000 for the organization for which I'm also a board member, and given over 75 public talks all over the state on topics ranging from torture to drug policy reform for that organization as well. As for the organization's list of successes, I'm sure the Free Internets might yield that pretty quickly.
  21. Let's say I'm a potential donor to FreePress or whatever your deal is. Show me a track record of results so I can decide if its a good place to put my money, rather than into another, more effective organization. Go....
  22. Obviously a hot button issue for you. Your opinion seems to be that with our current state of open media that there's no reason to be concerned of the continued trend of corporate money dominiating all sorts of media. I never accused anyone of jumping in the rightwing cesspoll. Just that I consider this opinion niave at best. And your insinuation that I'm just a whiner and not doing anyting else. Well, I don't need to show you my resume - . You can tell us how wonderfully effective your lobbying efforts have been. And I want charts. Nope, none of the above, but thanks for doing my thinking and issuing statements on my behalf, Mr. Free Press. Certainly no hypocrisy there LOL.
  23. Does FreePress have a lobbying effort? What are the highlights (victories) of its efforts to date?
  24. What's your involvement in these efforts?
  25. Funny how, when I ask progressives specific questions as to the effectiveness of their efforts, I always get one of the following: 1) A snide remark about how I've defected to the Right or some out of context misinterpretation of a previous statement 2) A dodge 3) No answer at all
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