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  1. The area above secondary face and immediately past the end of the rock outcrop that forms main wall (open book, etc.)is outside the park boundary and is private property. it might be owned by Avista, but I think I remember the assessor's map showing private land owners. Someone's probably sticking in a house or 12.
  2. Land ownership is sort of a mixed bag back in there. It's probably owned by the developer, but set aside in a conservation easement since there is some sort of avian/wildlife setback on building in that area. Someone from the local DFW office could walk by (and they might, their office is just down the road from the "Y") & tell anyone doing route development that they are in a protected species habitat area... but unless you're pulling down nests, you're probably OK.
  3. Could that be HAPE? or maybe just a case of going snowblind?
  4. Anyone interested in a 'lil spring fling up there next month? I haven't been up there when the snow is still on the ground. It might be too cold to climb much but it'd be a fun low key winter camp. NYC's strong - he can haul in the BBQ and I'll pack the flask(s).
  5. I agree, don't bother with the guide. With a little knowledge you can do it yourself. BTW, if you're near Bloomington, the Hilly 100 is great training! I think I rode that the first time when I was 7 or 8 (well, the first day anyway) so maybe your 7-year old would like it! Also a note of caution - once you see "The Mountain" you will probably NOT want to go back to Indiana... I know I didn't!
  6. White-out is by far the most dangerous thing encountered on the trail to/from Muir... besides those Hoary Marmots! IN any event, read Freedom of the Hills and make sure you know how to use a map and compass. The climber's registry office has maps with bearings already drawn in when you get to the mountain. BTW, what kind of training are you doing? If you're in northern IN then there are only 2 elevations: corn and soybeans. If you're in southern IN it's a different story!
  7. CdA.. spending my days looking at the boulders off Tubbs Hill. Joe, when are you going to show me the routes!
  8. The Huey at Vantage a couple years ago was out of Yakima I think... at least that's what I remember the 911 dispatcher saying. Is there another outfit down that way still offering SAR support?
  9. Kurt, have you been up there this winter yet? I'm thinking about a quick overnighter in the next few weekends if the weather is good. BTW, got a CD-R of Bluewood Brokeback Climbing for ya!
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