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  1. The wife and I are headed to Norway in August. Going to spend 7 or 8 days in Lofoten. Any other beta you can add? Just starting to look into this now. We haven't decided 100% if we are going to bring climbing gear as we've got some other stuff we are going to do. The plan at the moment is to fly into Harstad and rent a car for the time we are in Lofoten. I tired looking at he links in this thread but most of them didn't work. If we don't bring gear anyone have some recommendations for some scrambles and hikes? Thanks.
  2. Was it a blue jacket? I carried that out. Was a long day. Left the car at 6:30 and back at car at 8:00 (9:15 for the two who went back to look for his jacket).
  3. Nice report. we did the same route yesterday, did it in a day. Saw in the summit register that you lost your crampons. When we got back down to the Ingalls Creek trail one of our group realized he dropped his jacket and decided to go back and look for it with another in our group. The other two us headed to the car. Anyway they found his jacket and I believe he said he found your crampons as well on the jacket mission.
  4. Drove by the on Monday on our way home from Pentictan. The lake definitely looks low. Have been wondering about this area for some time now. Is all of the climbing accessed via boat of some sort? Couldn't tell from just driving through. Looks like a great place. Will have to get up there.
  5. Love the night shots. Sure has been good weather for it lately. Wish I was able to get out.
  6. If it was indeed 1984 when you were up there it could very well be. This sign was in a pretty random place (I'd say maybe around half up from the river crossing to the lake, maybe a little higher). Only saw it because the guy I was hiking with went a different way than I did and yelled to me that he saw it otherwise we would've never seen it. If it related to that I wonder if those are the last names of the two climbers and they were the same age or maybe its something completely unrelated.
  7. Hmm, that sounds like it could be it. Here is a photo os the sign.
  8. Went for a hike up to Price Lake yesterday and ran across an old sign in the woods. It appears to be a headstone of sort, it was in the form of a cross and had the name (I assume it was a name) Rimas Gylys on it and two dates 1958 and 1984. The sign has definitely been there for a while. Wondering if anyone has run into this sign before on your way to Price Lake area and knew anything about it. I tried looking on the internet but wasn't able to find anything. Thanks.
  9. LINK This jackass is selling "ice shoes", a "repel harness", and an "ice hatchet". Anybody have a big north face duffel full of ice gear/clothing stolen recently? Maps? That's a strange one. That's the most suspicious part to me.
  10. Granted it wasn't over the busy weekend, but I had no problem getting a permit to camp at Caroline this past weekend and we got the ranger station at about noon on Saturday. Unfortunately weather came in Saturday night so we didn't end up getting to go up Cashmere.
  11. Wow, Buck looks like a great place, may have to add that one to the list. I know what you mean about being bored when by yourself. I have done many hiking trips solo and usually have no problems with it. I had Monday and Tuesday off so I decided to go for a hike up to Robin Lakes solo to spend the night on Monday and had the same feeling. There wasn't anyone around for miles which was a cool feeling as well as a bit eerie. Got pretty bored after a while as well. It didn't help that the bugs were relentless and you couldn't sit still for more tan 2 seconds without being absolutely swarmed.
  12. Was going to try Tomyhoi yesterday, but about 1/2 mile up the road is a large tree across the road. That's as far as I made it.
  13. Recently got a new transceiver and have an extra so no need for this one. Its in great shape, comes with carrying case and ear peice. $125
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