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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. Is that what qualifies as a punch that landed? Real award-winner thar, pardner. That hurt sooooooooo much... Hard to punch someone who punches themselves all day long. is that better?
  2. "starring in" or "staring at" "none have" Those were for your edification, Sobo ;-) Well...hell. I may not be able to spell, but you are still a republican.
  3. What is funny is you are doing a lot of throwing punches....but none has landed yet.
  4. Boner is like the monkey in the enclosure that flings his poo, picks his butt and licks his finger, and pleasures himself - all for the reaction from the onlookers. I suppose that is better than staring in gay porn.
  5. That would be your way. Not mine....thanks!
  6. Oh yeah. The snowboarder dude.
  7. You sound like a gravy train........
  8. Once again your hypocrisy shines through. You of all people do not get to "whine" about someone else on the web posting "inappropriate" stuff. Do I have to go back to 10,000 of your 15,000 posts to show you what inappropriate means?
  9. Get off your hobby horse about whining in the web Mr. hypocrite. 99% of your posts are whining on the web. Ok....maybe 98%. that is spray.....if you dont like the conversation then go back to the sand box and let the adults talk.
  10. kevbone

    Obama & guns

    So sorry you think my question is the same thing as your post.
  11. Of course you cook and clean....right after you tell your guest that who has come up to ask how they can help....."thanks but I got it".
  12. If Lynn Hill decided to grace my campfire ring, I'd be pleased. And I wouldn't expect her to have to do a thing. It would be my pleasure. It's called giving. There's no expectation of a "payback"... Can we agree to disagree? I still think not cleaning your own bowl is poor form. No matter how you slice it. My father taught me that if someone gives you something you try your best to be gracious. One way is to offer to help do dishes. blah blah blah.
  13. I dont care if you are Lynn Hill.....if you show up and not even wash your own plate....that is tacky any way you slice it. Legend or no legend. It was poor form.
  14. Are you putting this Alf person and Fred Becky on the same page?
  15. You hear what you want to hear. So are you saying that you wouldn't nab a chance at having a climbing legend join you for dinner at the crags after a day of climbering? Let's say Fred showed up at yer campfire... would you run him off, too, cuz he didn't bring a spoon or wash his dish? Man, lighten up. Your lid's screwed on too tight if that's how you really feel... Not saying of that. You need to lighten up brother......
  16. You hear what you want to hear. RON PAUL FOR PRES!! McCain for pres......
  17. You hear what you want to hear.
  18. Thanks for sharing. I agree with Kitty. Showing up with nothing to contribute then not even washing his own bowl. Not cool.
  19. I started this thread to wish the other fathers out there a happy fathers day. At that time....it was my first. Now I have had 5 fathers days.... To all the mothers.....this thread has turned out to be about the children, so please post em up.
  20. kevbone

    Obama & guns

    Oh, yes, libtards are such uniters! My statement is not one side or the other. Both parties are very good at this.
  21. kevbone

    Obama & guns

    Hand guns. Purchased for self-defense. Quite a few libtards would love to ban them. Who? Where? provide links please......
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