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Posts posted by geoff

  1. Trip: Squamish - Several easy ones


    Date: 7/29/2008


    Trip Report:

    Once again, Canada wasn't sure they wanted me but in the end let us pass as long as we gave up the pepper spray. So we made to Squamish even though there were 40k rockers headed to Pemberton to jam on some Tom Petty.


    Climbed Kalanie Crack, Diedre, Banana Peel, Broomstick Crack, Laughing Crack and Fairy Ring. Broomstick crack is an amazing flake that goes on for 100 feet or so.


    Stopped at Mt. Erie on the way back. Great views from here.




    Approach Notes:

    Via Starbucks

  2. I remember the day the hippies came to my town, or at least close enough for us to drive down and take a look.


    We arrived in the middle of the night. Not being actual hippies we couldn't leave until we got off work. I'll never forget driving for several hours to the middle of nowhere and being alarmed by the DEA, FBI, local cop encampment with horses, flood lights and generators and then equally alarmed 100 yards down the road by the hippie sticking his head in my window saying "welcome home brother" parking's on the left and the parties on the right.



  3. I guessing it was for another reason. The song rocks. As do the Pumpkins, mostly.


    Somehow, Yellow Submarine never enters my head when climbing although, after seeing this video, the Pumpkins probably will. By the way, have you seen Jethro Tull's video on YouTube? That dude has got to wondering who the F put me in this outfit.


    If I have to hear another Beatles tune, I'm killing the ones still alive, if there are any.

  4. No, no. I love climbing with you and all the Butte regulars.


    I also love the condoms and broken glass, as long as it's not from my window.


    But, I feel a need to conquer Gandolf's in a better style than I have dealt with it in the past. Alas, it was a run up the corner instead.


    Maybe thurs., if I'm still welcome.




  5. Climbed RA last week. Penji rope is in place.


    The rap was mellow but is set up for 50M ropes so don't pass the anchors. Also, near the bottom, when you come to big tree with slings, make sure you rap to the east and NOT down the fall line. Anchor is around corner near dead pine tree.


    Other routes should include Munginella, Jam Crack followed by TR of 10s, Bishop Terrace....



  6. If anyone is looking for a good bolt candidate to replace, I always thought the third or fourth bolt on the second pitch of New Generation at Carver, the one right before you traverse to the left, is the worst looking bolt I've ever clipped.



  7. I have a boat, 1989 Sea Ray 190, that will hold about 7 or so folks. It needs some minor TLC, registration, insurance and a licensed driver (OR anyhow). Also, it's in PDX.


    I could get the registration, insurance and license but would probably like some help cleaning and making a minor repair to the carb. due to non-use for several years.


    Let me know who wants to help work on the boat so we can get it out to explore. Banks Lake, the Gorge ??? Gas is an issue though.


    Anyhows, I was wondering why I kept this thing around. This could be it.

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