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Posts posted by XXX

  1. trango S and trango S evo will most likely fit exactly the same, because they are molded from the same last. the glacier will probably fit slightly different and has a chance of not hurting your toe. that said, you could just go a half size up in the trango s evo as well.


    that is true, I could go up half a size. However I notice when I wear looser boots ice climbing it does not feel good on my feet. Feels like they may fall off hehe. I may try the glaciers. Anyone here have the glaciers? What you think?



  2. there's plenty of cock to suck in Utah!


    Moderators....please show this person the door. This is not spray.


    I've seen plenty more offensive things on cc, otherwise have fun in SLC. its a beautiful city

  3. One other thought on weight. For technical rock, lighter is better, so burning off excess fat while maitaining/increasing muscle is good. For high altitude climbing, a reasonable amount of fat stored up is a good thing to provide a fuel reserve if you lose appetite or get sick at altitude (or get a bug from food/water once you arrive). I had a friend who headed to Cho-Oyu this fall in the best shape of her life....solid muscle with little or no fat...her typical (rock-climber) physique. I commented mid summer that she might want to bulk up a bit - that her body would start consuming itself at altitude....and she laughed and commented that she was too vain and that she would try and eat more once she got to Tibet.


    I just saw her at vertical world last week for the first time since she returned and asked her how it went. The first words out of her mouth were "you were right about the weight thing". She never made it past camp two. Obviously Kili and AC are not 8000 meter peaks, but I'd think a little extra flesh would serve you well at least on AC.


    Take note you skinny rock wimps

  4. So here is the deal. I have been using Khoflacs(sp?) for a very long time, probably 8 years. I have used them for everything ranging from glacier travel to ice climbing. Their heavy and I hate them, but they are warm!


    I was using the trango S for awhile but for some reason they hurt my toe. arghhh.


    Right now I am thinking of purchasing the La Sportiva Glaciers (they are black you have probably seen em) OR the LA Sportiva Trango S evo. What would you suggest? I am just looking for something that is light and versatile for alpine/glacier/alpine ice. I know this sounds silly but the Glaciers just look cool and sexy =) Any ideas?


    T :grin:

  5. I didn't get out every weekend, but I climbed like a mofo this year. Cragging once a week after work, and long trips every other weekend -- bumped my leading up several grades, and spent a week in the olympics to boot.


    Thailand in a couple days, and them I'm ready for winter. Let it snow while I'm gone, hey? :tup:


    Oh what you doing in Thailand? :grin:


    Two parents a male and female is the best option for raising kids. If you do not like monogamy then I suggest you do not have children. Otherwise it is the best option of society and for raising kids.


    I already am married (with children), and am quite happy in a monogamous relationship, as is my wife. However, we both know (and know of) several "couples" of three people. They seem happy and the children seem happy. It occurs to my wife and I that perhaps it is possible to love more than one person. Why not?


    I also disagree with your comment that a male and female parent are the best option. I know two young children who are being raised by a lesbian couple. They are doing a great job, better than many male/female couples I know.


    Why are three parents automatically bad, if everybody loves each other?


    I thought it was an interesting thing to ponder. Don't you?


    You want an example of where marriage has falledn apart and has contributed to a break down of morality? Then I would point you to many of our inner cities, where nearly 3/4 of children are born outside of wedlock. Where many males have numerous multiple partners. Now you can argue this point till your blue in the face, but the lack of fathers in many of these communities has contributed to crime, sex, drugs, and gangs. Most of these young kids are being raised by women. You need both a man and woman to properly raise a child.


    It is better to encourage marriage, then to discourage it.


    Is marraige perfect? By no means!! Are there a few outlyers who will defy the odds? Of course! But overall marraige is a good thing for society. Two parents are ideal. I'm sure some lesbians make great parents. But the number of homosexuals who want to have families I doubt is very large.



  7. Do you think monogamy is a natural state of affairs for humans? I'm not so sure.


    Has anybody here ever had an "open" relationship with someone? I know of a threesome (a woman and two men) that apparently are very happy.


    Academically, I think monogamy is probably a cultural invention. But at the same time, it's hard to imagine it being any other way.


    Food for thought.


    Two parents a male and female is the best option for raising kids. If you do not like monogamy then I suggest you do not have children. Otherwise it is the best option of society and for raising kids. If Neither appeal to you, then don't get married.



  8. I LOVE THIS WEATHER! While all you Seattle transplants are popping pills right now because of seasonal depression and just realized you paid too much for a house with some of the crappiest weather in the country, I'm sitting here with a raging hard on looking at ski prOn and the weekend forcast!


    Who's crushing flakes this weekend?!?!?!11111




    Ya I wish all the transplant would go back to cali! :cry:

  9. By next tuesday/wenseday we could be seeing this pacific bomb tracking just south of Vancouver island. Possibly 975-980mb, we maybe in for some exciting weather!! Gusts up to 65-70mph? lets hope. hehe


    Get ready for a stormy October and lowland snow by november. All of this while the eastern 1/3 of the nation gets torched by record warmth. =)

  10. the largest discounts will be for used rental gear(tents, packs, stoves, axes, crampons, plastic boots), and closeout new items...(big puffy coats, gloves, outerwear, headlamps, bivi sacks, cookwear)


    everything in the store will be on sale, at a minimum of 20% off! lots of sizes, lots of gear, lots of people buying said gear, come early save big. as well, the more you spend on used rental gear the more you can save on new gear.


    If I can score a 300 dollar item for 50 dollars it will be worth it.

  11. The 2006 and 2007 calendars were a bit disappointing because they were mostly repeating 2002-2005, but the 2008 calendar has all new material, including:

    some shots w/ Cerro Torre in the background

    a great shot with offwidth thutching


    check it out... http://www.stonenudes.com/


    Whats next? climbing porn!

  12. can anyone tell me what it has been like in years past? Like approx. how many tents are sold, and how many things are really 70 percent off. I live quite far away, and am trying to gauge weather it is worth getting there at 6am on friday morning, and lining up.


    I was wondering the same thing, will it only be 70% off for like socks! :cry:

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