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Posts posted by whidbey

  1. Your hurt now Jens and doomed to be a fatty... Stay away from the KFC World Famous Bowl.. taste like shit and and don't know where it became famous.... Chicken..brown rice and lots of greens will get ya through it... sucks for flavor though....


    You eat only that and you'll be damn regular and also not gain a pound... if it's bigger than your fist.... it's to much... 5 meals a day and you will survive intact... every three hours.. yikes... to much work... It does work though.

  2. I'm not a far right democrat or a left wing wacko.. Have it be known I bothered sending money to John McCain six plus years ago.... God hoping to keep this dipshit out of office.... I wasted my money but McCain continues to be a pain in the ass of the far right.... What the fuck is wrong with not saying yes to every fucking thing that the right has to offer....

  3. Sorry... flame suit on.. But Mattp is one of the most rational people on this forum. If you think Bush is great and never tells a lie... great on ya. In years to come we can all have a laugh about how fucking great this administration has been...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfCI4bbL8ws

  4. I was impressed with the size of his balls.... he will now be considered a terrorist by the right for questioning the government... Serious balls... I for one was impressed.

  5. Fairweather... I don't! I think it's fine that he's upset. I just wish if he really had a problem with the Mountaineers... which he isn't sure caused the problem that maybe he should have contacted them. I hate shit being left of the mountain.... I pick it up and am bummed that people leave stuff up there. I'd rather just pick it up and move on. Dumb asses will always be found in the mountains or at sea level.

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