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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. kevbone


    I would like to welcome Bill Coe and Ivan to the 5 digit club
  2. Again, violent threats are not protected speech. They have long been a crime. Violent threat - you mean like you opining on Spray how someone should have put a bullet in Bush's head? What a stupid thing to say...then Cheney would have been pres.....
  3. You're one of the delusional morons. Bill might be delusional (just like the rest of us)....but he is not a moron.
  4. Divide and conquer. Oldest line in the book of how to obtain power. It is working perfectly.
  5. Agreed. So the right really needs to back off with all their hate talk.
  6. Us and them are the same thing. Dem and Reps....are the same. They both support big business and big spending (two unpaid wars/occupations). Nancy Pelosi is just as much to blame as Bush. IMO.
  7. All 19 highjackers were very right wing!
  8. Wow....looks like Brian Levin has defined all Republicans pretty well.
  9. i doubt that suprises anyone 10,000 posts......
  10. No truer words have ever been spoken.
  11. 21 more days until climbers get picked on at Beacon.
  12. I have never had a flu shot, nor will I.
  13. The problem with this statement is in bold.
  14. are you saying the ONLY reason kids EVER fight is cause their parents aren't giving them enough attention? They will not ever make poor choices as long as you are giving them enough attention? Kids fight because they're tiny little humans, and they're learning to interact with each other. They can often make poor choices and need to learn from that. Just wait until your kids get old enough to start try8ing to deceive you. Or, maybe they'll never do that as long as they get enough attention? I guess that it's always the parent's fault when a kid screws up? you're a funny guy, kev. As you know. All kids are different. All kids have different temperments. Not all kids try to deceive their parents. The best parenting decision we made (IMO) was to get rid of our TV. My kids get zero screen time. and yes...I am a funny guy.
  15. Right from the get-go brother. Who ever said my kids dont have rules or boundaries? You did, when you said you don't "impose your will on them." How can you have rules and boundaries without imposing will? He said it in another protracted thread in the past. Basically, if K's kids do something wrong he just distracts them. "Hey you punched your sister... look at these gummi bears". Yeah, that teaches a lesson. If you give the kids the attention they need in the first place, then he will have never punched his sister in the first place and there is no need for a "lesson". I know these theories are way beyond two simpleton parents like yourselves but one can dream.
  16. Talking parenting online is just about as relevant as talking vaccines or 9/11 or obama or climbing
  17. My friend that is not robbery. That is a company living up to its own standard. A standard that has made it what it is today. A giant in the outdoor world. I have friends like this....I try to persuade them that what they are doing is not right....but they are dirtbag climbers working the system. God...I can’t believe I am sticking up for REI (Return Every Item).
  18. REI stands for Recreational Equipment Industries.
  19. kevbone

    NPR: sucks

    But is so much more fun to be a step behind and troll you.
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