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Everything posted by fresh

  1. I had the edge of that schrund collapse on me last summer. Luckily it was earlier in the season and the moat was narrower... the shelf of snow lodged a couple feet down making for a nasty jolt but nothing more. I'm revisiting that memory today and feeling very lucky...
  2. I would recommend waiting until springtime and bringing skis. Useless advice I know but skiing sure sounds better than unprotected 5th
  3. Bump. Happy to trade rope for good gear karma and/or a six-pack!
  4. My partner and I found a stuck rope at the base of the Northeast Buttress on Chair Peak today. It's in pretty good shape so I assume it hasn't been there long. If it's yours and you want it back just send me the description. And if you don't want it back, please let me know about any huge whippers, exposure to battery acid, etc. so that I can make sure to use (or not use) it appropriately
  5. You say the boots are 13.5... would that be mondo 30.5-31 or thereabouts? If so I might be interested in just the boots but not the whole setup.
  6. Thanks for the info!
  7. I'm thinking about heading up there later this week. Did anybody check it out this weekend? I heard that the couloir still went as of a week ago but had a real skinny snow bridge. Would appreciate any beta. Thanks!
  8. Daniel, we were the skiers that climbed up the Finger with you in the morning. Nice meeting you. Thanks for helping finish off the boot track! KK, I think you must have seen us after we cut over onto the upper Nisqually. We decided to get away from the crowds unleashing rocks on the cleaver and found a neat little traverse through the broken-up section. From there it was pretty smooth going. The ski down was fun, though most of the Finger sluffed as soon as we started making turns
  9. I tried it. Got a ticket up NF Teanaway road and didn't bother to contest or pay. Yakima Federal Court sent me a friendly request to please appear (or send the money)... so I'd probably recommend dealing with it one way or another
  10. fresh


    Yeah, those ones in the ground are VICIOUS! Four of us amassed about 20 stings on the way in to Logan this summer. Luckily we figured things out eventually... stay away from rotting logs at all costs, and when in doubt, go first
  11. Do you have brakes installed on the binding? If so, I'd guess that's the culprit. You might want get rid of the brakes and just use leashes instead. Wildsnow.com has instructions somewhere, it's a pretty easy fix. My experience was that the spring on the brakes had a tendency to pop the binding into ski mode. Super annoying, though it is a handy excuse to stop and let someone else break trail Anyway, once I got rid of the brakes the problem went away.
  12. Here's what it looked like from the Nisqually this Saturday (6/3):
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